Super Healer

Chapter 686

With the sound of Chu wind falling, the wind Teng garden thoroughly boils up.

Su Xinyu, who was worried about going out and was caught back by the Su family, came out. Ma Qiduo followed her and stood on the second floor. Jesse immediately attracted her eyes and frowned and said, "where did Chu Feng provoke such a woman?"

"You have wronged Fengfeng husband." Ma Qiduo spat out her tongue and looked at Jesse below and said, "once I met this woman at a business reception in Wenzhou, Jesse. Rothschild, the seventh daughter of Carol, the current owner, is also Qing's seventh sister

"There may be a reason for coming this time. Otherwise, where is Fengfeng willing to attack the beauty?"

Su Xinyu's amorous feelings rolled a white eye, looking at Ma Qiduo, meaningful said: "how do you look, you know my husband better than I do?"

Ma Qiduo smiles, takes Su Xinyu's arm, and says like an oath: "sister Xinyu, don't talk to me like this. As long as you are here, qido will support you to become the main room. I will eat the rest with you honestly."

Su Xinyu points Ma Qiduo's forehead angrily. She looks down at Chu Feng, who has already been lying back on the chair. She has some inexplicable pain in her heart. When she thinks of Lin Yulin, who has promised that she will not be involved in Chu Feng all her life, Su Xinyu suddenly loses confidence.

If it was the beginning, Su Xinyu was confident that Lin Yulin would retreat for the future of Chu Feng, but now that Chu Feng is estranged from the person in charge, will he still care about the attitude of the person in charge and not be with Lin Yulin openly and honestly?

In the garden, under the command of Chu Feng, within 30 meters of the distance between Jiesi and him, there appeared in an instant 60 wind doors in black. Everyone did not hold a weapon, but standing there with a negative hand gave people the feeling of a steel lion.

Jiesi angrily pointed to chufeng and said, "you will pay a heavy price for what you just said. Only I will give you a chance, and there is no saying that you give me a chance."

Move the body to let it present the posture of fighting, Jesse is like a lioness on the grassland directly burst out, the speed is amazing.

If Yan Luo's fierce face can be defeated by Yan Luo, she will not be able to play with her eyes

"Such a woman must be our brother's, and no one can take it away!"

Yan Luo eyes a congealed, surprised to open a mouth: "you don't say she hit in front of you, then shut up?"

Chufeng laughs and looks at the woman who is fighting fiercely in the passage of 60 people. Wen Run says, "to provoke her, I also want to see if the daughter of the Rothschild family is a vase. But now it seems that not only is it not, but also more powerful than many men.

Go ahead and stop her in the end. A woman like Jesse, I'm sure, who can beat her, has already got her heart! "

"Ouxi, Ouxi, I love this one!" Yan Luo moved forward a few steps in the eyes of Qing disdain and stood at the end of 60 people. The meaning was very clear. Jesse had to pass through the camp of 60 people.

Lonely life did not know when to come to Chu Feng's side, looking at the scene to break through the general woman, the words did not fluctuate: "this woman, I know!"

Chu Feng a Leng, looking back at the orphan who seldom takes the initiative to speak, laughs: "how, you have a love?"

"No!" She was helpless to reply. Looking at Jesse, who had knocked down more than ten people, her words still did not fluctuate: "a year ago, I executed a task to kill a person, and she was responsible for protection. Although I successfully killed that person, I also had a fight with her. She was very strong, and I had a draw!"

Gu Ming's words without fluctuation let Chu Feng come to spirit. He looked at Yan Luo, who was rubbing his hands, and then looked at Gu Ming. Suddenly, he burst into laughter. Qing also looked at Gu Ming in surprise. It turned out that he was the wooden man mentioned by his sister.

A year ago, Jesse received a task to protect an oil rich man in the Middle East. However, one night, she killed the rich man one by one. She left after the war with Jesse. When she and her sisters talked about it, they were all gnashing their teeth and shouting that they must fight with that man and kill him!

But lonely life didn't seem to feel that others were looking at him, just calmly looking at the flash figure of Jesse, so strong.

Ten minutes later, Jesse completely walked through the road of 60 people and stood in front of Yan Luo. Her face was a little red with excessive force, but she didn't have a breath. When she looked back at the 60 people on the ground, her mouth was full of irony: "the wind door is sharp, but that's all."

Looking back, he directly leaped over Yan Luo and looked at Chu Feng. He said in a cold voice, "roll out, let me teach you a lesson!"

Chu Feng shakes his head and leans on the beach chair. His finger swings a finger at Yan Luo, and then says with a single finger: "after 60 people, nothing has happened. It really amazes me, but that's all. Beat them two and I'll give you a chance to fight!"

