Super Healer

Chapter 771

Chu Feng gets up under the service of ice and jade. When he comes to the hall, he feels the atmosphere is a little strange. Looking from his side, Yao Shuren sits helpless on the sofa, which seems to have the meaning that there is no fire.

Yao Qianxue also sat in the dining room with a gloomy face, eating breakfast one by one, as if there was much hatred in general.

Frowning, Mu Huanglian is sitting opposite Yao Qianxue. Compared with Yao Qianxue and Yao Shuren's cold faces, Mu Huanglian is in a good mood. She is eating there and taking big mouthfuls, as if someone is going to rob her.

Seeing the Chu wind coming down, Mu Huanglian immediately stood up with a strong smile and said with a smile: "the strange son-in-law is up. Come and have breakfast. I'm ready!"

Chu Feng's expression was strange. From that night on, he didn't even say a word to Mu Huanglian. The latter also saw that he would not drive her out. He lived in fengteng garden with thick skin. He was the same as before. For Yao Qianxue's sake, Chu Feng just turned a blind eye.

But according to Yao Qianxue's account, she is so indifferent. How can Mu Huanglian not only feel unhappy, but also seem very happy?

Yao Shuren stood up and said, "Mu Huanglian, you have to go if you don't go today. I tell you, if you stay here firmly and make it difficult for Xiaoxue to do it, I will divorce you, and I won't forgive you all my life."

Don't want Mu Huanglian to curl her mouth and return: "leave on the left!"

Yao Shuren was suddenly upset by Mu Huanglian's words. Finally, he pointed out that his wife had fallen down heavily. He had nothing to say. He puffed out of the hall directly. It seemed that he didn't want to see Mu Huanglian.

Seeing that Yao Qianxue's face was not very good, chufeng saw Liu Yan and others were also upset. She went over and took Liu Yan's hand and went directly to the side hall. Seeing Chu Feng ignore herself, Mu Huanglian shrugged her shoulders and went back to the restaurant to continue eating, heartless.

Chu Feng looked back at the dining room and asked with a frown: "what's going on?"

"I've had enough!"

Liu Yan sat down and breathed out a breath, and anger appeared on her face: "I've seen those who are shameless, but I really haven't seen those who are so shameless. If you open the dyeing room for three points of color, you didn't know yesterday when you came back late, but she didn't know how to find out the land transfer in Xiaoxue's bag. It's still under the name of Xiaoxue, so that's it."

She glared at Chu Feng angrily and said unhappily, "it's all you. Even if you want to give Xiaoxue, you can't be careful. Now her mother thinks that you and Xiaoxue are acting, and the purpose is not to want her here. Now no matter what Xiaoxue and uncle Yao say, she thinks you love Xiaoxue, and you still die and die."

"I was a little polite to us before, but now I don't have a good face for me and LiuXu. I think you are your mother-in-law!"

Chu Feng heard Liu Yan's dissatisfaction, but after careful consideration, she was relieved. It was difficult for Liu Yan to make such a decision, and now she has to be oppressed and despised by Yao Qianxue's mother. That mood must be hard to understand.

In Chu Feng's apologetic eyes, Liu Yan hummed: "anyway, I don't care. This time I won't give anyone's face. If you want to cross out Xiaoxue's name, or add my name, or I'll live here like a gift from Mu Huanglian. What's more, you only love Xiaoxue, or how to explain that you don't give me a house!"

Liu Yan is not a person who cares about these things, but she is repeatedly attacked by Mu Huanglian. It takes great courage for her to choose to be a woman who can't see the light of Chu Feng. She seems to be the first class than others. Liu Yan can't accept it at all.

Chu Feng has a headache, the most irritable is to deal with these so-called family affairs.

If Mu Huanglian was not Yao Qianxue's mother, Chu Feng would have been thrown away, but she should not have been Yao Qianxue's mother. Chu Feng could not help but feel embarrassed. If she was afraid of heavy hand, Yao Qianxue would be sad.

Seeing Chu Feng's hesitation, Liu Yan was even more angry. She stood up and pushed Chu Feng aside and said, "go away, I'm going to work."

Good like the wind went to pull catkins and left directly. Chu Feng's attitude made her very sad. She felt that her status was not as high as Yao Qianxue. Otherwise, how could she explain and connive her mother to hurt herself?

Chu Feng frowned slightly. Liu Yan paid a lot of things to offend the Huangfu family and the literary family. At least now, the stability of the Jianghai Fengmen has made Liu Yan take up half of the credit. Chu Feng is ashamed.

Out of the side hall, Chu Feng's face was gloomy, and people could not have to face, but how could they not? Her cold eyes were like a sword. Mu Huanglian's smiling face suddenly solidified and felt a lump in her heart.

At first, Liu Yan left in anger. She thought it was Chu Feng because Yao Qianxue scolded Liu Yan. But now she felt something was wrong. She had something in her mouth and didn't know what to do for a while.

Yao Qianxue directly put down her chopsticks and stood up. She carried her bag to Chu Feng. She opened it and took out the certificate of property rights that Chu Feng gave her yesterday. She said, "today, I will move out of here and live with sister Qin. I won't come back here. You are the boss, I'm a subordinate!"With a word, Yao Qianxue went upstairs and came down a few minutes later with two suitcases, which had been packed up last night, and said to Jichi Mingbu, "please say sorry to sister Liuyan and sister LiuXu."

