Super Healer

Chapter 71

Zhou Jingxing directly appears in the private room, which is not expected by everyone. Jingde and Liuyan even stand up at once. The former is the vassal of the Zhou family, and the latter is the top boss of Zhou Jingxing.

Lin Yulin frowned slightly because of their abnormality, but then Zhou Jingxing said, "Chu Feng, I'll come, don't you mind?"

Jingde and Liuyan immediately knew that Zhou Jingxing was coming from a private identity and did not give any instructions. Liu Yan said, "that hasn't been served yet. I'll go to the bathroom!" Then he left the private room, which also eliminated Lin Yulin's doubts.

"I'll make a call, you order first, and I'll be back." Jingde is also a smart person. Knowing that they will be doubted when they suddenly stand up, he says and goes out like Liu Yan.

Chu Feng didn't expect Zhou Jingxing to come here, but his face didn't show too much: "it's time to sit down!"

Zhou Jingxing walked over and sat down with a smile. He didn't wear a police uniform this evening. He just wore very simple clothes on his body. However, he exuded noble spirit from the inside out. People can see that it is not ordinary. At least Lin Yulin thinks so.

"Xiao Feng, is he?"

Lin Yulin dispelled her doubts and wondered what the relationship between this outstanding man and Chu Feng was. In her impression, Chu Feng should not know such an unusual person.

"Zhou Jingxing, ordinary friend." Chu Feng had already known Zhou Jingxing's identity when treating Zhou tianchu, and he also knew who the old man he was treating. However, he was not surprised. He just said faintly, "I'm not very familiar. I just had a few connections. It's almost like this."

Lin Yulin nodded, only when Chu Feng was a security guard. She nodded slightly, and then she ordered dishes carefully there. It was very elegant.

Zhou Jingxing originally wanted to get acquainted with Chu Feng, but he smelled an unusual smell. He turned his head and saw that Xia Yan's eyes collided with each other. After a moment's silence, he showed a smile: "long time no see, retired?"

"Just retired a few days ago."

Xia Yan knows who the person in front of her is, but she is very calm, and her words are also plain. Seeing Xia Wei, she looks at herself curiously and simply says, "I've been a comrade in arms!"

"It turns out to be my brother's comrade in arms!" Xia Wei nodded and said without any ingenuity: "the deputy director of the group criminal investigation department is also said to be Zhou Jingxing, the youngest vice minister since the founding of the people's Republic of China, and your name is the same!"

"My name is very common. There are many people with the same name and surname."

Although he seldom appears on TV, the group mechanism is still open to the public. Zhou Jingxing, deputy director of criminal investigation, knows a lot of people, but few have met people. He just says with a smile that he does not want to reveal his identity.

At this time, Liu Yan and Jing De who went out also came back one after another. The latter was full of excitement and felt that his judgment was certainly right. The relationship between Chu Feng and Zhou's family was certainly not simple. Otherwise, why did Zhou Jingxing come here as a private person?

The heart also more and more decided to seize Lin Yulin, believe that if Chu Feng and Zhou family are really close, certainly will not not not promote his uncle.

"Chu Feng, don't you introduce it to me?"

He came in and sat for such a long time, but Chu Feng didn't say a word. According to the old man's meaning, it was to have a good relationship with Chu Feng. After all, if you can get such a person to join the Zhou family, the Zhou family's position will certainly be much more stable.

Chu Feng is surprised why Zhou Jingxing appears, but he doesn't feel malicious. Chu Feng doesn't mean to be difficult. He points to the people around him: "Liu Yan, Xia Wei, Xia Yan, you know Xia Yan, and that's my aunt, Lin Yulin!"

Chu Feng's introduction directly ignored Jingde. The latter looked a little embarrassed. Knowing that Zhou Jingxing didn't want to expose his identity, he stood up and held out his hand: "my name is Jingde, chufeng's boyfriend."

"It turns out that you are chufeng's boyfriend, no wonder!"

Zhou Jingxing, who doesn't know how much gratitude and resentment between Jingde and chufeng, looks at Jingde a little more. This guy has a good eye. He has known Chu Feng for a long time. It seems that we should cultivate him well in the future to see if we can get closer to the relationship with Chu Feng.

Zhou Jingxing doesn't think it's so simple to have a meal together to promote the relationship between the two sides.

When Jingde introduced himself, chufeng seemed to catch something. The way Jingde introduced was too special. It's OK to introduce yourself as Jingde, but also to be chufeng's boyfriend?

In the eyes flashed a touch of fun, Chu Feng probably knew Jingde's mind.

Jingde's heart was excited at the moment. For several years in the officialdom, he was very observant. Just now, Zhou Jingxing shook hands with him with the strength and look in his eyes. Jingde knew that he might have occupied the light of Chu Feng and was going to get up.

