Super Healer

Chapter 700

Su Xinyu stood alone on the balcony, looking at the intensive back and forth guard below, eyebrows slightly wrinkled, feeling a trace of wind and rain to come.

Thinking of today's decision, Su Xinyu did not imagine the sad, but more relaxed, unconsciously raised a smile, whispered: "Wang's woman, always want to enjoy that lonely loneliness, to share with others a man's ideological preparation."

"I don't know if it's luck or misfortune?"

When Su Xinyu was talking to himself, a voice accompanied by charm came: "although Wang's woman has to bear a lot of loneliness and other people can't understand, it can't be denied that he still makes you proud, and you are still Wang's woman."

Murong Bing came to Su Xinyu's side and looked back at Huangfu Ruoxi, who was sleeping on the bed, chuckled: "this little girl, you can't drink, but you have to stand up!"

Su Xinyu and Murong Bing stand together, no jealousy or hatred, but a kind of extreme calm. She looks at her side and looks slightly better than herself. The enchanting woman opens her red lips: "abbess Jueyin calls you princess nine. Why do you have such a name?"

"In my understanding, only the kingdom of constitutional monarchy still has the title of Princess!"

Murong Bing twisted her head and looked at Su Xinyu. She pinched her upturned nose and said with a smile, "because I'm the ninth in my family. There are eight elder sisters and brothers in front of me. So when I come out, I'll be called Princess nine. That's all

Although Murong Bing's explanation is reasonable, Su Xinyu knows that she is not telling the truth. She shrugs her shoulders and looks into the garden and says, "thank you."

"You don't need to thank me. It's your own idea. It has nothing to do with me."

Murong Bing spread out his hands and turned away, leaving only the last sentence: "remember, you are not only the daughter of overlord, but also the woman of Chu Feng. One day I firmly believe that Chu Feng will stand on the top of the peak, and we are all Wang's women!"

Murong Bing seems to leave like a ghost. Su Xinyu doesn't take a look at it. She just looks at the garden calmly, feeling some strange guards.

After standing in silence for a long time, Su Xinyu shook her head and sighed, closed the balcony and went back to the room. But seeing Chu Feng sitting by the bed, she was stunned, but then she walked to her mouth and said, "ice and jade, are they not going to follow you 24 hours a day, not waiting for you to take a bath and rest?"

Chu Feng looked at the different Su Xinyu tonight. Although he didn't know what had happened, he could feel the change of Su Xinyu. He raised a smile and said, "they are kind tonight. They don't appreciate Miss Su's treble!"

Su Xinyu blushed. She went to the bathroom and turned on the tap to adjust the hot water. She said softly, "I'll give you a bath and go to bed."

Chu Feng stood up and went to Su Xinyu's side. Seeing the proud woman say to help her take a bath, she was surprised. At the same time, she provoked Su Xinyu's chin to open her mouth: "I once said, abandon your pride of Su Xinyu, then you are not su Xinyu. Why force yourself to change?"

Although Su Xinyu was still Su Xinyu, Chu Feng was heartbroken by all his actions. He felt that Su Xinyu was worried about his anger and forced him to forget everything to change.

Su Xinyu did not answer, gently took off Chu Feng's coat, and then looked at Chu Feng's eyes and said in a soft voice: "if I don't want to change, then no one can change me. If I'm willing to change, then no one can stop me. If I get along with husband and wife, I can't change you, so I can only change myself."

"One of them has to change. Otherwise, like hedgehogs, they will hurt each other."

Why can't I get rid of a group of gentle women's hearts, if you can't make my heart soft, why can't you leave my heart

Chu Feng's left eye has never left Su Xinyu's body, inexplicably passing a touch of pity in his heart. When Su Xinyu speaks, there is no color on her body, which shows that she is telling the truth.

Thinking of the noble and elegant Su Xinyu, abandoning his pride, is willing to become a little woman. For the Houseman, it is undoubtedly a bubble of beauty. But now Chu Feng is not happy, holding Su Xinyu's hand and saying, "you really don't need to look like this, I'm not used to it!"

"I'm getting used to it. At first, you're not used to my relationship with you?"

Su Xinyu suddenly took the initiative to hold chufeng for the first time. When the latter took a cold breath, he bit his lip and said: "men don't like to go out of the hall and into the kitchen, walk in front of people and be noble behind people."

the words did not finish, but the meaning was very clear. When Chu Feng felt a dry mouth, Su Xinyu's eyes kept looking at him slowly squatting Next, gently let Chu Feng be like a newborn baby. When Chu Feng's mouth opened slowly, a warm package made chufeng's head seem to suffer from an earthquake.

Especially think of Huangfu Ruoxi is still sleeping there, noble Su Xinyu is squatting there blowing musical instruments, chufeng feel tonight is not in a dream!The raw blowing and pulling, Su Xinyu stood up and said ruddy and shy: "the first time I was inexperienced, I and sister ruodei would be satisfied with it!"

Chu Feng felt that the whole person became an explosive barrel, and at this moment Su Xinyu lit the lead, a hold of Su Xinyu into the bathtub that had already been overflowed with water, and more words, no more tenderness, and less than the reality of action at this time.

This night, Su Xinyu completely changed a person, giving Chu wind a different feeling, the voice sharp high, if not wind Teng garden all the building sound insulation is the highest standard, at this time must be the sound of half the garden.

