Super Healer

Chapter 822

Chu Feng and Sha Zhi were taken to Sha Zhi's residence.

Because of Sha Qian's rebellion, there is blood all over the place around Shayan's residence. As the new residence is still being cleaned up, Sha Yan chooses to come to Sha Zhi's quiet residence and prepare to have a good chat with Chu Feng.

When Chu Feng and Sha Zhi walked into the hall, a strong smell of tea came from the air. After a deep smell, Chu Feng knew that it was Pu'er for more than ten years!

Sha Yan is sitting in a wheelchair and soaking tea in front of the living room table. If he doesn't know his identity for the first time, Chu Feng thinks that he will only think that he is an old man who steals his life. He is not connected with Shayan, the rising overlord of iron and blood.

The middle-aged woman quietly walked to the back of the sandstone and stood like a wooden man.

Sha Yan didn't realize that people were coming. He just made his own tea carefully. He washed the tea and finished it in one breath. Without decades of precipitation, he couldn't have such a skillful technique, which completely stimulated the strong aroma of Pu'er tea.

After pouring three cups of tea in succession, Shayan quietly threw out a sentence: "sit down!"

Chu Feng and Sha Zhi stood beside them without making a sound just now. At the moment, they walked over and sat down. Sha Yan pushed two cups of tea in front of them, and raised a smile on his face: "for several years, others have made tea for me, but I haven't made it myself. How do you feel if you taste it?"

Before Chu Feng came, he thought that Shayan must have asked how things were handled, but now he started to completely subvert Chu Feng's idea. But after careful consideration, it is clear that Shayan must have its own channels to understand.

Taking a sip of the tea in front of him, Chu Feng frowned deeply. He could be sure that Shayan was a master at making tea, but the cup of tea in his hand was too bitter.

When putting down the tea cup, Chu Feng sipped his tongue, and felt the fragrance of the air in his mouth.

"Pu'er tastes bitter, so when you make tea, you just put a little tea on it. But for many years, I like to put three times the tea of others and taste the bitter and astringent. But in the end, I found that although it was bitter at the beginning, the last fragrance was fascinating."

"It's like life, like my life for decades."

Chufeng eyebrows stretch, raised a smile, picked up the tea to drink again, this time after careful taste put down, chufeng whispered: "first bitter after sweet, for life, even if the sand commander has been in such a position, do not forget the bitter, simple tea can play a role in alertness, Chu Feng admire!"

Sha Yan began to laugh, showing appreciation and said, "Sha Zhi has drunk this tea before, but she has never drunk it again because she is too bitter. Less wind means less wind!"

Chu Feng smiles and drinks all the tea in the cup. He also has a new understanding of the overlord of the corner region. He will not forget the past because of how high he stands now. As long as he does not admit defeat, no one can easily defeat him.

Waiting for Chu Feng to put down the teacup, Shayan began to open his mouth again: "less wind, I don't know what you think of sand weaving?"


Chu Feng was astonished how Sha Yan suddenly asked such a question, but she would not ask for no reason. Sha Zhi was also worried and might not agree at first. But Chu Feng solved all the crises with a little help. She also wanted to know what kind of person she was in Chu Feng's heart.

When Sha Yan nodded gently, Chu Feng took a look at Sha Zhi and said, "Miss Sha has a hard mind. She is not a person who easily succumbs. She has a strong purpose. As long as she is given a chance, she may be able to create a miracle. The only weakness is fatal. There is only one weakness."

Sand rock faint smile: "what?"

Chu Feng did not play with any mystery, whispered back: "eager for quick success and instant benefit, too strong, do not know the way to choose!"

This can be said to be an advantage, but it can also be said to be a disadvantage. Just like meeting a person like yourself, Shazhi can only be the one who suffers losses.

Hearing Chu Feng's evaluation, Sha Zhi said coldly, "fart!"

"Feng Shao is right."

But Sha Yan then said lightly: "girl, you can do all kinds of things. You are even stronger than many men, but you have some strong personality. It's easy to suffer losses. When you do things, you should be soft when you should be soft, when you should be hard, when you should be soft, when you should be soft, when you should be soft, you can only be yourself.

In addition, even if you have a certain degree of assurance, you also need to explore what you think. After several considerations, if you just want to do it, you will still suffer from the loss. "

With a faint smile on his face, he could not see the look of the overlord on his face: "just as you suffered losses on the hands of little wind twice, but you couldn't get anything, didn't you?"

