Super Healer

Chapter 77

The 11 storey building in the square covers an area of more than 1000 square meters, which covers a lot of things, such as fitness, Internet cafes, cafes and restaurants. There are almost all kinds of things that can be provided to students. However, Jianghai University, which faces tens of thousands of teachers and students, is obviously not enough.

Therefore, there are many businesses and stalls around Jianghai University. After all, in this era, students' money is the best to earn, and college students' money is more easy to earn.

Yao Qianxue just looked at the distribution map of the 11th floor building in the hall on the first floor, and introduced them to chufeng, such as where they wanted to buy clothes and some daily necessities. They all said it once. It seems that Chu Feng's kiss in public just now seems to have forgotten that it doesn't exist.

But Chu Feng didn't go to listen to Yao Qianxue there. She just looked at her eyes in all directions, and her eyes became dignified.

"Four eyes, let's go out. I'll invite everyone to eat noodles outside!"

Chu Feng looked at the time and said to Yao Qianxue that his left eye had seen it. Four minutes later, there would be something wrong here in the square. It seems that the affected area is still very large. So at the moment, try not to let a few people suspect and let them leave here.

Yao Qianxue looked at chufeng coldly, thinking that chufeng wanted to take the opportunity to pursue her, so he wanted to invite everyone to eat noodles at his own house. He hummed: "you're going to go. I'll go to the Internet cafe above to check some information." In fact, I want to go online to see the school forum, if anyone put the matter just now.

Chu Feng wants to call, but Yao Qianxue runs very fast this time, as if worried about Chu Feng doing something to her.

"Let's go the three of us."

In the playful look of Siyan and kangchao, Chu Feng estimates how many people can walk away. If it's a big deal, he will come back. So after going out, Chu Feng asks four eyes and two people to go outside Yaoji noodle shop to wait for himself, and quickly walks to the telephone booth to call the police.

There was a woman's voice: "Hello, this is Jianghai city police center. What do you need to call the police?"

"There are terrorists in Jianghai University. Please send someone to come." Chu Feng let his voice as much as possible to change a little said.

There was a silence on the other end of the phone. The woman who answered the phone seemed to be a little angry: "today is not April Fool's day, please don't make such a joke!" And then I just hung up.

Chu Feng holds the hung up phone, but then he understands something. Finally, he can only shake his head. There have been some fights in Jianghai University for decades, but it seems that no one will believe the terrorists.

I believe that soon they will know that Chu Feng's left eye is sweeping toward the 11th floor building and looking for Yao Qianxue's figure. However, the more he looks, the more frightened he is. He only sees a very big play playing in a toilet. Chu Feng can only shake his head, young people now.

Soon Chu Feng found Yao Qianxue's figure in the Internet bar on the eighth floor. She had just sat down. Chu Feng ran directly into the hall and entered the elevator. Almost immediately after he got out of the elevator, there was a burst of gunfire, and the crowd completely called out after a burst of calm.

Many people wanted to take the elevator to escape, but the elevator did not respond. All of them rushed to the stairwell. But before they entered the stairwell, there were two men with hoods on their faces, only their nose, mouth and eyes exposed, running up with submachine guns.

Chu Feng shook his head in secret. There was no accident. He saw this picture a few minutes ago. He just looked for Yao Qianxue's figure. Soon he saw Yao Qianxue under a computer table. He laughed, and chufeng pushed away the flustered crowd and walked directly.

"Oh, don't touch me."

Go to see hiding under the table with a little shaking Yao Qianxue, a clever little girl in the dark, gently patted her shoulder, and suddenly Yao Qianxue cried out anxiously, but did not notice that her head touched the bottom of the computer table.

Chu Feng startled a smile, did not expect that the silent Yao Qianxue also has such a lovely side, whispered: "it's me!"

Yao Qianxue was stunned. She turned her head slowly and saw Chu Feng, who just wanted to slap her. Her face suddenly became cold: "get out of here!"

"Are you sure you want me to go now?" Listening to the voice of those terrorists shooting deterrence around, Chu Feng asked with a light smile, Yao Qianxue looked stiff, she is really a little helpless now, just want her to open the mouth to leave Chu Feng, but how can't open that mouth.

"Come with me!"

Chu Feng knew that Yao Qianxue was still afraid. She looked up and saw that the Internet cafe elevator had been cut off, and the exits of other places were completely blocked. People in several business places on this floor couldn't get out. Chu Feng looked at the window next to her, and her eyes flashed with light. She took Yao Qianxue's hand and squatted in the past.

