Super Healer

Chapter 681

Only shawaqi pointed to Chu Feng and said, "I will do whatever I can to restore your unruly behavior. Your cruel means will bring a human rights crisis to the holy pilgrimage. I firmly believe that you are inspired by the holy pilgrim, so you can cut off other people's heads without bottom line."

"Don't you know that the Geneva conventions also apply to a fight between two men?"

Savaki's low drinking softened the look on Weiss's face. Masai Mitsui also calmed down from his anger. They invited savaki to the pilgrimage to face Kato's violent death, and the result was like this.

But in everyone's complicated or thoughtful eyes, Chu Feng kicked open the headless corpse of Kato mu, and jumped down in front of shawaqi. His blood stained body made people feel palpitating.

Shawaqi's entourage saw Chu Feng, the evil star, standing in front of her. She was anxious to draw a gun to rush in, but it was not close. Countless military police and wind door members blocked in front of them. Zhou Jingxing spoke faintly in the distance: "the result of the battle of life and death is out, the rest of us can't interfere!"

This is in the Imperial City, the center of the power of the holy court. If she wants to impact, she can only suppress her impulse. After considering security, she supports savaqi to fight against the human rights issues and tyranny of the holy court.

At the moment, shawaqi looked at her beautiful face, but gave people a kind of oppressive Chu style, and felt the strong male flavor of the youth, and strong bloody subconsciously opened her mouth: "do you want to do? I'm savaki, director of the international human rights organization. Are you going to kill me

Chu Feng suddenly put out a hand and grabbed shawaqi's collar, which made many people worried. He was afraid that Chu Feng would really kill savaqi, but he just looked at shawaqi indifferently. His words were plain: "Mr. Nick said before the war, today's fight ends with one party's life and death."

"Now when you talk to me about human rights, Nick, you're deaf?"

In the distance, Nick's face changed in the guard's protection. He didn't expect Chu Feng to put the blame on him. But he did say these words. At the moment, he looked at savaki and hoped that the woman would not mess around. Otherwise, he would investigate him. If he said that, how much responsibility would he have to bear.

Savaqi also realized that Chu Feng was not just a boon, squinting his eyes and snorting: "even if the nature of the war is so, Kato has lost his fighting power. Standing on the height of human rights and morality, you should not cut off his head again."


Chu Feng sneered and drew her hand close to shawaqi. Looking at the colorful eyes, she said, "you will say that to me now, but I know that if it is me who died, you must say that you deserve what you deserve. You are just a joke, director general of human rights organization."

In shawaqi's ugly look, Chu Feng looked down at the collar he had pulled open, and the corners of his mouth picked up a hint of fun: "I don't see it. It's Pink!"

Then she pushed aside shawaqi. Chu Feng walked directly past her, and her eyes swept over the Weisi people. Originally, the turbulent Weisi people wanted to summon up courage to look at Chu Feng. However, when they touched Chu Feng's cold and merciless eyes, they lowered their heads and looked like swords in their eyes and hearts.

His eyes then moved to Nick's body, with a touch of irony and fun. When the latter also bowed his head, Chu Feng straightened up his body, and his voice was loud and clear: "bath and change clothes, prepare for the plane, go to the river and sea, chop off the head!"

With these words, Chu Feng left directly in the presence of the members of the Fengmen, leaving the stunned dignitaries and shawaqi. At this moment, they remembered that Kato's death was not the end. According to the conditions before the war, Weiss had to pay 9999 lives as the price.

All people's faces changed. Shawaqi also opened her mouth wide. It's hard for her to imagine Chu Feng's daring to take the world's disrespect and kill nearly ten thousand people. No, with the dead Kato wood, it's just ten thousand people!

At the moment, there is no time to think about it. Shawaqi summoned her entourage to take a bath and change her clothes. As the director general of human rights organization, if thousands of people are killed by Chu Feng at this time, it's ok if she is not in the holy pilgrimage. If she still has such a tragedy in the holy court, her position will be lost.

Nick picked up a cigar, waved to the guards around him and said, "arrange, I'm going to Jianghai, too!"

After the Weiss cleaned up Kato wood's body with anger and sadness, members of the wind gate rushed to demolish the arena completely. The whole Tianmen recovered in half an hour, as if the war had never happened.

At this time, several special planes took off at Huangcheng airport, the destination was Jianghai!

All the people's eyes were once again attracted to the river and sea, but the eastern and Western media were scolding their mother. In the face of such a powerful news, they could not get close to shooting. They were just voice reporting the battle situation of Tianmen. Kato mu, known as the first person of Weiss youth generation, died!

"You say, Chu Feng really dare to kill those people?"

While all parties are waiting for the Jianghai incident, ye Enzheng looks at several old partners with a faint smile in the secret conference room of huanxinghai: "if he doesn't kill, it's not enough to deter Weiss. If he does, not only chufeng will bear the name of butcher, but shawaqi, the woman, will even attack the holy court."Everyone didn't say anything. If they could control the Chu wind at the beginning, then the Chu wind is a tiger jumping out of the cage and is not restrained.

