Super Healer

Chapter 74

In the sky, Chu Feng and Lin Yulin walk on the streets with few people. Although there is still a month to go before the full moon night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the moon in the sky is already very round. When the next full moon comes, it will be mid autumn.

"The moon waxes and wanes, and people have misfortunes and blessings overnight."

Lin Yulin suddenly stopped and looked at the full moon in the sky, showing a faint sadness: "I have not seen the full moon in my hometown for 12 years. I feel that time goes by so fast, and my sister has gone."

Chu Feng was still worried about Lin Yulin's words just now, but at the moment, hearing her emotion, there was no reason to come up with a trace of sadness: "it's all my fault. If I could take out 500000 at that time, I could buy the most valuable medicinal materials. Although she can't be cured, at least she can live a few more years."

"Some things can't blame anyone. Everything is life."

Lin Yulin chuckled, turned around, took Chu Feng's arm and walked naturally to the front. People who didn't know still thought that it was a love between brothers and sisters: "I came to Jianghai when I was 15 years old. When I didn't graduate from high school, I was in the restaurant to help others wash dishes. Every night, I passed by at 10 o'clock until 5:6 a.m.

When I was free, I had to wash 700 people's dishes and chopsticks a day, and when I was busy, I had to wash nearly 2000 people's dishes and chopsticks. It was very hard at that time, but I was very happy when I got the more than 1000 yuan a month, even though my hands were already cracked because of the cold weather. "

In Chu Feng's subconscious silence aftertaste, Lin Yulin continued: "this life lasted for two years. When I was 17 years old, I knew that I would never be able to wash dishes, so I took time to go to night school, and my kung fu paid off. After three years of hard work, I finally completed my undergraduate education, earlier than anyone else.

My luck is also very good, was hired by Shengyuan, and now I am a small white-collar worker with a monthly salary of more than 10000 yuan. Although it is nothing compared with the average level of Jianghai, I am very satisfied. I try to prove myself and I can send money to my family every month. "

"In a flash, I was twenty-seven years old. Many people said that I had come to this day relying on my body, but I knew that it was all my efforts. Whenever I was misunderstood, I just hid in a corner and felt uncomfortable. Then I told myself, don't pay attention to anyone's ridicule and have a clear conscience."

Lin Yulin looked at Chu Feng with a calm smile: "but in the past two years, my younger brother has not read any more. I can also help make up for my family. Only you are the only one. When I am quiet, do you know what I think most?"

"I'm sorry, Auntie!"

Lin Yulin said now, where Chu Feng does not understand what it means: "this evening I should not be Jingde that way, perhaps he is a little hypocritical, but perhaps just to others, perhaps he is not true love to you, but will certainly give you a complete family, I am wrong!"

Lin Yulin just gently smile, and then pull Chu Feng to continue to walk, a long time before opening again: "yes, I quiet down to think of the most is to find someone to marry, a can take care of me, can also help you and younger brother, just see you and Jingde discord, I was confused again.

So I left with him and gambled with myself. If he didn't do anything to me, I would be with him even if you didn't want to. But in the end, I found that I lost

A hand pinched Chu Feng's ear: "so you don't need to be too sorry, a person who can take advantage of me to faint and commit an offence to me, how can you love my relatives? So my aunt is a little angry, just thinking about where my person will be?"

After a pause, Lin Yulin looked at Chu Feng in her eyes and said, "or, what do you want to say to me?"

Chu Feng looks stiff. He knows that Lin Yulin wants to ask the beginning question, but he really doesn't know how to say it. Anyway, he is disgusted that someone approaches Lin Yulin.

"How did you talk to Liu Yan?" Seeing Chu Feng holding her head down and not talking, Lin Yulin didn't pester her: "she is a good girl. Her family condition is just a little better than me. She also comes from dianlan. I can see that she seems good to you. Although you are 18 years old, your aunt doesn't think it's suitable to fall in love, but you should cherish it when you are together. Do you know?"

