Super Healer

Chapter 796

And pay Dina temporary reached a bet, Chu Feng did not go to exchange chips!

Looking around, Dina relaxed her slender waist and sat beside a white woman in her thirties. She raised a warm and handsome smile: "beauty sister, do you mind if I sit here?"

Chu Feng observed Chu Feng when she just came. The white woman seemed to have no companion. She sat here alone, but after sitting down, she found that four men in black appeared in the crowd behind her. Her eyes showed vigilance and looked at Chu Feng.

But Chu Feng didn't worry much about it. He didn't mean anything. He was afraid of wool?

The white woman frowned. She has been playing the game here for more than 20% and 70% of them are losing. At the moment, I heard a man's voice and thought that he was trying to chat up with him. It is not strange to come to the treasurer town for three days.

Turning around and showing a cold face, just want to scold, but see chufeng that warm smile, anger dissipated two points, lit a lady's cigarette to chufeng, eyes playfully opened: "little brother, want to go to me?"

Chu Feng was stunned by such a direct dialogue. Seeing that the four bodyguards in black had disappeared, Chu Feng knew that it was a white woman. Looking at the white woman in front of her at the moment, her appearance was eight points exquisite. In addition to being older, her appearance was comparable to that of Fu Dina, so she could say more charm.

However, in the face of women's ridicule, Chu Feng did not have the slightest timidity, not only did not shrink back, but warmly welcomed the white woman's eyes. As he looked down at the half exposed snow white, deep and bottomless, he gave a slight smile: "if you don't mind, I think I don't mind."

The white woman looked at Chu Feng meaningfully. Instead of participating in the game, she looked up and down at Chu Feng. Although the latter was very direct, the white woman could not see any impurities in Chu Feng's eyes, and her smile was a little more amusing.

The white woman also adjusted her mood and said softly, "but I'm very hungry. Do you think you can do it? Yellow people are not all Hmmm

The words were not clear, especially the last two nasal sounds made Chu Feng tremble. The charming woman ignored Fu Dina's disdain on the opposite side, took the cigarette in the woman's hand, sucked it out, and said defiantly, "I'm afraid you won't get out of bed tomorrow!"

As soon as the white woman smiles, she approaches Chu Feng a little. Her hand goes down like a snake and grabs it. Her smiling face turns to surprise.

The white woman shook her head and took back her hand, as if to call God. However, in the face of Chu Feng's problem, the white woman shrugged her shoulders: "I don't know if you have any change, but I'm very interested in you, but wait until I play with some loose money!"

The woman soon recovered calm, no longer the charming when she flirted with Chu Feng. She grabbed the chips of 100000 yuan and threw them out directly, waiting for a new round.

Chu Feng winked at Fu Dina, who was turning her white eyes. At the beginning, the white woman held her hand and said with a warm smile, "how can I help you in this game?"

The white woman looked at Chu Feng's confident eyes and said: "ten thousand yuan, you accompany me one day, can you afford to lose?"

Chu Feng's hand directly picked up a card, smile playfully: "win 10000 yuan, you accompany me one day, can you afford to play?"

The white woman's eyes looked at Chu Feng with more fun and interest, but she didn't say anything, didn't go to see what cards Chu Feng touched. She just sat there quietly and leaned against Chu Feng. Everything was natural.

Ten people have touched the cards, the dealer man's hand over those cards, and finally pull out a turn, a heart!

All of them shook their heads. The banker was so lucky that he didn't touch anything too small except for the smallest card he touched several times. The key is that ten people gamble together. The overall result is that they lose less and win more.

All the nine people around shook their heads one after another. Their cards were smaller than those of the dealer. The opposite Fu Dina blinked at Chu Feng, as if to say, you must have lost this time, and you want to win a million dollars. Dream!

But when the rabbit girl said please open the card, Chu Feng opened the card in her hand. The whole scene was silent. The white woman's eyes were also lit up. She looked at Chu Feng a few more times, but Fu Dina felt her mouth subconsciously, right?

Spades a!

The biggest card was turned out by Chu Feng and won the undisputed victory. The chips of 100000 yuan were pushed to him and the white woman. The latter said bitterly, "I'm not careful. I'll lose myself to you for ten days. You're resentful!"

Chufeng pinched the woman's face and said with a smile, "maybe not?"

At the beginning of the new round, Chu Feng threw 200000 chips, twinkled in his left eye and took a spade a in his hand. Occasionally, he looked at the expression of the man of the banker. The latter was as usual, and the secret channel was fair. There was no fraud. It seemed that he really played the chance!

