Super Healer

Chapter 723

In the Guanghan garden, at 9 p.m., Chu Feng strolled around the streets of the imperial city for about an hour. He threw away the people who were tracking the secret and came here with the ice and jade. It was discovered by the members of the hidden jade Scorpio group just after it appeared. But it was found that Chu Feng quickly took up the blade.

Chu Feng satisfied with their alertmen, and then looked around and asked, "what about Melly?"

A woman came up and said, "the leader is in it!"

Chu Feng nodded gently, and it was estimated that lanmeier and Lin Yulin or yuscorpion did not pay attention to so much now. Waving their hands to let the members of the jade Scorpio group retreat temporarily, they went to the garage, and the things brought back had already given the phone in the afternoon, and arrived here safely and secretly.

Opened the garage door, Chu Feng entered the inside, a coffin appeared in front of.

The garage gate also slowly falls at this moment, and the ice and jade are also appearing beside the Chu wind. It seems that Chu Feng has surprised to see that simple sarcophagus. It seems that Chu Feng has asked people to transport a sarcophagus to do here.

But Chu Feng did not say, they would not ask, just feel sure what use.

This sarcophagus was the one found in the underground passage of Prince Bingdu Joe. Wenxinxue judged that the person in the coffin was Chang'e. although it is not sure, Chu Feng felt that it might be useful. He felt that the coffin had existed for a long time.

And the mysterious seven lives of the seventh world, Chu Feng felt very magical when, also a little more curious.

Walking to the near future, Bingqingyujie saw the font pupil on the sarcophagus shrinking sharply, and Yujie subconsciously opened: "pure fox does not care, that is not another name of Chang'e?"

Chu Feng was stunned, and looked at jade jade and asked, "you seem to know something?"

Ice qingyujie looked at it. Bingqing walked to the front and touched the sarcophagus and said calmly: "yes, although the legend goes to Chang'e, there is another version on one level. Chang'e has not run for the moon, but she is only a Yin by Yi, and the fragrance is destroyed by jade.

In the real history, Yi wanted to replace the supreme gods, including killing Chang'e's father, Jun. but no one knew what happened later. The only thing that was clear was that he left a beautiful myth for later generations and also created a holy and traditional festival. "

"But the real fact is that Chang'e and Yi don't have much intersection in themselves."

Chu Feng had a little bit of a subversion in his pupils, but he did not doubt it too much. It was said that, except for those of that time, who could know what happened at that time.

The so-called historical truth is nothing but a chapter written by the winner, and it is not worth too much study.

"To think about it, Chu Feng said at the end of the head:" open the coffin! "

Ice qingyujie nodded, one person walked to one side with one end of the coffin, Chu Feng and Wenxin snow needed great strength to move the lid of the coffin, ice clean jade clean two people just gently and effortlessly open.

When I saw the beautiful woman lying in the coffin as if alive, the heart beat hard.

as like as two peas in the ancient books, this is indeed Chang'e. I never expected that Chang E, who was in the death of a beauty, would have been lying in the sarcophagus.

"It turns out to be Chang'e!"

Chu Feng began to have many doubts, but at this time, from the mouth of the ice, Chu wind's shock is not a little bit, looking at the woman lying in the coffin, beautiful face, even today, can make countless women look down.

Squatting down and looking at Chang'e's peaceful face, Chu wind can feel a familiar, but this familiarity is a little inexplicable, the specific problem, Chu wind also said not clear, what mouth to think of: "seven lives of the seventh world is definitely what is the matter, the first time to see, Chang'e has that thing on his body."

Ice is almost the same time exclamation: "seven lives of the seventh world to decide?"

Chu Feng did not know how they reacted so much, but still nodded back: "yes, it once appeared in Chang'e, but now Wenxin snow hand, have you any questions?"

"My God!"

Jade Jie shook her head and sighed with a whisper: "although seven lives of the seventh world are by no means a rare method of heart, many people are not willing to practice. I began to wonder that Chang'e has been so perfect after countless years of life. Now I know that she has practiced seven lives and she will wake up in the early days!"

This Chu wind has heard it in Wenxin snow, but Wenxin snow is not sure. Chu Feng asks, "will you really wake up?"

"Yes, sure!"

