Super Healer

Chapter 690

Chu Feng stayed in Ye Xinlan's room for an hour before returning to his room.

At the moment of opening the door, Chu Feng looked at Su Xinyu, who was lying on the bed. In addition, Bing qingyujie stood beside her with a helpless face. Chu Feng motioned for Bing qingyujie to go out temporarily, then closed the door and went to sit down.

A hand toward Su Xinyu's shoulder patted, the latter impatiently said: "I said don't bother me, I don't want to take a bath, I just sleep like this!"

Chu Feng shook his hands and looked at Su Xinyu, who was obviously sullen. "Can I help you wash it?"

Su Xinyu's body was stunned. He immediately sat up straight with his eyes a little red and swollen. Chu Feng stood up and said, "no, I'll wash it myself."

Then he ran into the bathroom and closed the door. After a while, there was the sound of water. Chu Feng sat on the bed and meditated. Occasionally, he looked at the graceful body reflected by the glass seal in the bathroom. His eyes were deep.

More than ten minutes later, Su Xinyu washed and came out in her pajamas. Chu Feng didn't say a word. Today, she went out for a walk and asked Bing qingyujie to take Yan Ruyu away with her sweat all over her body. Seeing Su Xinyu coming, she lay down directly and pulled down the quilt to cover her head. Chu Feng walked into the bathroom and took a comfortable bath.

After coming out, Chu Feng lies on the bed, trying to pull over the quilt, but is all pressed down by Su Xinyu. He is about to open his mouth when he hears Su Xinyu's sobbing voice.

Chu Feng pursed his lower lip, exhaled a breath and opened his mouth: "what do you want to say, say it clearly once this evening!"

With helpless words, Su Xinyu also suddenly opened the quilt and sat up to look at Chu Feng. His eyes were red and swollen. With tears, he asked, "I just want to know what position I am in your heart. Are you always with me because I am the granddaughter of the Su family, but now I am not, are you not paying attention to it?"

Chu Feng also sat up and leaned against the head of the bed, looked at Su Xinyu lightly and asked, "how can you ask so?"

Su Xinyu said with a smile: "isn't it? When I was the granddaughter of the Su family, you would carry me behind your back in everything you did. When would you bring a woman back, and you would directly arrange it in the backyard. Does Chu Feng feel that my value has been used up, just your simple catharsis tool? "

Chu Feng was silent and looked at Su Xinyu for a long time before he opened his mouth: "you also said that I have other women. I only think you are a venting tool. Why, Qiduo, are they not women?"

Su Xinyu's eyes cooled down and frowned: "then you just want to use me again, just like my grandfather, they want me to take charge of the dragon's gate to help you fully control the power of my father, right?"

"Su Xinyu!"

Chu Feng's cold moment of black down, tone also heavy many, very stiff mouth: "before you in my heart is to distinguish right and wrong, today's you in my eyes a little unreasonable, you are still Su Xinyu?"

Su Xinyu sneered at Chu Feng and said, "why, do you think I'm worthless? Yes, I am such a woman, I have a proud heart, qido, I can't help, after all, I opened such a mouth, but you want me to share a man with others, I'm sorry, I can't do it! "

Chu Feng's heart sank, exhaled a heavy, stuffy breath and opened his mouth: "so, you'd rather make me uncomfortable, but also want to say those words to my little aunt, right?"

Su Xinyu was stunned, but then nodded: "yes, you Chu Feng's woman more than one, my heart pricked a bit, you are the best love his little aunt, as your woman, I need to let this not happen, I don't want others to say my man, even his little aunt all don't let go."

Chu Feng closed his eyes with heartache and opened his mouth indifferently: "so, what do you want to say?"

Su Xinyu straightened his body, pointed to the direction of the backyard, and said word by word: "let Huangfu Rudie, Yan Ruyu and Murong Bing leave fengteng garden. I can't stand the women who are related to you to appear in front of me, and I don't want to see Murong Bing, the fox spirit who calls your husband every day, swinging in front of me."

"This is my request. This is my last word. If they don't go, I'll go!"

Chu Feng opened his eyes and looked at Su Xinyu. He knew that Su Xinyu had a proud heart and an exclusive heart. But what he didn't expect was that he developed to such a degree: "do you really want to do this?"

Su Xinyu nodded without hesitation and said word by word: "yes, they don't go, I'll go!"

"I'm disappointed!" Chu Feng exhaled and threw out a sentence. Looking at Su Xinyu's unmoved face, he said softly: "they are now oppressed by the family to marry the meiyuanluo family. I can't give them a place to live in the sun. If I still keep them out of the door at this time, I'm not a human being."

"To change the angle, the hostess of fengteng garden today is Huangfu ruodie. She doesn't allow you to stay at this time. What do you think and how painful my heart will be?"