Li Zong tapped his fingers on the table, and after the sound of Dangdang ended, he said faintly: "let the Ministry of foreign affairs and the Ministry of public information be prepared at all times. If Chu Feng really killed ten thousand people, he would denounce Chu Feng's inhumane behavior before shawaqi's accident, and at the same time, make a detailed announcement of the bets between Weiss and Chu Feng."

"Although this effect will not be great, at least among the people, they will not feel that the pilgrimage has no human rights."

The other three nodded gently. At present, this is the only way. There is no way to stop Chu Feng from killing tens of thousands of people. Then we should be prepared for the least loss. The holy court is not afraid of military deterrence, but the most headache is human rights.

At the same time, another thing also attracted people's attention, that is, with Chu Feng cutting off Kato Mu's head, chufeng officially announced that chufeng had won the victory. People who bought Kato wood scolded their mothers and speculated who publicized Kato's amazing power.

However, none of this came to a conclusion. In addition to Liu's group's 10 billion pool currency to win Chu Feng's victory, plus some hot money, the people behind the gambling made a net profit of 600 billion Chi Yuan, which aroused the salivation of many hidden crocodiles. However, after detailed investigation, there was no trace of those behind the scenes.

In a secret channel, the 180 billion pool coins entered Chu Feng's private account in Swiss bank through special methods, and Chu Feng also became one of the rich in the hidden world.

At a time when all parties were speculating and scolding about these things, several special planes had already stopped at Jianghai airport. Chu Feng, who had cleaned up a lot of things, simply dealt with the wound on the plane. Accompanied by solitary life and Yan Luo, he left the airport and left with the help of the members of the wind gate and went directly to the Jianghai wharf.

Twenty five minutes is not too much time, the wind door motorcade stopped at the Jianghai wharf, where Yao Pang, who had been waiting for a long time, saw Chu Feng show up and quickly walked by and said, "the wind is low. According to your requirements, the wharf has been cleared, and there will be no idle people waiting within a kilometer. Now we are just waiting for the arrival of Weiss ship."

Chu wind nodded, when the sea breeze blowing, the light mouth: "how long does the ship still have to arrive?"

Looking at her mobile phone, she looked up and said, "three minutes ago, after the fog has cleared, Wes's five ships are heading for the river and sea. It is expected that they will enter the territory of the holy pilgrimage in an hour and arrive at the Jianghai Wharf in about three hours."

Chu Feng eyebrows a pick mouth: "still have so long time, early know I sleep to come again!" As if a little impatient, Chu Feng waved his hand and said, "bring up the things I have prepared. Ben Shao will practice today. I will not stop cutting off 300 heads and will not let the blood dye the sea in front of me. My heart is uneasy!"

Several members of the damper seemed to know what it was and quickly called the rest of them to run towards a truck behind them. As Weiss team came along, the members of the damper carried down more than ten boxes from the van.

In the curious look of everyone, the members of the damper pried open the box and carried out 14 things from it. Masai Mitsui, who came down from the Weiss motorcade, saw his fist clenched subconsciously. The rest of the Weisi people also burst into anger. Only Xinzi was as calm as a level, and his eyes toward Chu Feng were more appreciative.

Chu Feng's mouth cocked slightly. He looked at the Wei people who dared not to speak. He pointed to the fourteen inverted figures he specially asked people to do. He said, "kneel down these 14 world public enemies, class a war criminals, and use them to practice my Sabre skills first."

Looking at the fourteen inverted blue Mei ER and other people's mouth, they all took a playful look at the westren who dare not to speak, and said in their hearts that they were beautiful!

During the Ghost War, Weiss had 14 Class-A war criminals, all of whom were eventually hanged and known as the world's anti-human criminals, including those who had committed crimes against Qinzhou, such as Xiaodao Yingji and Tu feiyuan.

At this time, Chu Feng asked people to prepare the model according to their appearance. 90% of the similarity, the Weisi people can only be angry in their hearts. Maybe Kojima and others are war criminals and evil people in the world, but in their hearts they are heroes. Otherwise, how could they be worshipped in the shrine?

Chu Feng grasped the Wei people's psychology, waved to Gu Ming and Yan Luo and said with a smile: "one person divides you several, all give me good Sabre technique, and so on one person cuts down several hundred for me, for the dead hero memorial ceremony!"

Gu Ming and Yan Luo nodded and came over, one black knife and one military knife. They looked at the 14 inverted models with kneeling posture on the ground, and then looked at the ugly vists. Even the corners of his mouth even solitary life unconsciously drew a pleasant smile.

The following shawaqi and Nick get out of the car, just to see this scene, to see the 14 inverted model appearance, mouth twitch, in the heart secretly scold Chu Feng madman.

But Chu Feng stopped Li Ji from interfering in the distance. After that, he raised his knife and stood behind Xiaodao Yingji's model in a loud voice: "salute the dead souls of the three provinces."

The light of the knife is falling!

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