Super Healer

Chapter 758

The plane landed steadily in the river and sea.

Chufeng asked Yihe Mingzi to leave for a while, and took Cui Xin, who was pure and irresistible, to fengteng group in a car. He did not go to the company for a long time. This time, he happened to go to see if the development of the old Pujiang district was hindered, and whether Shen Xiuqin, a woman who had no bottom line in making money, did not follow suit.

Chufeng in the car is sitting in front of her, which is like a armyworm. Looking at the endless stream of cars outside, Chu Feng asks, "driver brother, I heard that fengteng group is very popular now. How do you feel?"

Cui Xin sits in the back and turns her eyes. Her company has to ask other people, but she also knows that Chu Feng wants to get to know Feng Teng through other people's mouths. Does Xiuqin do nothing?

The driver is obviously a chatter, smell speech said: "to say fengteng's words is good, although rumor behind it is the damper, but we ordinary people do not care about these, as long as fengteng can that."

He he laughed and the driver continued: "and to tell you the truth, I was in my forties, but I used the fengteng emperor pill a few months ago. After a week, my wife asked me to ask for it, and then I went to bed at night and said," today, I can't do it. I'll have a rest for two days. "

"I am quite satisfied with this. Although the price is much higher than when it was put on the market, it is worth the effort."

When Chu Feng heard his words, he showed a knowing smile. He thought that fengteng medicine should be given a new drug. The simplified version of Xugu ointment could restore 70% of those who could not stand up or were disabled. It should also benefit a group of people.

At this time, the driver's voice changed: "but recently, fengteng real estate has made some scandals. It owes people several months' wages and loans to other people's construction teams and building materials suppliers. It involves hundreds of millions of dollars. At present, some people go to the group headquarters every day to make trouble, as if they want to fight a lawsuit with fengteng group."

Chu Feng originally heard that the reputation of fengteng medicine was good, but he was very happy. At this time, Wen Yan frowned slightly: "driver brother, what's the matter?"

"It's not clear exactly."

The driver shook his head, stopped at an entertainment and continued: "what I heard is that fengteng does not have a construction company or building materials company, and the project contracting in the old area is also contracted out to other companies. Originally, there is nothing wrong with this. Now many large companies are subcontracting projects to make money.

However, fengteng real estate recently made a bit of scandal, that is, several construction companies and building materials companies have not given money. It is said that those people are tightening their belts during the Spring Festival. Fengteng real estate has given the following words: when will the final settlement be made? "

"Because of this, the reconstruction of the old district stopped, and the workers threatened not to start work without paying wages."

Chu Feng clenched his fist slowly. Chu Feng once said when he merged the Shen family to create fengteng. Even if he had a hard time, he could not let the people below starve. At the moment, hearing such news, Chu Feng became more and more angry.

At this time, the taxi driving out of here stopped and the driver looked at the front and said, "I can't pass. It seems that someone has made trouble to fengteng again today."

Looking at the road ahead, Chu Feng took out a hundred yuan and handed it to the driver and said, "that's it. We're not far away."

Then he opened the door and got out of the car with a gloomy face. The driver wanted to change money, but Chu Feng had already taken three people away. The driver tut shook his head: "now the rich second generation is a ox fork. Do you think I don't know that the one wearing sunglasses is Cui Xin? That's enough! "

Chu Feng took three people and looked at the dense crowd. Most of them were migrant workers. They were wearing clothes on the construction site and wearing safety helmets. In particular, he saw banners held by some people, which said to return my hard-earned money. Chu Feng was more angry in his eyes.

Finally, Chu Feng pushed the crowd to the front. Chu Feng saw the gate of fengteng group, and more than ten policemen opened the cordon there. All over the gate was dog blood and smearing. Chu Feng's eyes were bloodshot and he was in the imperial city all the time. Shen Xiuqin said on the phone that there was no big deal. Who knew that such a thing had happened.

Cui Xin stands beside Chu Feng and feels a chill. When she leaves, she can be sure that there are no such things. At the moment, such things happen, and she is sweating for Shen Xiuqin.

Striding over, a policeman said, "don't come here!"

Chufeng jumped out without saying a word. The policeman who called out was kicked out. The other police quickly took out their guns. Chufeng ignored their guns. Cui Xin rushed forward and said, "he is chufeng!"

The police who pulled out the gun were stunned by a word. Then the muzzle of the gun fell down. After a close look, although Chu Feng was wearing sunglasses, they could not help but know each other. The men from the secret Liu bureau came, and this group of people would be in bad luck.

Chu Feng stepped forward and kicked the things that pulled the cordon off one by one. More than a dozen policemen did not dare to say anything. They all shrunk aside to watch the development of the situation.

Chu Feng now looks back at thousands of people. Presumably, they are all workers from building materials companies and construction companies. Fengteng real estate does not give money. People from more than ten companies come to visit. Chu Feng is angry, but he is angry with fengteng's management.

