Super Healer

Chapter 742

The melodious sound of the piano seems empty and peaceful in this quiet snowy night. When Chu Feng walked along for many days, the inner agitation caused by killing and felling for many days seems to be quiet at the moment. The sound of Qin gives people a feeling of washing their hearts.

Slowly falling snow, gently fell on the body of Chu Feng, he did not go to shoot off, just walked into a pavilion, closed his eyes and quietly listened to this music can let people clean the soul of the music.

As Chu Feng sits down, the player seems to have a general feeling. The speed of plucking the strings accelerates, sometimes melodious, sometimes fast, and sometimes it makes people feel like they are in a peaceful river, and it is as if they are on the prairie with thousands of horses galloping, drawing the Chu wind into the artistic conception one by one.

But no matter how wonderful the music is, there will be an end to it.

At the end of the song, Chu Feng still sat there with his eyes closed, reflecting on the feeling brought by the music just now. This is the most perfect music that Chu Feng has ever heard. It can make people move with the sound and place themselves in different artistic conception.

It was a long time before Chu Feng opened his eyes and began to look at the people playing the piano.

A woman, in her twenties, has a delicate appearance, which gives people a peaceful classical beauty. She sometimes shows a sad look between her eyebrows, which makes people want to love her. Her hands are clean and her fingers are slender and tender, which makes people want to hold them in their palms when they see them.

Gently clapping his hands, Chu Feng appreciated the opening: "yes, even if it is an international master, the level is no more than this, or in other words, there is still a little gap."

The woman stood up and bowed. Her voice was soft, and she opened her mouth like a spring breeze: "thank you."

Chufeng chufeng chufeng chufeng laughed softly. Facing the talented and graceful women, Chu Feng always had a different kind of good feeling, and said, "it should be me. Thank you for letting me hear a warm music on such a cold night. It's hard to buy a thousand dollars!"

The woman shook her head with a smile, and her eyes were soft: "I should thank you. It's a music that washes people's hearts. Different people have different feelings when they listen to it. It's just like an ordinary person who can only feel the simple music. Only you, sir, can feel those things."

"It's easy to find a famous zither, but hard to meet a confidant. If you can meet someone who knows my music, I'm the one to thank!"

Appropriate words make Chu Feng better impression. Take a look at Guanghan garden not far away. Although surprised that a beautiful woman is still here so late at night, she should only be a woman with strange personality. Otherwise, where else would she play a piano music here at such a late night?

Keeping politeness, Chu Feng scattered his sharpness and sharpness and said: "I love the music of Miss Qin very much. It washes my heart and makes me feel suddenly enlightened. Although Miss thinks I am your confidant, I think you are my guiding light. I don't know if I can go to the residence and have a chat."

Women's eyes follow the direction of Chu Feng, a shallow smile: "convenient?"

Chufeng chufeng said with a smile: "Miss, I'm not afraid that I'm a disciple, so it's convenient!"

Chu Feng's words let the woman look at him more, then put away the piano on the stone table and walked out of the pavilion. When she was in the snow, she turned back and said, "a person who knows the sound of my zither, even if he is a disciple, I recognize it!"

Simply said a word, the woman walked towards Guanghan garden, some things do not need good and bad answers, action can answer everything.

Chu Feng looked at the woman's back, a touch of appreciation and interest: "interesting woman!" Waving to the distance, Murong Bing rolled his eyes in the car and started the car towards Guanghan garden. Chu Feng in the dark colluded with women.

Walk a few steps to the woman side by side, Chu Feng did not speak, the woman holding her piano did not speak, late at night on the snow road, only left two people's footprints, from the back looks like two friends who have known for a long time, but look carefully, it is found that they always keep a little distance.

With the woman directly into the Guanghan garden, Chu Feng naturally invited her to the living room. Lin Yulin and LAN Meier had already rested. Fortunately, Chu Feng secretly asked the woman to sit down and poured her a cup of boiled water.

The woman looked at the surrounding environment, when she saw Murong Bing coming out of the bathroom to go upstairs, her eyes brightened, and she began to appreciate it a little more. She said, "Fox flatters heaven!"

Chu Feng looked and nodded with approval: "I think so too!"

When Murong ice disappeared in sight, Chu Feng held out his hand and said, "my name is Chu Feng. I don't know what you call it?"

The woman did not hold Chu Feng's outstretched hand. She just took a drink of the cup of boiled water. Chu Feng looked stiff and embarrassed. Finally, she put down that embarrassed hand with a bitter smile in her heart. She said to a woman with character!

