Super Healer

Chapter 761

Outside Jianghai Hotel, 7 p.m!

Chu Feng stood at the door waiting, let four eyes and Kang Chao go up to order some good dishes. He stood there waiting to make a call, but it was Shen Xiuqin who was still in the future. He secretly said that the woman would not be angry again?

After more than ten minutes, Shen Xiuqin's car finally appeared in the sight. Cui Xin whispered in Chu Feng's ear: "Xiuqin has a strong self-esteem. If you don't want her to hate you, just hush it up!"

Shen Xiuqin walked up to Chu Feng, turned pale with cold face. He snorted: "don't think it's OK to flatter. Today you yell at me in front of so many people. I'm very angry. Don't expect me to forgive you!"

Chufeng laughed and knew that Shen Xiuqin was talking about it. She took Shen Xiuqin's waist and said with a smile, "sister Qin is the most appropriate person. At that time, she knew that I could only do that. You would not be angry, would you?"

Shen Xiuqin shook off Chu Feng's hand and went out. Then she turned back and said, "Stinky boy, if you want to eat my sister's tofu, just say it. Don't get so close. I'm not familiar with you!"

Chu Feng had no choice but to smile. The woman who had a grudge went over and looked back and asked, "where is the snow and snow in my house?"

"Do you know it's snow in your house?"

Shen Xiuqin's face showed a schadenfreude smile and said meaningfully: "unfortunately, I called her and she turned off. I asked Liu Jing that she had gone back to fengteng garden. You don't need to know that her little sister is very angry. So many people, you can take her uncle and aunt away. At least they are in prison for more than five years. I won't forgive you for that!"

Chufeng passed a bitter smile, knowing that today's practice really hurt Yao Qianxue, but the situation at that time had to be done again.

Entering the elevator, Shen Xiuqin side head said: "in addition, the information you said at that time is not the same as that of Xiaoxue. I have also read the information of Yao Shuxin and Mu Qinglian. I can be sure that they cheated her with the help of Xiaoxue's kindness. Now Xiaoxue may not be angry with you, but it must be very sad for relatives to cheat."

"I know Yao Shuxin and Mu Qinglian enter the company, but I also know that Xiaoxue has no choice but to know who her mother is. You should know that it is inevitable to show off!"

Patting Chu Feng on the shoulder, the woman said meaningfully: "so the most difficult thing in the world is mother-in-law, and you are the best mother-in-law. You are almost in the eye of money. You love vanity and show off your ability in front of relatives and friends. When people ask for help, you can imagine it!"

Chu Feng frowns. What kind of person is Yao Qianxue's mother? Chu Feng knows clearly, but she didn't expect her heart to be so big. The more rich and noble, the more greedy people are. Rubbing his head, Chu Feng thinks about how to deal with this matter, and can not affect his relationship with Yao Qianxue.

Ding opened, two people from the elevator out, came to the private room, Chu Feng a Leng more than two strange middle-aged men, but quietly and Shen Xiuqin walked in.

One of the two middle-aged men wore glasses, and his face was similar to that of four eyes and five points. The other was as strong as Kang Chao. Chu Feng vaguely guessed that it might be a relative of four eyes and Kang Chao.

Shen Xiuqin looked at the two people, but they knew each other. She said with a smile: "the general manager of the company and the general manager of Kang are all here. What a coincidence!"

Two middle-aged men do not fall to nod back: "that we are thick skinned to come."

Four eyes coughed and came up. His face was full of helplessness and said, "Chu Feng, the one wearing glasses is my father Si Lun, and that is Kang Chao's father, Kang Yu!"

Among Chu Feng's side leaders, Shen Xiuqin simply said: "the company is always the boss of a building materials company, and Kang is always the boss of a construction company. He has a good reputation in the industry and is also the first contractor selected by fengteng!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly and began to smile at the two worried middle-aged men: "Hello, my two uncles. Four eyes and Kang Chao are classmates and friends. You don't need to. You can call me Xiaofeng."

Si Lun and Kang Yu are frightened and keep saying they should, which makes Kang Chao and four eyes helpless. They are hopeless in the dark.

Chu Feng smiles bitterly. Knowing that these people are hard to calm down in front of him, he waved and said, "let's all sit down. Tonight we are our own people and have a simple meal."

After everyone sat down, Si Lun and Kang Yu did not sit down. Shen Xiuqin glanced at the corners of her mouth, pondering what she said softly in Chu Feng's ear, and then sat up straight like a passer-by.

Chu Feng slightly wry smile, but think about it, feel feasible, stand up to side head invitation: "two uncles sit down, before dinner, I want to talk to you about something."

