Super Healer

Chapter 683

Chu Feng refused the persuasion of all parties, and treated it with a kind of arrogant attitude. It made many people feel uncomfortable.

In the middle of the journey, the person in charge of the holy pilgrimage also sent a message through Li Ji. However, Chu Feng directly asked Li Ji to go out. He once again declared that whoever prevented him from killing dogs would destroy his good mood in the coming year, and then he would chirp and clean up.

All of us could only smile bitterly. The chief of Tianchi called in person, and the director general of international human rights organizations also expressed his attitude. The person in charge of the holy pilgrimage also forced him to prohibit it. But Chu Feng vetoed it with a reckless attitude. Of course, there was also Miyano's reason that he didn't dare to replace ten thousand people. That's no wonder he chufeng.

While the parties are waiting, five giant ships are slowly heading for the holy pilgrimage in the picture of 70 nautical miles away from the boundary line of the holy pilgrimage.

It was Wes's ship that carried 10000 people. Yesterday, two of them broke down and were forced to stay for renovation and inspection. After that, they were unable to sail due to heavy fog. Now they are heading for the holy pilgrimage, but everyone's heart is heavy.

The news of Kato Mu's defeat has been sent to the ship by wireless telex. When people grieve about the news of Kato's death, they are also afraid to face the butcher's knife of Chu Feng. When everyone's heart can live forever, no one wants to die like grass roots.

And in the vast sea, a submarine is quietly approaching.

Because the ship is a civilian type, with only basic equipment and no radar for detecting foreign matters at the bottom of the sea, when the submarine stays 50 meters below the five ships, the people on the ship do not know, and they still think about the upcoming holy pilgrimage.

At this time, they are on the high seas, but after entering the holy pilgrimage, they will die one by one. Although it is possible, it is inevitable that they will still be heavy.

Inside the submarine, a beautiful woman looks at the five ships above her head through the transformation picture, and draws a cross nono's opening on her chest with one hand: "Amen, less wind is going to hell!"

After praying, the beautiful woman looked back at dozens of people in diving suits standing behind her and said in a cold voice, "what we are doing now is against morality and human rights, but facing the Wes, we are great."

Bowing to dozens of people, the beautiful woman said faintly: "please!"

"We must finish the task!"

Dozens of people answered in unison, and then entered the sea through the submarine exit. The beautiful woman stood in front of the high-pressure glass and watched dozens of people quietly heading for the ship and said softly, "the diving suit of the FUBU family is really extraordinary!"

Dozens of people left the submarine, early planned to automatically separate five groups, toward the position of five ships.

These are all members of the playing card Corps. According to Chu Feng's instructions, the FUBU family's submarines were activated to carry out this mission, which sank five ships on the high seas.

This is also Chu Feng's helpless behavior. If he kills the Weis in the holy pilgrimage, whether the bet is real or not, it will bring great trouble to the holy pilgrim. However, the accidental sinking on the high seas has nothing to do with Chu Feng and the holy court.

Even if countries around the world doubt, Chu Feng can be tough.

Dozens of people divided into five groups came to the bottom of the ship, skillfully there with a special dagger in the bottom of the boat, and then took out some things from their bodies and inlaid them.

This is a new invention of the FUBU family, which can interfere with the ship's track, and finally explode. In order to make this accident look more natural, Chu Feng sent out the highest authority given by Forbes, so that all this was going on quietly.

Nearly ten minutes, dozens of people completed all this, but the people on the ship did not know that a crisis was slowly approaching them.

One of the men in the diving suit made a gesture. The others nodded in the water and all went down to get back into the submarine. The man who left behind did not know what to take down from behind and opened it. A stream of scarlet liquid flowed out. After all the liquid came out, he packed up his things and dived downward. Nothing was left Next.

Soon, dozens of people returned to the submarine, and the red ghost looked at the people who came back with a smile and said, "withdraw!"

The submarine began to dive towards the depth, reached a depth of 300 meters, and headed straight ahead. Leaving the sea area, the red ghost walked to the command room, holding a remote control in his hand, and looking at the five dots on the screen, which were the ship's location.

As the red ghost pressed the button, the submarine began to move at full speed towards the Hebrew direction, where the sea would soon be bloodstained and no one would know that they had been here.

"Captain, the navigational equipment is out of control."

Fifteen minutes later, a pilot of the ship quickly ran to the deck and said to a middle-aged man with a worried look: "if we don't repair in time, we will collide with other ships in five minutes. In addition, we are not far away from each other, and all five ships will be in danger."