The woman put down her cup, looked at Chu Feng outside and asked, "I heard that the underground emperor in the north is called Chu Feng. You are also called Chu Feng when you are under the age of 18 or 19. I don't know if you are the same person?"

It's no secret that we haven't seen people, but most people know that the underground emperor of the north is Chu Feng.

Therefore, Chu Feng also did not deny, gently nodded back: "yes, I am the wind door chufeng!"

The woman did not show any surprised expression, but nodded gracefully. Seeing Chu Feng's appearance, she said: "I didn't shake hands with you just now, because I have never had contact with men. I'm not used to it. As for the name, as long as you know that we are friends tonight, why should you know so clearly?"Chu Feng looked at the woman with great interest. She was classical and a little proud. She didn't hate her. She even appreciated her. At least she knew that she was Chu Feng. She was just as usual.

"Let me talk about one more song for you."

Chu Feng also swallowed the words to his mouth. He waved and asked for help. He leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes to enjoy the sound of the woman's piano.

The woman took a look at Chu Feng, lowered her head and carefully fiddled with the strings. The melodious reproduction of the music was only a little less than that in the small garden. Maybe she could feel something called loneliness more in such an environment.

The sound of the piano also makes Lin Yulin and LAN Mei Er open their eyes. What we don't know is that Chang'e's eyelids, arranged by Chu Feng in another room, flutter.

And the music continues to fly, catharsis is a lonely mood, Chu Feng seems to be able to feel a person from the knife mountain blood sea all the way out, with a piece of white bone pad up a road.

In the end, the man did not know how many people he had killed. He only knew that his feet were covered with white bones. Standing on the high mountain, he looked down on everything at the foot of the mountain and the scenery in the distance. A kind of inexplicable loneliness pervaded the heart of Chu Feng, and a feeling of world loneliness could not be moved in his heart.

The king is on the top of the mountain. He has been worshipped from all directions and enjoys the glory that others can't enjoy. But he is not happy at all, because at the moment when he stands at the top, he finds that there is no one who can speak.

In the long ending, Chu Feng opened his eyes and looked at the woman who plucked the last string. His whole soul was not fighting and hatred, but more peaceful. It seemed to see many invisible things. When the music finally disappeared, Chu Feng said softly: "thank you

Then she stood up and saw Lin Yulin and LAN mei'er who were attracted by the music and said to the latter, "arrange a room for this lady, and I'm going to have a rest."

With that, Chu Feng went upstairs directly to close the door. When blueberry came, the woman put up her piano, stood up and said with a smile, "just come to drink a cup of water to play the piano for my bosom friend. Now I have enough nagging. I still have something to do tomorrow. Goodbye!"

After that, without waiting for blueberry to say anything, the woman walked out of the house with her piano in her arms. She didn't enter the snow night, and finally disappeared in the vast night. Only a delicate figure left in the hearts of others.

LAN Mei Er mumbled her little mouth and hummed, "where does fengshao collude with such an excellent product? It's really greedy and can't chew it. Qin Yue's affairs have not been settled yet, villain!"

In Lin Yulin's wry smile, LAN Mei Er goes upstairs angrily, only to hear the sound of closing the door heavily. Lin Yulin looks at no one in the snow night and touches her heart: "why did I feel my heart beating so fast just now? It seems that I feel something in general!"

In the room on the second floor, Chu Feng went to the window after he came in. He had been looking at the outside all the time. The sound of the piano of the strange woman made him feel different things and washed his mind. However, he also had a trace of rejection of the peak. That kind of loneliness was very hard!

Frown unnaturally, looking at the vast snow night, Chu Feng Nuo said to himself: "who are you, really washing my heart, or just let me lose my ambition?"

"Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir. The sea is clear, the sky is blue, and the heart is at night."

In Chu Feng's soliloquy, a sigh rings out, and Chang'e's voice echoes in the room: "her music gives you such a feeling, but it gives me a different artistic conception. I seem to see what happened in the sarcophagus for countless years. Others keep wonderful, but I am buried in the darkness that nobody knows."

Chu Feng looked back at the dead, but the voice did not know where Chang'e narrowed her eyes and said, "she has an impact on you, immortal voice?"

"Can you be serious?"

I don't know where the voice came with a bit of helplessness, and then said: "some people's attainments in music can't be explained. When the martial arts masters go to a certain extent, they sometimes need such temperament to break some shackles. Chu Feng, find me the person who plays the piano and play it for me in three days!"

Chu Feng's mouth slightly tilted, scattered the trouble of women's Qin music and said with a smile, "what can you give me?"

Chang'e was silent for a long time, and said faintly, "let you step into the Tianjing period in the shortest time, and condense out the true yuan!"

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