At the invitation of Chu Feng, they both sat down, but the sitting posture was like that of a primary school student attending a class. Although Chu Feng was helpless, he didn't get tangled up. He took a sip of tea and said, "you should know that there are several industrial companies under fengteng, but in terms of real estate, we only have one company.

In my plan, fengteng real estate must have a supporting construction company and building materials company, and even a professional property management team, covering the sales aspect. We can easily hire relevant talents for the latter part of sales, only the construction and building materials! "

At present, many powerful real estate companies contract a piece of land and then transfer it to others for operation. Although the profit is also very objective, there are only a few of them. If they have the strength to take the land, they don't need to hire a construction company and purchase from other building materials.Seeing that they nodded frequently, Chu Feng did not make a fuss, and said directly: "I mean very clearly. I once said to Vice President Shen that it is better to acquire two companies of this type to develop than to establish these two companies themselves, which can at least save a lot of procedural trouble."

"Vice President Shen also said just now. I mean, purchase your company and change it into fengteng building materials and fengteng architecture!"

Si Lun and Kang Yu blink their eyes. They know that their son and Chu Feng know each other. They just came here tonight to sign a contract with fengteng Pharmaceutical Industrial Park to earn a sum of money. They have never thought about what Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng knew that it was impolite to buy another company when he opened his mouth. However, Chu Feng didn't mean to take it back. He continued: "for the two companies that have worked hard, I believe they want to make them go further and higher in the future. I am not a rude and unreasonable person."

"If they agree, fengteng will inject capital to make their companies bigger and stronger. They can not only be self-sufficient in fengteng's real estate, but also contract projects. Of course, fengteng only holds 51% of the shares, and the two of them still occupy 49%."

Si Lun and Kang Chao frowned a little. After decades of hard work, they were unable to accept the merger and acquisition. They were hesitant. They said, "I think it is feasible. According to the current trend of fengteng, we can see how many times it will expand after changing to fengteng medicine."

"And I believe Chu Feng will never pit dad."

After the acquisition of Shenshi medicine, chufeng became a shareholder. It has even occupied one-third of the medical market in Shengchao, which is only a few times larger than before.

There are many domestic building materials and construction companies. When they think of the damper behind fengteng and the underground emperor of the whole North, they can think of many things in a moment. Chu Feng also says at the right moment: "in addition, after the merger and acquisition, fengteng will only support you and make important decisions. The rest of the daily management will still be carried out by you. The difference is that the name will be changed to fengteng in the future."

In a word, to eliminate the last hesitation in their hearts, Chu Feng just didn't intervene in the merger and acquisition. They were still in charge, and they were willing to support them. Although 49% was not as good as 100%, they understood that under the banner of fengteng, the company must expand at least five times in a year, and 49% is much more than before.

Without further hesitation, they stood up and held out their hands: "happy cooperation!"

Chu Feng smiles. It's not bad to receive such a meal. Shen Xiuqin also stands up and shakes hands with them one by one when she is smart. She says, "tomorrow, I will ask vice president Shen to arrange a professional team to be stationed in the two companies for evaluation and planning, and strive to make the two companies emerge with new vitality within a month."

"For the rest, I will let the development department contact you and make a fortune together."

As soon as these matters were settled, Si Lun and Kang Yu did not really stay for dinner. Compared with signing a contract, they merged into fengteng to develop together, and soon it was not a problem to go public with the strong financial support of fengteng. Both of them were excited at the moment and were ready to leave this group of young people to find some of their programs.

Chu Feng breathed out his breath and looked at the delicious dishes. He picked up his glass and knocked on the table and said, "long time no see. Have a drink!"

The warm atmosphere was filled with the banquet. Even the pure and pure drank a few drinks. Cui Xin had already taken off her sunglasses, and her eyes were staring at her. Finally, she pointed to Chu Feng: "sex mouth, my goddess has been taken down by you, as well as the best twins, and the top imperial sisters like Qin Jie. It's unfair for heaven!"

If four eyes doesn't go offline, in addition to Cui Xin, Bing qingyujie and Shen Xiuqin blush, but we don't know whether it's due to drinking or shyness.

Shen Xiuqin patted the table and said, "I'm his sister, not his woman. Make it clear!"

"We are his servants, not his women."

Only Cui Xin took a sip of wine and breathed out a breath of wine at Chu Feng and said, "this bastard keeps me for 100 million a year. I'm his lover."

All the people present laughed. They thought Cui Xin was joking, but only Chu Feng and Cui Xin understood that this was the truth. It was strange that no one believed the truth, but everyone believed the lie!

When they get together, a meal is over before nine o'clock. Siyan and Kang Chao have to go back to school. Shen Xiuqin is a little dizzy and can't drive back. She opens a room directly above Jianghai hotel to rest. Chu Feng asks Cui Xin and Shen Xiuqin to stay together and take a taxi to Jianghai fengteng garden.

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