"You just spent less than an hour with my aunt. You don't have to introduce yourself like this." Chu Feng opened his mouth at the right time. Unexpectedly, he knew Jingde's idea. Naturally, he would not give any face: "because how do I know that you will break up with my aunt tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?""Xiao Feng, what are you talking about? Jingde is not such a person. "

At the moment, Lin Yulin, who is completely silent in love, is pleased to see Jingde. Naturally, Chu Feng is not allowed to speak like this: "be polite. Jingde is your elder now."

Chu Feng's look moved him, but he was too lazy to say anything. He raised his hand and said, "just so many dishes, order it!"

People are chatting in the private room. Maybe it is because of Zhou Jingxing that Jingde and Liu Yan talk a little unnaturally. However, Zhou Jingxing is always active. Chu Feng doesn't want to say anything. They don't need to show their faces to others. They chat with Zhou Jingxing slowly.

Liu Yan is very obedient sitting on one side, watching Chu Feng and Zhou Jingxing chatting there. She can only pull Xia Wei to talk with herself. Although Jingde wants to communicate with Zhou Jingxing more, she also knows that speed is not enough. Chu Feng's heart has a grudge against him. She can only chat with Lin Yulin there, and there is no time for her.

Xia Yan is the quietest, sitting there like a wooden man.

The speed of yuanlongge is very fast. It takes only 20 minutes to place an order to serve the dishes. More than ten dishes have already been placed on the table, and the wine and other things have also been brought up. When the waiter pours a glass for everyone, Jingde stands up at the right time: "come on, we can hardly get together and have a drink!"

Lin Yulin was the first to stand up. Xia Wei, who didn't know the situation, also stood up. Zhou Jingxing also stood up. Then only Chu Feng sat there by himself. He just tapped the table with his glass and drank it himself.

Jingde's expression was stiff, and his anger flashed in his heart, but he didn't care at all: "come on, let's do it together!"

Zhou Jingxing took a deep look at Jingde. Then he crossed his mind and sat down to pick up the newly filled wine. He said to Chu Feng, "come on, let's have a drink. Everything is in the wine."

Chu Feng naturally knew Zhou Jingxing's potential meaning and picked up a glass of wine with Zhou Jingxing: "dry!"

Although Xia Wei recovered from a serious illness, she still offered Chu Feng a cup of juice instead of juice, but she didn't say much. Xia Yan just picked up her glass and drank with Chu Feng, and she drank wine and vegetables there alone, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him.

"Auntie, thank you for your care in this month. I'd like to propose a toast."

This is Chu Feng standing up with a glass full of wine. Lin Yulin stands up with a smile. She has not been as happy as she is today. Jingde also stands up and does not give up any chance that he is Lin Yulin's boyfriend: "work together!"

Chu Feng and Lin Yulin touched: "I do, you are free to do!" Then do not go and Jingde glass touch, directly on the end of the glass of wine.

Jingde's face changed very ugly in an instant. From the beginning to now, he showed his kindness to Chu Feng several times, but he was swept by Chu Feng mercilessly. Lin Yulin also saw something and was a little angry: "Xiaofeng, what are you doing? Jingde has toasted you several times this evening. Why don't you give face?"

"I only drink with friends!"

Chu Feng knew that his practice would make Lin Yulin sad. His first love was not blessed by his relatives. However, he knew that Jingde was close to his goal. If he didn't kill him, he would be a gift: "if my aunt wants me to drink with him, it doesn't matter!"

After that, he picked up a bottle of Baijiu and poured it to Jingfeng

Then put the bottle on the table: "I'm full, you go on!"

Chu Feng originally thought that this evening was a very relaxed dinner, but at the moment it was not in the mood at all, and there was a little complicated. He opened the door of the private room and left. Zhou Jingxing stood up and apologized with a smile: "I have something to do with you. I won't accompany you. I'll get together again if I have a chance. I'll count this evening."

Liu Yan herself is not very optimistic about the things Lin Yulin and Jingde are together. She always feels a little weird, so she jumps up: "Xiaofeng, wait for me!"

"Sister Yulin, my brother and I will leave first. We will get together again sometime." Xia Wei doesn't know, but she can see something now. She pulls Xia Yan to her feet. Chu Feng is her savior. Chu Feng wants to leave. Of course, she won't stay here.

Soon there were only Jingde and Lin Yulin left in the private room. The latter sat there blankly. Today, she finally fell in love, but she didn't get the blessing she wanted. Not only did this happen, but also there was such a thing. She looked at Jingde next to him: "sorry, Xiao Feng is still young and doesn't understand."

If you can, Jingde now really want to slap Lin Yulin's face, originally thought Lin Yulin in Chu Feng's heart status is very high, in her face, Chu Feng will certainly be polite to himself, but now it seems that he is wrong.

Deliberately approaching Lin Yulin is for their own interests, of course, it does not rule out coveting Lin Yulin's beauty, but Chu Feng's performance just now has no chance to reconcile. Take a deep breath and stand up: "Yulin, let's go too!"

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