Super Healer

Chapter 712

In the night of fengteng garden, there is a little more special flavor tonight.

Chu Feng sat in the hall and looked at Jesse, who was sitting there and standing up and walking around. He said with a smile, "I really want to know what Guming and Tiandao old man said, so I'll go to the back mountain and see it. We won't stop you!"

Jesse stopped and began to scold: "the old man is always kicking people. If he dares to do anything to my man again, I'll gather the lions' mercenaries to kill him!"

Chu Feng's mouth twitched for a moment, but he had no choice but to smile. Not to mention the strength of the fierce lion mercenary regiment, she must have been strong. Even if there were another 500 people according to such strength, it was estimated that it would not be enough for Tiandao old man to abuse her.

However, he was also curious about what the old man Tiandao did with Gu Ming in the back mountain. It was not easy for him to enter the top three in the black list. At the same time, he also sighed that it was no wonder that Gu Ming knew xuanhuang Jiuzhen at the beginning.

"Oh, I'm so tired!"

When Chu Feng and others were wondering what, Murong Bing came in from the outside and seemed to be very tired and said, "next time, I still don't want to go shopping. I'm so tired!"

Chu Feng looked at Murong Bing and other people who came in with strange expressions. Seeing her and Su Xinyu and Ma Qiduo as sisters, he asked curiously, "that, do you go shopping together?"

Murong Bing walked past the usual enchanting, directly sat on Chu Feng's thigh, hooked his neck and said, "yes, I didn't want to go today, but I was taken out by Xinyu and qidora. I didn't buy a few things, but I was tired to death."

Chu Feng's mouth twitches. Although he knows the change of Su Xinyu, he is still a little shocked when he really sees this scene. He walks to one side and sits down. Murong Bing sits on his lap without much fluctuation of Su Xinyu. Chu Feng feels a little more moved.

Su Xinyu's pride Chu Feng knows, it is precisely because Chu Feng understands, so at the moment to see her change, Chu Feng knows how difficult, but also more sorry.

Murong Bing loosened Chu Feng's neck and stood up. She was also a person who knew how to stop. She looked around the people sitting in the hall and frowned: "Why are you so crowded today? Do you have hot pot? In addition, I heard that orphan and Jesse have been kidnapped. They have been solved. There is no need to do this? "

When Murong Bing was curious that everyone was like this, a bright voice came from the outside: "Chu Feng, have you prepared the single room for the old man, 10 catties of beef and 10 catties of good wine? You don't want to accompany any woman tonight. Drink with me honestly. I'll teach you something about the old man."

The sloppy figure of Tiandao old man appeared at the door and walked in carelessly. When everyone stood up and Tiandao old man was ready to say something, Murong Bing just turned around.

When the old man saw Murong Bing, he was stunned. Then he suddenly retreated to the door and said, "my God, the witch is also there?"

He wanted to turn around, but Murong Bing seemed to recognize Tiandao old man. With a smile, everyone only saw a shadow. Then, with everyone's astonishment and disbelief, old Tiandao was kicked in by Murong Bing, just like he was kicking lonely life and Jesse.

A bang on the floor, but also let Chu Feng's mouth severely affected, looking at Murong Bing's eyes also changed, feeling or underestimated this woman.

LAN Meier and Huang Jingyin are also stunned. They have already known that the slovenly old man is Tiandao old man, the third super strong person in the black list, and the master who lives alone. But now the mysterious Tiandao old man in their eyes is kicked by Murong Bing, and their nerves beat.

Tiandao old man rolled on the ground, stood up and ran behind Chu Feng, pointed to Murong Bing and asked, "Chu Feng, how is this woman here?"

Chu Feng felt that Tiandao old man was like a mouse seeing a cat. He suppressed his shock and looked at Murong Bing who came back slowly. He coughed and said, "well, she lived here, but if you want to ask me how she came here, I don't know how to explain to you, because I don't know either!"

Tiandao old man was stunned and looked at Murong Bing with a little vigilance in his eyes and said, "demon girl, you don't want to harm people again?"

"Ouch, twenty years ago, you ran fast and didn't kill you. Your mouth still didn't keep the door open." Murong Bing gave a strange cry. The next moment, like a ghost, he appeared behind Tiandao old man. With one hand waving, Tiandao old man was thrown out again like a ball.

All of us swallowed and moved their saliva. Looking at the demon like Murong Bing, they all felt that this woman was really killing her. How did Chu Feng get it?

Tiandao old man was thrown away twice. He was shocked by his master's misfortune. He stood in front of Tiandao old man and said with a low voice: "he is my master!"

"Your master?" Murong Bing was still ready to do it, but when he stood in front of his eyes, he seemed to think of something and pat his head: "I said, how do you feel that you are a little familiar? It turns out that he is the apprentice of this rascal boy. He loves drinking and eating meat, and he never leaves his body all day long!"