Sha Zhi's face, which was still angry, turned red at the sound of the speech. She suffered two losses in Chu Feng's hands. One was in the jungle, the other was in her residence. Once she was tough when she was inappropriate, and once she paid the price for using the wrong method. Looking at the middle-aged woman standing behind the sandstone, Sha Zhi was full of shyness.Chufeng was also very embarrassed when he heard the speech. He thought that he had played with Shazhi and knew it. Unexpectedly, Shayan knew it. Chu Feng couldn't help thinking that even if he didn't do it today, maybe Shaqian and he could not do anything.

Looking at her bowed daughter and embarrassed Chu Feng, Sha Yan didn't continue this topic, but said faintly: "I'm old. The future is your young people's era. What should be done and what should not be done is your business. Children and grandchildren have their own happiness. I can't guide the younger generation for a lifetime."

Chu Feng nodded slightly and Shazhi nodded weakly.

At this time, the middle-aged woman behind him answered the phone and said, "Chen Dongyan has disappeared with 500 Sha family special soldiers."

Sha Yan frowned, then stretched out, no surprise, no joy of the mouth: "girl, go, see what's going on!" Then also said to Chu Feng: "wind less, you also follow it, my daughter is a little bad temper, but the heart is still good, please teach her!"

Then she raised her hand and asked the middle-aged woman to push herself away. Sha Zhi raised her head and blinked. How could she feel that there was any ambiguity in the words just now?

Chu Feng is also open mouth, sand weaving is not clear, but he can understand the meaning of sandstone, bother to teach his daughter? And after knowing he played with his daughter? Chu Feng looked at Sha Zhi like that, but she still had to forget it. I don't know that one night this woman will give me a bullet, and it will be unjust to die.

To avoid what Sha Zhi thought, Chu Feng stood up and asked, "who is Chen Dongyan?"

Sha Zhi, interrupted by Chu Feng, didn't continue to think about it. She also got up and said in a bad tone: "a person who didn't hate you at the beginning, but now absolutely wants to kill you."

Chu Feng was shocked. He didn't know that guy. Why did he want to kill me?

Sha Zhi threw out a sentence when she went outside: "it was a son adopted by my second uncle 15 years ago, just like my brother. Now my second uncle is dead in the hands of wenzhuzi and fudina, but it's because of you. If you don't resolve the crisis, my second uncle will not die!"

"In addition, Chen Dongyan is a very humble man, but my father said that he is absolutely the top three in the Shajia defense area with individual combat ability."

Chufeng shook his head with a wry smile and finally knew why Shayan wanted to follow him. However, this person might threaten his own safety. Chu Feng also needs to be careful.

Half an hour later, they came to a barracks in the second defense area. A sergeant came up and said respectfully, "Miss Sha!"

"What's going on?" he said

It turns out that after Sha Qian's plot was defeated, his adopted son Chen Dongyan suddenly appeared in the second defense area and took away 500 special combat soldiers. Finally, the person in charge of the military camp found that he had not put it on record in the sixth defense area, so he quickly spread the news.

After that, the sergeant added: "in addition, the 5000 troops that went out on patrol yesterday have not come back yet. After contacting people from the periphery, they have gone to the East, and the people taken away by Chen Dongyan are also going to the East, but there is no trace of them!"

"Five thousand more?"

Sha Zhi's face changed and his eyes narrowed slightly when he heard the speech. There were many forces in the corner area, but the power of thousands of people was few. Now Chen Dongyan left with 500 special combat soldiers, and there were another 5000 people converging in the past. Sha Zhi vaguely guessed what.

Without hesitation, he ordered: "tell me immediately the third, fourth and fifth defense area, and let them be ready to go out at any time. Chen Dongyan takes people away. If we do things in the name of shajiajun, we will be very passive."

Almost Sha Zhi had just finished, a man ran to open his mouth: "Miss Sha, five minutes ago came the news that Chen Dongyan and more than 5000 people carried out a paramilitary attack on a small force of 500 people 15 kilometers away from us. It has been destroyed, and now it continues to move forward!"

Just now, the news came. Sha Zhi's face suddenly turned pale. He frowned and said, "let the six defense area send news to the major forces in the diagonal region. This is Chen Dongyan's personal behavior and has nothing to do with our Shajia army."

Chu Feng stood by and did not speak. Chen Dongyan took 500 people away. It can be said that because of Sha Qian's death, what happened to the 5000 people who went out yesterday? Thinking of Sha Qian's death, Chu Feng looked at the distance and guessed something!

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