Super Healer

Chapter 7

Lin Yulin left her hometown at the age of 15 to work hard in Jianghai. She has only a year's high school education to constantly improve herself. Although she is now a white-collar class, her income is good. Now she is the general manager secretary of a good security company in Jianghai.

It is said that the backstage of this company is very tough, which is a subsidiary of a large group company. However, no one knows whether it is specific. We only know that the general manager and boss of this company are very mysterious, and they can't see it twice a year.

"Auntie, how much is it for a month? I heard that temporary wages are very low. "

On the way to the company, Chu Feng and Lin Yulin walked there because they were close to where they lived. As for exercise, there was still a month for school to start. Chu Feng wanted to make as much money as possible: "in fact, it's OK for me to be a real security guard!"

Because Lin Yulin and Chu Feng have said that the security company she works in is called Shengyuan security company, which is well-known in Jianghai because it undertakes escort business from several banks, and is also well-known in the industry. Many other famous communities in Jianghai also use people from Shengyuan Baoan company.

According to Lin Yulin's words, what kind of security guard is, that is, something is really like that!

"How old are you? Do you have a discharge certificate?"

Lin Yulin stopped walking. Knowing that Chu Feng wanted to lighten his burden and earn more, he could give him less: "my aunt knows what you're thinking. If I can, I'd like to arrange for you, but in addition to guarding the company gate, the rest of you are not up to standard."

"All right, then." Chu Feng also knew that it would be good for Lin Yulin to let herself work as a temporary worker for a month. It was obviously impossible for Lin Yulin to work as a full-time employee. He just thought that the salary might not be high, so he could only be depressed in his heart.

Lin Yulin has been out for so many years. Through her words and deeds, she knows what Chu Feng is thinking: "it's good to be a temporary worker in Jianghai with a salary of 2000 yuan. It's enough for you to save a little for one month's living expenses at school. In the future, there will be other aunts. You don't need to worry about these things. Understand?"

"Two thousand?"

Chu Feng breathed deeply in surprise. When he was in dianlan high school, he was living on 150 yuan, 200 yuan at most. If he saved a little, he could eat in dianlan for a year, but now it's only one month?

Lin Yulin didn't expect that chufeng's reaction was so big. Seeing the strange eyes of the people around her, Lin Yulin pushed down chufeng with a red face: "go quickly. You think Jianghai university is one of those pheasant universities. It's one of the top five universities in the whole country. If you can pass the exam, you'll burn a lot of incense, and you think the cost of living is expensive!"

"And also don't want you to go out, what do you worry about? I really love you, you can work hard."

"Thank you, aunt!" Chu Feng said with gratitude that he knew the gap between Jianghai and dianlan before he came here. However, when he arrived here, he found that the gap was not so big. The living expenses of 2000 yuan a month in his hometown was equivalent to the income of an ordinary family for half a year.

Although he was tired of walking forward, he was still a little bit tired of looking at Lin's young age, but he was still a little bit lazy in his eyes at that time!

"Good morning, secretary Lin!"

Soon they arrived at the company. It was obvious that Lin Yulin still seemed to be famous in the company. There were people saying hello to her everywhere she went. Chu Feng was a little embarrassed to bow his head after her, because many people discussed themselves in secret, and his words were a little hard to hear, and Chu Feng could still hear them.

"It's good to get used to it. When I came to Jianghai, many people said it was a bunny." They enter the elevator and go directly to the penultimate floor, where is the middle-level leadership office area. Li Yulin's office is on the top floor, because she is the boss's secretary.

"It's OK. I didn't pay attention to it. I'm just afraid of losing face to my aunt."

Seeing that Lin Yulin could still say these things to himself at the moment, Chu Feng gave a light smile. He didn't care what those people said just now. He was just worried about losing face to Lin Yulin: "but you are not afraid of me, so I will not care about it."

"If you can think that way, I'll take you to the Minister of personnel and ask him to arrange temporary workers for you." Lin Yulin chuckles to pat Chu Feng's head, but she feels it's inappropriate to take it back. She says that he is no longer the little doll he used to be. Now he is an 18-year-old big guy.

Lin Yulin's subtle movements were seen in the eyes of Chu Feng, but completely as if he didn't see, but his heart is a bit not the taste, his heart is not the Xiaofeng that ran after her buttocks at the beginning.

"Who is the man behind secretary Lin, so rustic?"

"Maybe it's secretary Lin's fellow townsman. You don't know how secretary Lin got to the top. Now that he's on the top of the tree, he must have been promoted to the sky by a chicken and a dog!"

When they just walked out of the elevator and headed for the personnel department, some people around were talking in a low voice, which was even worse than that when they were just below. Chu Feng's look flashed a little bleak, and suddenly looked back at the two women with the most obvious voice!The two girls, who were talking about Lin Yulin, suddenly felt that they were being watched by wild animals. The hairs on their whole bodies stood up instinctively. It was a special perception of danger for human beings. At this moment, their mouths stopped unconsciously, even their heads were lowered, and they did not dare to look directly at Chu Feng.

"Let's go. Do yourself well. What others say is someone else's business."

Seeing Chu Feng stop suddenly, it is obvious that someone is talking about himself, but Lin Yulin, who has been used to it, just smiles, takes Chu Feng's hand and continues to go to the personnel department: "in the next month, you will do the same in the company, do your work well, what others say, you will enter left ear and out right ear!"

Chu Feng nodded, which just took back his eyes. The two women immediately felt that the pressure on their bodies seemed to have disappeared. One of them even took up her own water cup and directly drank a mouthful of water, because she felt dry and dry, and her whole body seemed to be wet by cold sweat.

The two women who originally talked about the happiest, because of a look in Chu Feng's eyes, finally forgot to say what to say. They sat down in a trance and felt that they didn't sleep well last night!

"Secretary Lin, this is the nephew I called last night. He is really a good-looking man."

In the personnel department, a middle-aged man who looked generous stood up with a smile on his face and patted Chu Feng's arm: "at first, you said I didn't believe that an 18-year-old boy could have any healthy physique, but now I see it and I'm very satisfied!"

Lin Yulin nodded slightly, with a polite smile: "thank you, Minister Luo. Xiao Feng, this child has just come to the river and sea. Many things still don't understand. I hope you can give me more advice."

"That is, that is!" Luo Hu nodded and laughed heartily, but Chu Feng suddenly said, "minister Luo, can I become the official security personnel of the company? I think I can do better and get higher income!"

"Well?" Luohu thought he was wrong. Chu Feng said again: "I said, I can be competent for more formal security work!"

"Breeze!" Lin Yulin didn't want to come before said good, here Chu wind even said, unhappy pinch his waist!

"Good!" However, Luohu burst out laughing: "it is worthy of being a child from the countryside. It is not adulterated as I was when I entered the army. The purpose is very clear, but you should know the requirements of becoming the security guard of our company. Can you? The people below them are all good veterans of the army."

"Is minister Luo talking about fighting?" Although Lin Yulin and he said, but Chu Feng still does not know the security needs to do specific things and employment requirements.

"Fight? Ha ha, that's right Luohu was stunned by Chu Feng's words, but she still nodded: "but because you can only do it for a month, even if I give you this opportunity, you can't meet our requirements!"

Chu Feng straightened his back. Although Lin Yulin kept winking at him, he still said, "I want to try. Although it's only one month, I always need to fight for a higher income."

Luo Hu took a deep look at Chu Feng and raised his hand to stop Lin Yulin who wanted to speak: "today, it happens that the company will recruit 10 security guards to be responsible for the Bank of Xingang line. I will make an exception to recruit 11. As long as you can pass, I can give you formal salary!"

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