Looking at the sea and enjoying the sea breeze, the middle-aged man quickly ran back to the command room. He found that all the instruments were out of order. His eyes were more dignified. He answered the phone and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Yamakawa, our ship is in trouble again. This time, five ships are likely to collide together."The phone calls directly to the cabinet meeting room. When the silent people hear the voice coming from Yamakawa's phone, their faces are all changed. Miyano takes his mobile phone and says, "what's going on? The fault has been fixed. How did something happen again?"

Hearing Miyano's voice, the middle-aged man said with a wry smile: "Mr. chief, these five ships have not sailed since they were produced. It's normal for them to break down. But we didn't expect such frequent incidents. We estimated that we need support. Otherwise, if we can't deal with the collision in a few minutes, the five ships will sink."

Miyano asked in a cold voice, "where are you now? If you enter the holy land, I will inform them."

Looking at the display on the instrument, the middle-aged man replied respectfully: "there are still 50 nautical miles away from the boundary line of the holy Koreas. Now we are still on the high seas. There is nothing we can do except mobilize support from Wes!"

"Asshole!" Hearing this, Miyano angrily exclaimed, "if it's sunken in the holy land, it doesn't matter if it's sunken in the territory of the holy pilgrim. It can also be said that it's a conspiracy of the holy court. But at the moment on the high seas, everything is impossible:" try to repair it, I'll send support immediately. "

After cutting off the phone, Miyano dropped his mobile phone on the desk and said, "send the nearby warships to the place immediately, and there are also fighters to prevent accidents. We must ensure that five ships enter the territory of the holy pilgrimage."

At this time, everyone stopped blaming Miyano, and began to arrange quickly. In less than two minutes, ten warships of the naval branch of Weiss self defense force quickly drove towards the sea area. It was estimated that it would take an hour to arrive, and ten fighters in the air would also go out, and they could get there in 20 minutes.

On the sea at this time, three of the five ships were out of order. Seeing that they were about to collide, the middle-aged man ordered: "let everyone on the deck immediately, so that there is a chance of life after the collision. Get ready for the lifeboats and life jackets, and give me as many as you have."

When arranging people to prepare emergency measures, the middle-aged man punched the navigator and said, "damn the shipyard, if it's built, it won't be put into trial operation. If we don't die this time, I'll blow Ogawa's head off!"

When the middle-aged man also stepped out of the deck, a crew member seemed to find something, as if he had seen a monster, and ran behind the middle-aged man in a loud voice: "Captain, there are sharks!"

The middle-aged man, who was wearing a life jacket there, exclaimed at his words. Then he quickly ran to the stern of the boat and said with a pale look: "asshole, where are so many sharks? There should never be sharks in this sea area, at least 70 nautical miles away. How could they come here?"

Behind the five ships, you can only see the picture on the sea that can only be seen in the movie. There are hundreds of fish fins coming towards the ship rapidly on the sea. This is definitely not good news for the ship that is about to hit.

Sharks, the most ferocious animal in the sea, have a keen sense of smell. They can smell a drop of blood several kilometers away. One tenth of diluted blood in the sea can attract shark attacks.

The middle-aged man looked back and his eyes were fixed. He could be sure that no one would bleed into the sea. However, according to his years of sailing experience, the nearest shark infested sea area is 70 nautical miles away. Even if a person's blood fell into the sea, it was impossible to attract sharks 70 miles away. Everything seemed strange.

The middle-aged man couldn't figure it out, but he knew that the crisis was getting bigger and bigger. He took out the phone and called again. When he got through there, he straightened up and said, "first of all, sir, cabinet ministers, there is an accident. There are hundreds of sharks in the back of our boat, and we are about to hit it!"

Almost as soon as the voice dropped, the middle-aged man's boat collided with the same ship coming from the left. Within a minute, all five boats collided.

What they didn't know was that the shock at the moment of the collision caused a slight explosion in the bottom of the ship. The bottom of the steel plate was torn and cracks appeared. The sea water poured in, but the people on the ship were only caused by the impact.

The middle-aged man's body swayed and fell and rowed downward. He held his mobile phone and said in a loud voice: "request quick support!"

In the cabinet meeting room, the amplified telephone let everyone hear the news. Miyano was stunned and roared: "connect me with the satellite to that sea area. I want to see what happens."

A few minutes later, people in the river and sea wharf also received the news. Nick quickly activated his mobile phone to connect with the satellite and moved it to the large screen. The sea area where the five ships were located was clearly displayed. Everyone's eyes widened and his whole body was excited and trembling.

Chu Feng slowly sat up straight, took off the sunglasses on his face, and nono said, "Damn it, this must be thousands of sharks, spectacular, beautiful!"

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