"Aunt, I really have no relationship with Liu Yan."

Chu Feng felt a little uncomfortable when he heard about himself, so he was misunderstood by Lin Yulin: "that's just Liu Yan threatening me. I really have nothing to do with her. Don't talk about it with her. I haven't even kissed her mouth!"

Lin Yulin looked at Chu Feng seriously when he was talking. After coming out for so many years, she could tell the truth and lie by herself. As long as she was not too good at acting, Lin Yulin could see clearly, but Chu Feng couldn't see through: "really?"

Chu Feng directly raised a hand: "I swear if I cheat you, the day hit five thunder, go out to the car hit!"

"I believe you. How can I swear?" Lin Yulin blocks Chu Feng's mouth and looks angry. However, she finds that she and Chu Feng are very close at the moment, just like the love between lovers. Moreover, Chu Feng looks at herself without blinking. Lin suddenly feels her heart beating fast.I can't help but think of a kiss that day.

"Shit, the people in big cities are good. You can hold them in the street." While they were staying there, a rough man's voice rang out: "and this woman, it looks so exciting. It's much better than we don't know. If we can play for one night, it's worth dying tomorrow!"

A word makes Chu Feng and Lin Yulin embarrassed to separate, but the latter looks ugly and looks at the man who is talking, but he is stunned in his heart. He has a strong evil spirit, which is almost the same as Xia Yan.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's go!" Beside the man who was talking nonsense, there was a middle-aged man with a ragged beard. At the moment, he looked at Lin Yulin and was stunned, but he could cover it up very well. Then he laughed at Chu Feng and said, "I'm sorry, my brother has drunk too much. Don't go outside!"

Lin Yulin couldn't see anything, but she nodded when she saw her apology: "it's OK!"

Chu Feng quietly looked at two men passing by. His left eye saw that they all had evil spirits. It was the breath of killing people, but also could feel a dangerous breath flowing on their bodies. When did such people appear in Jianghai, it seems that they are not demobilized?

"That one!" Lin Yulin also looked back at the two men who walked away with their backs to them. Finally, she shrugged her shoulders and turned to ask Chu Feng to go. It happened that Chu Feng turned her head. Originally, they were close together. Now they turned around and came back together. Their two mouths touched each other without any distance.

Both of them forgot to respond at one time. After a few seconds, Lin Yulin suddenly closed her eyes. Chu Feng felt that her hands and feet seemed to be out of control. She held Lin Yulin's slender waist without any weight, and kissed her raw.

Although it's the street in the middle of the night, there are still some people who come out to walk in the night of the river and sea. A few people will walk by occasionally. When passing by Chu Feng and Lin Yulin, they will point and point, but they will leave silently.

Such things are immoral in rural areas, but common in international cities like Jianghai.

"When else do you want to kiss?"

Nearly ten minutes later, Chu Feng was still there sucking her tender tongue, but Lin Yulin suddenly let go of her mouth and looked at Chu Feng angrily, "how dare you forget the rules I told you. Don't you have any bad thoughts on my aunt, don't eat my tofu, forget it?"

Chu Feng didn't know why just now. After Lin Yulin closed her eyes, she suddenly had the impulse to hold a deep kiss and put it into action. At the moment, she was a little embarrassed: "that young, curious, impulsive, can't hold on to it!"

Seeing that Chu Feng seemed to be a little nervous to talk there, all kinds of excuses sprang up. Lin Yulin chuckled and looked down at her slender hands: "you are impulsive and curious. Why do you still hold me? I don't know you hold me tightly. Is it hard for me to breathe?"

Chu Feng seemed to have been bitten by a snake. He loosened Lin Yulin's slender waist, and his face was full of embarrassment. Lin Yulin knocked on his head: "only this time, never again!"

Then she directly turned and walked towards the front. Her steps were much faster than the beginning, but Lin Yulin was also very nervous. What happened to me just now? Why did I close my eyes? Was it really hunger and thirst for so many years, and I was so hungry?

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