This round again opened, the second time touched a spade a, attracted the praise of the public, good luck, but did not know Chu Feng left eye can directly see these cards.

The man of the banker frowned slightly. Although he only lost to Chu Feng and another person for more than 200000 yuan and made more than 200000 yuan, this situation is still a little abnormal.Chu Feng shrugged his shoulders and ignored them. He continued to get a spade a in the third inning. This time, those who praised him didn't know how to describe it. The first time he got it was luck, the second time it was a coincidence. So this third time, I really don't know how to explain it.

And the white woman's face is a bit more interested, not because of winning money, but for Chu Feng.

Only pay Dina secretly swallow saliva, Chu Feng to now has won 300000, if you win two more times will have reached the agreed amount of one million, touch his mouth, really want to give out?

Looking at Chu Feng, the man of the banker felt a little impolite, but he still said, "Sir, can you roll up your sleeves?"

The people around didn't feel that the banker was abrupt. After all, it would be far fetched to touch a spade a three times in a row. If it was luck, it would be too far fetched. There is no master of all kinds of skills in this casino. This is also the reason why many people are willing to come from afar. Naturally, the casino staff do not want anyone to leave.

Chu Feng understood the meaning of the man in the village. He didn't care about it with a smile. He didn't roll up his sleeves, but he took off his coat and his shirt inside.

All the people who were talking in a low voice all had no voice. Looking at the mottled and ferocious scars on Chu Feng, everyone felt a little chill. There were dozens of scars large and small. The eyes of men looked with fear and awe, while women looked at them with worship.

The women who can come to this place are not ordinary people. Those who advocate the strong are undoubtedly the most attractive to them.

The white woman was also surprised by the scars on Chu Feng. Looking at Chu Feng's young and delicate appearance, she guessed that she could not survive until she was 20 years old. What did she experience and leave so many scars? But the body also invisible heat, slightly close to the Chu wind, this is an instinctive reaction.

Chu Feng didn't care about everyone's opinion. She swept over and paid Dina. It's not impossible to try for this woman's mouth.

"Is it ok now?"

Chu Feng took off his clothes directly, and nothing existed. The man of the banker secretly said that he was really lucky. He nodded politely and said to the rabbit girl, "continue!"

In the next gamble, Chu Feng repeatedly touched a spade a, and everyone was completely numb. Chu Feng's clothes were on the table, and his hands were on the table. There was no possibility of cheating at all. Everyone could only sigh that her luck was too bad for her mother.

At the end of the four games, starting with 100000, they won four in a row and doubled to win a total of 1.5 million. The white women blinked their eyes and began to lose a million dollars, which not only came back, but also made 500000. It's not that women like these money, but they feel incredible.

Even win four such things is not unprecedented, but like Chu Feng such four are touched spade a, it is rare.

Chu Feng put on his clothes in the eyes of public worship, picked up the chin of a white woman and gave it a kiss on the red lip with a smile: "1.5 million, you lost to me for 150 days, but I am very busy, a kiss is enough, bye bye!"

Waving to the man of the banker, Chu Feng turns around and walks away with Fu Dina in his arms. Everyone blinks his eyes. The man of the banker still suspects that Chu Feng is a sweeper, but he only wins four. It seems that he covets the beauty of white women and dispels the idea of thousands.

Although the white woman in front of her doesn't know who she is, she will come every three months. If she loses two or three million yuan, she will leave. There is no other possibility but to tell that Chu Feng is an expert!

The white woman did not continue to gamble, let people temporarily save the chips, stood up to look at the back who had gone out, licked the lips with the smell of Chu wind and whispered, "interesting guy, but don't win, don't you look down on me?"

A bodyguard in black came up at this time and frowned and said, "young lady, is there any conspiracy in that pilgrim? Do you want me to ask two people to follow up and check it?"

The white woman nodded: "naturally, I'll check it out!" In the black bodyguard to turn around to add: "but not to investigate his identity, but to see where he settled, my wife has not met such an interesting person for a long time!"

The bodyguards in black were stunned, but then they nodded and left. They were all absolute confidants trained by white women. They just didn't know what the master wanted to do.

"Just said appeared, Chu Feng did not know is arrogant or what!"

What no one knows is that in an office on the second floor, a pilgrim man looks at the playback on the screen and says with a smile: "general kollu, save yourself the trouble of finding out. Send someone to do something directly. When it's done, one billion will be on your account!"

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