"He, can't!" Jesse sneered and looked at Yan Luo and said something that made him crazy. But when her eyes moved from Yan Luo, her pupils shrank sharply. Suddenly, a knife flashed out of her hand, pointing to her lonely life, she said, "son of a bitch, you're here. It's hard to find me!"When people heard the words, the corners of her mouth twitched violently. There was too much room for people to imagine, especially Su Xinyu on the second floor murmured: "is there love debt in the wood of lonely life?"

Yan Luo was shocked and looked back at his lonely life. Then he looked at Jiesi and asked, "do you know?"

"Get out of here!" Jesse didn't answer Yan Luo's words, but she said, without any politeness, that she was going to walk towards her lonely life, her eyes filled with anger.

Yan Luo, who didn't let her stand in front of Jesse, patted her chest and said, "I'm in love with you. I'm going to beat you down and be a woman. As for solitary life, that guy is too cold. You follow him without emotion."

Yan Luo words have not finished, suddenly a knife light flashed, Jiesi cold mouth: "I said, get out of my way, don't you hear me?"

Yan Luo blinked his eyes and looked down at the knife which was only 10 cm away from his legs. He took a mouthful of saliva and turned to Chu Feng and said, "this woman is too strong. I'm still very young. I don't think it's suitable for me. You can introduce me to others in the future."

After that, he flashed away and still did not forget to shout: "lonely life, kill this girl, take it to warm the bed at night!"

Chu Feng raised a warm smile and looked at Jie Si, who was full of anger in her eyes, and said with a playful smile: "how bad is it to fight and kill old friends when they meet?"

"Shut up!" Jesse suddenly yelled at Chu Feng, narrowed her eyes, glared at her thousand year old face, and said coldly, "I want you to apologize to me now, for your original behavior, and then take out your knife, and I'll wipe you off!"

Chu Feng was scolded on his face a little embarrassed, Qing saw Chu Feng didn't know how to open his mouth, and then walked forward to open his mouth: "seven elder sister, at the beginning, you were ordered to act alone, and you just took money to do things. We are all employed people. There is no need to tangle about the little gratitude and resentment?"

Jesse's knife trembled slightly, gritting her teeth and saying, "if you just killed my protection target, it's nothing, but he blasphemed me!"

Chu Feng, Yan Luo, LAN mei'er, and even all the people in Qinghe fengteng garden all stare round their eyes. Gu Ming has always been interested in wine knives and meat. When can he do such a powerful thing, people's eyes begin to gossip.

Lonely life eyebrows slightly wrinkled, see everyone look at their eyes to be more wonderful, do not like to explain, he thought or to explain, light mouth: "not what you think

Chu Feng coughed and recovered. He said with righteous words: "we don't know about this matter, and we don't know where the gratitude and resentment of the two go. Can we make it clear that one side is my brother and the other is the seventh sister of Qing. We stand in the middle, it's difficult to make a fair and just judgment!"

Jesse's face was unnaturally red. She didn't answer Chu Feng's words. Her hot body went directly to her, and her knife in her hand pointed to her throat, which made her kill her fiercely!

With a single eyebrow raised, the black knife swung open a knife of Jesse, and the body also stepped back two steps, indifferently opened his mouth: "you are not my opponent!"

"If you don't want to fight, don't look down on people!" Jiesijiao drank, did not stop the attack, still launched an attack on solitary life, Chu Feng and others were sitting or standing without stopping, things are too strange, not convenient to speak.

Solitary life dodges all the time. The black sword doesn't come out of its sheath. It's just a simple block back. It seems that he doesn't want to fight with Jesse at all.

She was forced to step back a few meters by Jesse. She locked her eyebrows and kicked her foot out. She still felt numbness in her arms when she blocked the knife. She retreated two steps and hummed, throwing away the knife in her hand. She said, "you didn't fight me at the beginning, but now you're still loading forks. Now I'll turn you over with my bare hands!"

With a fierce word, Jesse flew out like a lioness. She punched and kicked at her lonely life, which seemed to be a fierce move. She stood in the same place, and her attack on Jesse was light.

All of a sudden, Gu Ming's black knife was stuck on the ground. Chu Feng and others all stared at the enemy's knife, but he put it down at the moment. Yan luotut shook his head and said, "it's true that there is treachery. Love

But in Yan Luo's voice did not fall, Gu Ming blasted out a punch and kick, everyone's eyes were straight at once, and he also heard Gu Ming's indifference with a little helpless words: "I'll tell you, you'll suffer with bare hands!"

Jesse was angry and squatted there. She wanted to extend her hand, but there were too many people. She could only look at her with tears and scold: "son of a bitch, you have profaned me again. You've broken it!"

Chu Feng and others quickly moved their eyes and pretended to see nothing, but they all secretly said that they were cruel enough, but Qing opened his mouth and looked at Jie Si, who was squatting on the ground, and finally covered her small mouth. How could they hit these places?

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