At first, all the people who were in a turbulent situation were quiet. Even if thousands of them gathered here, they didn't dare to do anything to the more than ten policemen. They just dared to pour dog blood and drink abuse. When Chu Feng came to kick the police and kick off the warning line, they could not do anything without calming down.The sword like eyes swept all the people present. Thousands of people were swept by the Chu wind, and they all subconsciously bowed their heads. The eyes were too sharp. Who dares to look at them?

Finally fell on the front of those workers, Chu Feng said in a loud voice: "I am Chu Feng, the boss of fengteng group. I'm sorry that such a thing happened here, but now that I'm here, I'll solve this matter. You can wait here today. If you don't want to go back satisfied, I'll break my arm!"

Indifferent to leave a word, Chu Feng turned to the group, a receptionist at the door saw Chu Feng coming, wanted to inform them, but had not yet called out, Chu Feng slapped her, regardless of whether it was a girl.

Looking at the receptionist who fell on the ground, he said coldly, "why, tell them to pack up and not be known by me? Say, where's the management dead? How can no one come out of such a big thing? "

The receptionist was slapped by Chu Feng and fell to the ground. The tears were rolling there, but he didn't dare to make a sound. When he heard the speech, he said: "vice president, they are all in a meeting."

Chufeng turned around and left directly after hearing the words. Cui Xin looked at thousands of people and quickly followed them. The original thousands of migrant workers were calm at the moment. Chu Feng's words were still swirling. The reporter who had been filming said that the devil was coming, so they didn't dare to take pictures again.

Chu Feng directly into the person in charge of the elevator, to the floor where the meeting room is located.

At the door of the meeting room, there were more than a dozen security people standing at the door of the meeting room. Seeing the four people of Chu Feng coming, they subconsciously stepped up. Chu Feng seldom knew anyone in the company. They all thought that Chu Feng was a debt collector. They all walked over and refused to let Chu Feng move forward.

Chu Feng did not say a word, direct hand, these in the face of ordinary people can do the security, just a few times was chufeng all down on the ground.

Without even looking at them, Chu Feng walked to the door of the meeting room and raised his leg to be a foot. The sound insulation effect or quality of the meeting room door was pushed open with a bang. The sound in the meeting room completely disappeared. All of them looked at the door in amazement.

Chu Feng just walked in, a middle-aged man stood up and scolded: "bastard, this is the meeting of the responsible person. What do you come in for? Get out!"

Chufeng narrowed his eyes and stepped forward to kick the middle-aged man out of the room and landed on the meeting table. He also made some people standing up and looking at the scene in surprise.

Shen Xiuqin was sitting there talking. When she heard the news, she looked back and saw Chu Feng, whose face was gloomy as ink, stood up subconsciously and said, "boss!"

This time, all of them stood up. Those who had been in fengteng knew Chu Feng naturally. Some people who came into fengteng later also knew who chufeng was. They stood up to see Chu Feng and told the boss secretly!

Chufeng swept them silently and went straight to the front. He pulled out the boss's chair that had not been sat down. Cui Xin stood outside the door and didn't come in. Bingqingyujie followed chufeng and stood behind him.

Some people who are flustered in their hearts see that they are all in the dark. It's true that the wind is less, and the best twins are all around.

Chu Feng didn't know what everyone was thinking. Looking at Shen Xiuqin and Yao Qianxue standing on the left and right, he said faintly: "there are more than ten companies, involving thousands of people's food and drink. They haven't paid for several months. How can I not know that fengteng is so poor that it needs to rely on arrears to develop?"

Shen Xiuqin waved to let everyone sit down, let people pull down the middle-aged man who had been kicked to the table by Chu Feng, and then gently opened his mouth: "it happened suddenly. I didn't notice it in time. If the boss wants to blame, punish me!"

Chu Feng did not give too much good face, hum: "punish you, can restore our company's image?"

Shen Xiuqin frowned, proud of her most unhappy, others scolded, heart secretly scolded son of a bitch, you scold me, but in the conference room, she is not easy to attack, still strong reply: "but always need someone to be responsible."

Seeing Shen Xiuqin's posture, Chu Feng knew that she was upset and scolded her, but now Chu Feng was very angry: "now no one wants you to be responsible, sit down!" When Shen Xiuqin sat down angrily, Chu Fenghuan looked at dozens of people in the conference room and said, "who will tell me why this happened?"

A middle-aged man with glasses hesitated, stood up and said back and forth: "boss, this is the development mode of every company. Any money that can be delayed can be delayed. If it is put in the bank, it will be a lot of money every day. Therefore, this is a strategic policy. We are also studying it just now, and we are prepared to send the money!"

Chufeng narrowed his eyes and looked at the middle-aged man who was talking with a sneer: "when fengteng was founded, I said that fengteng film and television, fengteng medicine and so on are resolutely implemented, fengteng real estate is the emperor's young master?"

"So don't tell me that. Don't tell me the truth. The meeting's over. Get out of here!"

All the people look a congealed, wearing glasses of the middle-aged man is the financial assistant, see his boss give him a look, wipe the sweat on his forehead, look at the front end and say: "boss, the actual money is transferred to the branch account on time every month, but we don't know what reason, the money, disappeared!"Yao Qianxue, sitting beside Chu Feng, looks pale at once!

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