Huangfu Ruoxi drank a lot tonight, but under such noise, he opened his eyes, looked at the side of the bed, his eyes were bigger, and he didn't shout when he bit his lips.

Huangfu ruodei and Chu Feng have been peeking at before, but it is still a matter of course to see Chu Feng and Su Xinyu at this time. However, Huangfu Ruoxi is different in feeling. His eyes have been looking for half an hour without blinking, and seeing Chu Feng and Su Xinyu change several positions.

Finally closed eyes, breathing heavy, heart secretly, Xinyu sister usually looks like a princess as noble, how such a time, than if butterfly sister is still strong ah?

What Huangfu ruosi did not know is that Su Xinyu is only the first time!

After washing, Chu wind came out and slept in a wide bed with Su Xinyu. I don't know that the Chu wind that Huangfu ruosi has woke up holds Su Xinyu there, and sighs with a sigh: "woman, this is perfect!"

Su Xinyu's face has not been flushed and hasn't faded. He sniffed the words and pinched Chu Feng's thigh and hum: "at most half an hour later, I will not give it any more. You can go to Rudie sister or jade, Qiduo can also, anyway don't play with me!"

Chu Feng looked at Su Xinyu, who said these words in dismay, and was moved inexplicably. Ninety-nine percent of the world's men wanted to hold their wives and concubines on their left. But the reality often smashed all these things. Even if it was a man with strength, he would sneak and feel it more often. Even if he was a powerful man, he would sneak in and feel it. Even if the backyard was on fire, let alone his woman, you would go to other ones.

But Su Xinyu is saying such words at this time. Chu Feng doesn't think she is making it. She kissed Su Xinyu affectionate. No matter how good, Su Xinyu is the perfect lover in Chu Feng's heart. Although this is perfect, it is caused by the selfish heart of Chu Feng!

Huangfu Ruoxi is stiff, thinking Chu Feng and Su Xinyu will come, try to let himself be a little bit natural, and his body is relaxed. His eyes are narrowed into a seam. He sees two babies entangled there. He secretly says in his heart. He is still a little sister. It is unnecessary to be like this?

But at the moment, Huangfu Ruoxi had a hard time to open, but could only keep sleeping with his eyes closed. Chu Feng kissed Su Xinyu and didn't notice that he met the next Huangfu Ruoxi arm, his eyes were skimmed away, and she seemed to sleep in the fragrance. He thought that Huangfu Ruoxi and maggido were drinking together, and Chu wind secretly said a fool.

Suddenly, he looked at Huangfu Ruoxi's body, and saw Su Xinyu holding himself with his eyes closed when he turned his eyes. Chu Feng contradicted, and suddenly reached out his hand to put it on Huangfu Ruoxi when Su Xinyu didn't know.

Pretending to sleep, Huangfu, if Xi's head blows, what rhythm does he secretly say?

Chu wind is completely stiff, looking at Huangfu Ruoxi still closed his eyes, naturally like sleeping, quietly relaxed in his heart and quickly took back his hand. Su Xinyu just opened his eyes and looked back to see Huangfu Ruoxi released his mouth and chufeng kissed him and said, "what dream is the little girl doing, and it's called out such a voice."

Chu Feng was embarrassed and he couldn't help but was almost seen by Su Xinyu. He coughed and said, "maybe we moved too much just now, causing the dream distortion of Ruxi!"

Su Xinyu points Chu Feng's forehead and says, "it's not your fault, so fierce to die!" Then there was no such a worry about waking Huangfu ruosi embarrassed, pushing Chu Feng to take the pajama cover and said, "why not in sister butterfly, run back?"

"The eyes jokingly said:" Qiduo and if Butterfly Sister are there, two people, don't want to? "

Chu Feng was shocked, his hand in clothes was stagnant, looking at Su Xinyu with a deep smile. He thought of the strange Huangfu ruodei and maggido. He clapped with both hands: "by the way, I knew I would not come. After two, I haven't tried it yet!"

Chu wind breathes a breath, all the depression is dissipated at this moment, and walks to hold Su Xinyu's head and says: "wife, I suddenly find myself love you!" Then in Su Xinyu, angry and shy, she left the room, ready to go to the room of margido to rest.

Su Xinyu worried that Chu Feng would come back, walked to lock the door, came back with a water cup and looked at Huangfu Ruxi in bed. A joking opening was raised at the corner of his mouth: "if sister Xi, you have all woke up for so long, now Chu Feng is not in, still installed?"

Huangfu, who was chuckling at the beginning of the day, sat straight and smiled, "I thought you didn't know."

"I saw you just now when I was facing the door. You are a bad girl. I look ugly!" Su Xinyu snorted, and he didn't mean to be really angry. She sat down and said, "tell you, don't tell other people, or my sister will not take you to play with me. I will isolate you!"Huangfu Ruoxi held back his smile, and then he opened his mouth: "sister Xinyu, when brother Feng kissed you just now, he pinched me!"

"Pinch you?" Su Xinyu took a sip of water for a moment, looked at Huangfu Ruoxi's aggrieved expression, looked at her clothes as if a little deformed, and then thought of the sound just now, opened his mouth: "my husband is so rogue?"

Huangfu ruoxien nodded: "it's a rascal. It hurts me!"

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