Bingqing took over the topic and said: "the seven lives of the seventh generation decided to cultivate the time countless times the time of other mental skills, but it is also easier to go to the highest level than any other skill. After the centenarianism, it will be a great success of the seventh world, which is a hidden legend that seven lives decided to spread."

Looking at Chang'e in the coffin, the ice-cleaning eyes swept a cold killing machine and said: "but no one knows how many times chang e reincarnation, several great successes, but surely she will become the only God in the world when she wakes up in the seventh world!"Chu Feng felt the opportunity of killing, kept calm and asked, "what else do you want to say?"

"Destroy her!" Bingqing did not hesitate to reveal his words, and then explained: "now the earth is not the original earth, itself has been developed by human beings at a pole, if there is God this should not exist again, the earth may not be able to withstand her rampage."

"The most important thing is, to be the only God, coupled with the loneliness of reincarnation, no one is sure Chang'e will not kill all living beings!"

Chu Feng was silent and didn't speak. His words were very clear and even more detailed than Wen Xinxue's. The seventh generation and the seventh generation did not have to go through countless reincarnations, but the seventh generation of reincarnation must be a great success.

The reason why no one practiced before was that he didn't believe this legend, but some things were not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. If the reincarnation of the hundred generations was bound to be full of seven generations, how many reincarnations had Chang'e in the sarcophagus?

With a slight cough, Chu Feng closed his eyes and thought. He is not the Savior, but he is not an absolute villain. If Chang'e really will wake up and even bring disaster to the world, it is definitely not what Chu Feng would like to see.

With his eyes open, Chu Feng admired Chang'e in his heart. He decided to live through the endless years of reincarnation. Even a tough man would not necessarily do this, but Chang'e chose.

A woman can adhere to the same thing in the end, only because of two factors, one is extreme hate, the other is extreme love, but obviously, Chang'e has hatred in her heart.

It seems that a decision has been made. Chu Feng stood up and said faintly: "prepare gasoline and all the things, burn down the things that should not exist, so don't exist. Just burn this body, can you prevent the evolution of the seven generations and seven decisions?"

When Chu Feng said the burning, her face softened a lot. After hearing this, Yujie whispered: "there is such a record in ancient books that the power of practitioners in each life can be stronger than that of the same realm. It is not that they reincarnate with power, but their strength in each life is preserved."

"This noumenon is the source of seven life, and it is also a body that exists in every life. There are six other bodies, and part of the power after death will remain in the noumenon."

Chu Feng seemed to catch something and said faintly: "it means that although Chang'e is still a dead man now, when she wakes up, the power of reincarnation will break out, which will let her directly step into the divine position?"

Bingqingyujie nodded: "yes!"

Chu Feng twisted his neck and walked to a corner of the garage. Two barrels of gasoline were put there. Chu Feng picked it up and walked back. Without hesitation, he opened the lid of the gasoline barrel and poured it into the sarcophagus. The two barrels poured down. Chang'e was immersed in the gasoline, and the rich flavor was around.

Chu Feng's fingers flashed, a gold needle shot out, touched the edge of the sarcophagus, splashed a spark, Huo, the sarcophagus was on fire. Chu Feng watched the beautiful body gradually submerged in the fire, and felt a little inexplicable heartache. Chu Feng waved his hand and left the garage temporarily.

People outside smelled the smell of gasoline burning and wanted to go in. Chu Feng came out and whispered, "just burn something and do your work well. You don't need to pay attention to these."

All of a sudden, in a room on the second floor, the figure of a long black skirt jumped down, and instantly came to the front of Chu Feng. Members of the Jade Scorpion group stopped their pace when they saw who it was.

Chu Feng saw the woman in front of her, shook her head and said, "why do you like to run out when you are free now?"

It was Lin Yulin who came out. She was also a Jade Scorpion. Her cold eyes looked into the garage. A fire was clearly visible in the cracks. There was a strong smell of gasoline. Her voice said coldly: "what are you doing?"

Chu Feng cast a glance at Jade Scorpion lightly, return a way without fluctuation: "just burn something that shouldn't exist, nothing to go back to the house!"


Jade Scorpion's face changed slightly, and suddenly he took the hand. When Chu Feng felt that he couldn't hide, she suddenly appeared, blocking the attack of the Jade Scorpion group. When the latter stepped back, she pulled Chu Feng back two steps.

Jade Scorpion looked at ice and jade, and then looked at Chu Feng and said, "get out of the way!"

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