Yao Qianxue wants to shake off Chu Feng's hand, but she feels that when Chu Feng holds her hand, her tension calms down. Suddenly she says, "you already have a girlfriend. Why kiss me?"

Chu Feng was originally thinking about how to go to a safe place, but suddenly heard Yao Qianxue's words behind him. He looked back curiously and looked at her girl firmly. She said with a wry smile: "at this time, you are still in the mood to ask for such words. I really admire you, but what I can answer is that I am single."Yao Qianxue hums and turns to one side. She thinks that even if Chu Feng is not maintained by others, Liu Yan, who has met at least twice, must be his girlfriend, so he thinks that chufeng is cheating himself.

When Chu Feng pulls Yao Qianxue closer to the window, he is pushed from the other side of the business place to here. Mu Tianfei, who just fell down, sees Chu Feng and Yao Qianxue holding hands and squats there. His anger in his eyes is more vigorous.

Chu Feng looks a change, suddenly a flash kick in Mu Tianfei's neck: "neuropathy, this time unexpectedly still so loud."

Then he turned and pulled Yao Qianxue again: "I'll take you away from here. If you're afraid, you'll close your eyes, OK?" Yao Qianxue looked at the different Chu Feng and nodded, but thought of what to look at Mu Tianfei: "if you have a way, also take him away!"

"You are so kind!"

Chufeng put on a smile and naturally hooked Yao Qianxue's nose. Then he dragged Mu Tianfei over: "hold me! Be tight. "

Yao Qianxue is stunned. She doesn't know what Chu Feng wants to do, but she still hugs him tightly according to his words. She doesn't know why she has an inexplicable trust in chufeng now, as if chufeng itself has a charm.

Chu Feng looked around. There were people armed with guns in all four corners. Some were wearing headgear, and some were Internet cafe network managers. When they didn't pay attention to it, and those who were nervous or even inattentive looked at other places, Chu Feng directly took Mu Tianfei in his hand and jumped out of the window with Yao Qianxue in his hand.

This is the eighth floor, but Chu Feng jumped out without hesitation. Just now he has seen all the environment clearly. At the moment when he jumped out, he directly took advantage of his strength to jump up, holding the protruding place on the top with one hand. His body jumped several times like a monkey climbing towards the top floor.

At present, the 11th floor is composed of more than ten utility rooms. It seems nothing special, but in Chu Feng's eyes, it is a different meaning. Clapping still hugs Yao Qianxue: "it's safe. Let me go!"

Yao Qianxue just felt like he was flying, the body was hanging in the air. At the moment, he heard the voice of Chu Feng, slowly opened his eyes and looked around: "where is this?"

"The eleventh floor!" Chu Feng directly said, pointing to a pile of debris can accommodate a person through the gap: "there is a room of five square meters, but is blocked by debris, should have been designed as a toilet, you go there to hide."

Then he carried Mu Tianfei directly through the three meter long gap and saw a door. It was not visible from the outside, because it was too dark, but for Chu Feng, it was very simple: "you and Mu Tianfei are here, just have a window, you won't be afraid, remember don't go out, OK?"

"And you?" Originally, he was still wondering how Chu Feng knew that there was such a place behind a pile of sundries, but when he heard his words, he was suddenly worried: "do you want to leave me here?"

"Don't worry. I won't be in trouble until I catch up with you."

In the face of Yao Qianxue, Chu Feng always felt that he had an impulse to embrace. He made a little joke, but Yao Qianxue's face was suddenly cold: "get out!"

Chu Feng shook his head with a bitter smile, knowing that Yao Qianxue's misunderstanding of himself is still very deep. Now he can say two words with himself peacefully, but also because of the dangerous thing: "then I'll go out first. Mu Tianfei should have a mobile phone. You should try to call the police and tell the outside people that you are here. As long as you parachute, you can leave as soon as possible."

Then Chu Feng closed the door and left. When he went outside, he turned over the sundries directly. Nobody knew that there was a space behind. The window could breathe, and he didn't worry about Yao Qianxue. They didn't have any air.

At this time, the whole Jianghai University was completely controlled. Except for the students who left quickly and those who were hiding in the dormitory, all the others were compressed to the square by some armed terrorists, nearly 10000 people!

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