Then in Mu Huanglian's gaping look, Yao Qianxue carried two suitcases and went out to put it on the car and left in the dust!

Chu Feng looks at the far away car and knows that Yao Qianxue doesn't want to let herself face her mother more calmly because of her embarrassment. She says a kind-hearted girl in her heart. Chu Feng is reluctant to give up such a girl. She never thinks for herself. What she thinks and does is for others.

Mu Huanglian has already stood up, and her daughter left. She felt that she had misunderstood something. Looking at Chu Feng's gloomy face, she couldn't smile for a moment.

Chu Feng knew Yao Qianxue's meaning and didn't want her mother to get anything with her. She took a deep breath and looked at Mu Huanglian's light mouth: "before the sun goes down today, leave fengteng garden. After that, it will be the residence of sister Liuyan!"

Indifferent to leave a word, Chu Feng is also too lazy to say anything, ignoring the pale and ugly Mu Huanglian looked at jichimingbu and said: "you go with me!"

Then he took the people out of the hall and told the members of the damper at the door that if there were any idle people waiting before sunset today, they would throw them out. Then they ignored Mu Huanglian's plea and directly got on the bus and left with the three girls.

Liu Jing takes a look at Mu Huanglian, who challenges Chu Feng's bottom line and is too confident. She shrugs her shoulders and leaves directly. At present, Yao Qianxue doesn't go to the company for a few days. She always needs to help her with some things.

Mu Huanglian stood where she was. Last night, she found that the joy of the property right certificate and her conjecture were inseparable from Yao Qianxue's judgment. Suddenly, she realized that Chu Feng might really like Yao Qianxue, but it doesn't mean that she will love her husband and her dog!

After a while, Mu Huanglian blinked her eyes and thought of something. She even laughed. Then, under the strange gaze of the members of the wind door, she went upstairs to pack her luggage. Half an hour later, she left fengteng garden in a big way, as if she had opened her eyes.

And now the Chu wind came to maple leaf, ready to look for Cui Xin!

With a small cotton hat and sunglasses behind him, Ji Chi Mingbu didn't want to be recognized. He was also wondering why Chu Feng had brought her to the hotel. He looked at Chu Feng's back and did not know where he had gone. He had a little more conjecture in his mind.

Fengshao will not be the same as those people, what do you want to do to me?

It's the hotel. Chu Feng still lets Bing qingyujie leave. The more he thinks about it, the more likely he is. Unexpectedly, his face turns red unconsciously. But ten minutes later, Ji jiguimingbu is embarrassed. Only then does he know that Chu Feng is bringing her to Cui Xin.

When Ji qimingbu was embarrassed, Chu Feng pointed to yesterday that she really asked Shen Xiuqin for 100 million yuan. Cui Xin said to Ji jiguimingbu: "this is my lover. In a few days, she will go back to the imperial city. You and she will go back together. Fengteng film and television start time is not very long, you need to join."

Although Ji Chi Mingbu doesn't want to work so quickly, he also knows that Chu Feng says that he can't refuse. En en en nods, but his eyes are on Cui Xin. Is she Feng Shao's lover?

Chu Feng didn't want to waste time, and regardless of the presence of a third party, he said to Cui Xin: "money is not so easy to collect. Go back to take good care of your health. If you come back, you should collect money."

Cui Xin spits out her tongue, charming and moving, and says, "it's ok now!"

Chu Feng turned his eyes directly, and was too lazy to say anything more to Cui Xin, a woman who only talked about money but not love. He left maple leaf straight away, looked at the time and made a phone call. After being connected, he asked, "did the three killers recruit last night?"

On the other end of the phone came the respectful voice of fat Yao: "he died before interrogation!"

It turns out that on the way Yao took the three men from the western regions back, they bit through the poison hidden in their teeth and died directly. There was no possibility of rescue.

Chufeng frowned at the smell of the speech. He didn't expect that the three killers were so tough that they would rather die than say it. He also understood that this was not Yao's problem. After thinking about it, he said, "I will try my best to solve this matter. Have Jin Qiaoyan contacted you recently?"

From the last time I went to Weiss, I saw it once before. Later, Chu Feng didn't contact Jin Qiaoyan. I don't know what this woman has done during this period of time and whether she has done anything.

Yao pangzi said, "I only contacted once, asked for 300 people, and then I didn't call."

"I see. Let's do it first." Chu Feng nodded and said that he hung up the phone. When he wanted to call Jin Qiaoyan, ye Zixuan's call came in. He was curious about what this woman was doing. Chu Feng answered immediately and said with a smile: "little wife, I haven't seen you for a few days. Do you miss me?"

At the other end of the phone came a solemn voice: "last night, Huangfu literary world was attacked in the river and sea. At present, he was sent back to the imperial city. Zuo Xiong suddenly became violent in the literati family and died. In addition, Zuo Quan lost some criminal evidence of the literati in the past ten years. The central government directly ordered Zuo Quan to enter the capital and serve as the deputy section officer of the imperial city to replace Wen Aoqing!"

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