Su Xinyu's body shakes. She starts to think about her feelings, but she virtually ignores others. Seeing Chu Feng's face painfully getting down from bed and dressing there, Su Xinyu finds that she has done something inappropriate at the wrong time.Chu Feng put on his clothes, looked back at Su Xinyu and said, "now the Su family would like you to go out of fengteng garden, so you don't have to leave, and they will not leave. In addition, ye Zixuan and Zhou Xiaoxuan will come to fengteng garden secretly with your brother's help tomorrow. I don't want you to have no quarrel, but this time, I hope you can control your mood."

"So you don't have to go

Leaving a word, Chu Feng opens the door and slams it shut. She leaves fengteng garden with Bing Qingyu Jie. She tells Murong Bing to guard fengteng garden. She can't let Meiyuan Luo's family or others find Huangfu ruogdie. They are in fengteng garden now and are ready to go and have a quiet time.

Su Xinyu sat on the bed, reflecting on Chu Feng's words just now. She can be coquettish and arrogant, but she shouldn't cry out with her head in her arms at this time. Her head is buried on the quilt, and her voice is almost inaudible: "husband, I'm sorry, I just want to maintain my position."

Chu Feng, who has left fengteng garden, doesn't know that Su Xinyu has figured it out at this moment. He just drives his car aimlessly and finally comes to a fresh and elegant bar.


Looking at the name of the bar in front of you, Guanghan palace, Chu Feng brings up a bitter smile. If you don't come, all of you will come. Just go in and have a look. Untie your seat belt and turn back to Bing qingyujie, you can wait for me in the car. I'll go in and have a look

With that, Chu Feng opened the door and got out of the car. She sat in the car, and her sister said in a soft voice, "the little master is not as decisive as the previous one."

"What can I do? It's the daughter of the former little Lord." Yujie Dudu mouth shook her head and said: "and I think this kind of little Lord is much better than the previous one. At least, with women, the little master has no simple perfunctory, he will take into account everyone's feelings, although such a practice is doomed to be difficult to succeed, he will never understand the heart of women."

Bing Qing's approval nodded back: "yes, little Lord, this is not good. Women are just a touch of color in the great cause of men's kings. Little master is sentimental!"

Chu Feng, who walked into Guanghan palace, didn't know that Bing qingyujie was talking about these things. Looking at the Guanghan palace for the first time, it was decorated in a high-grade atmosphere with a faint sense of loneliness. The gentle music reverberated throughout the hall. Most of the people who could sit in the palace were single.

Chu Feng looks at all kinds of people, but they just drink quietly in a corner and sigh in his heart. No matter how many people are, their hearts are lonely. Only in the Guanghan palace, can they emit that kind of loneliness?

When Chu Feng looked at all this, a pretty girl came up and politely said, "Sir, do you want a private room or in the hall?"

Chu Feng took back his eyes, looked around, politely replied, "I'm looking for your boss's wife. Isn't she in?"

"Looking for the landlady?" Pretty girl's eyes inexplicably playful some, up and down look at Chu Feng and smile: "young enough, looks very quality, but unfortunately is a bald head, how do you also want to pursue our boss wife?"

Chu Feng was stunned and looked at the charming girl with a smile and asked, "is it that many people pursue your boss's wife?"

The pretty girl's upright body is a bit of a scale, proud to say: "our boss's wife is now a famous beauty, the whole imperial city do not know how many people want to pursue her, plus the landlady's nephew is still the underground emperor of the northern underground world, more and more people are pursuing her."

"The children of some prominent leaders, the second generation of rich people, even the boss of enterprises and some rich people have come here, but the landlady doesn't even give them a chance to meet."

The pretty girl looked around her and said in a low voice: "it's a bit pleasing to you. One day I passed by the boss's office, and the door was open. I heard the landlady talking to herself after drinking too much. She seemed to like her nephew. In addition, you don't know that fengshao is only the adopted son of the boss's mother's sister, not his own."

Chu Feng looked at the charming girl and felt very interesting. He was also depressed. He asked with a smile, "you can hear all this. How come your boss's wife still doesn't fire you?"

The pretty girl may feel that Chu Feng is not a bad person. She said: "originally, when I came to apply for a job, my boss's wife refused. I begged her to say that fengshao is my idol. I can definitely see fengshao here. So the landlady accepted me with tears and laughter. I was only 18 years old and didn't hire me!"

"Xiao Fang!" When Chu Feng wanted to ask something, suddenly a voice came from the side. Lin Yulin, wearing a long black knee length skirt, came and said with a cold face: "go and do your business!"

Then went to Chu Feng, looking at always can let her heart inexplicably speed up the beating of the man light mouth: "how do you have time to come over today?"

"Specially come to pick up my aunt, otherwise you must go back late, which is not good for your health." Chu Feng said with a soft look, and didn't give Lin Yulin the chance to say no. he took her hand and turned directly out of Guanghan palace.

Pretty girl stood in place blinking eyes, dark pharyngeal saliva said: "he called boss Niang aunt?"Then the eyes glared round and stomped his feet one after another, regretting: "it's a pity that I didn't even know face to face with fengshao, ouch!"

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