"But you'd better get out of my way. This bastard played around 20 years ago. I've been annoyed by countless flies for two years. I'll have to pay for it!"Su Xinyu and Ma Qiduo looked at each other. The former swallowed hard and opened his mouth: "ice, did you exist 20 years ago?"

Murong Binggang wants to open up his lonely life. Hearing this, he stops. He looks back with a charming smile and waves his hand and says, "ha ha, you're kidding. I still drank milk 20 years ago. How could it be?"

In Su Xinyu and Ma Qiduo's expressions of disbelief, old Tiandao stood up and stood behind his lonely life fearlessly and said, "blow it. My master used to regard you as a junior when he saw you. If my master were still here, he would have been", "

and said in a cold voice:" Tiandao, if you don't want to have a pleasant chat, you can Go on, I swear I won't kill you, but I'll make you uneasy forever

Hearing this, old man Tiandao closed his mouth, patted his lonely shoulder and said, "good disciple, prepare a single room for me. The evil spirit is too heavy here!"

Then, before Murong Bing started to get angry, he pulled a lonely life wind to leave the hall, leaving all the people with big eyes and small eyes in the hall. Murong Bing stood under everyone's gaze and looked up at Chu Feng and said, "husband!"

When the two words with a long sound came out, Chu Feng was excited and coughed and said, "prepare according to the instructions of master Tiandao. Wait for me to have a drink with him!"

LAN Mei Er, Xia Yan and others can't help but know what Chu Feng means. Murong Bing is not only a young spirit, but also leaves here quickly. Only Chu Feng and Su Xinyu are left in the hall.

Murong Bing, with a smile, went to Su Xinyu and Ma Qiduo and said, "look at me, I'm young and beautiful. I'm 18 years old. You don't believe that old man's words, don't you?"

Su Xinyu and Ma Qiduo both thought Murong Bing had the most appearance at the beginning. But Murong Bing said that 20 years ago, it was difficult for them to believe it. Ma Qiduo shook his head and wryly laughed: "Bingbing, you can tell the truth, it doesn't matter, our bearing capacity is still very strong."

"What's more, Fengfeng doesn't care, what do we care about?"

Su Xinyu also nodded, a little unnatural smile said: "yes, Chu Feng doesn't mind these, we don't have the qualification to mind at all!"

Chu Feng coughed, but did not laugh. He ignored Murong Bing's look for help. In the end, Chu Feng was also curious. When did Murong Bing come from and know his master, it seems that Murong Bing's generation is bigger than that of Tiandao's master.

Murong Bing is cute, but at the moment, Su Xinyu's eyes are full of panic. They don't think Murong Bing taught Tiandao old man a lesson for no reason, and they don't think that what the old man Tiandao just said is false.

Looking at themselves, Su Xinyu still didn't believe it. Murong Bing stamped her feet and sat down. Looking at Su Xinyu and Ma Qiduo, she asked, "you should know that there are some things on the secular level that can't be known by the secular world, or even should not exist in this world?"

Su Xinyu and Ma Qiduo both nodded. As a member of the top circle, with the recent contact, it was difficult for them to know.

"I am one of them!" Murong ice drum mouth throw a word.

Su Xinyu raised his hand and looked at Murong Bingcai and said, "we knew you must be one of them. Otherwise, you would not have defeated abbess Jueyin that night. But what we want to know most is, how old are you?"

Murong Bing's face collapsed. He looked down at Chu Feng, who pretended to know nothing. He closed his eyes and said, "it's like four hundred, like five hundred!"

As soon as the words were spoken, Su Xinyu and Ma Qiduo opened their mouths, but Chu Feng sat down directly on the ground, looked at Murong Bing, who was about 20 years old, and said with difficulty: "my mother, my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's

Murong Bing glared at Chu Feng and said, "I'm four or five hundred years old anyway. Do you want that or not? As for your grandfather's grandfather's grandfather, do you know how old they are if they live to now?"

When Chu Feng thought of a martial artist to a certain extent, it was very simple to extend his life span, just like Huangfu Junyi, but his super master level was over 100 years old. He stood up and went to Murong Bing and sat down. He whispered, "Bingbing, are you really four or five hundred years old? Are you sure? "

Because when Murong Bing said that, Chu Feng's left eye saw the color of deception, and confirmed that Murong Bing was lying. This is also a secret Murong Bing did not know. Chu Feng's left eye could see the dark side.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Chu Feng didn't ask any more questions. He was basically sure that Murong Bing's secret was not simple. It was not a warrior, but his strength was amazing. He thought that drinking with Tiandao old man might be a little rewarding. He got up and left the hall with a smile.

Murong Bing blinked her eyes, and her small mouth cocked, knowing that Chu Feng didn't believe her, she turned to go upstairs. Su Xinyu and Ma Qiduo came up and sat on both sides of her. At the same time, they pinched the same voice on her face: "we also want to be young for hundreds of years!"

Murong Bing was stunned and then giggled. The woman was not afraid of this, but instinctive desire. She nodded: "OK, let's go upstairs!"

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