Super Healer

Chapter 832

Chu Feng agreed to Abramovich's challenge, and Sha Zhi and a group of Sha family officers served as judges for a two win match in three innings. If Chu Feng fails, he resigns from his current position as the temporary principal and rolls out of the Shajia army.

If Abramovich fails, Chu Feng will take his life as a punishment for beginning to despise him. This is a duel without solution. However, the status of both sides in the Shajia army is not ordinary, and no one dares to say anything.

The first round is a race. Whoever can finish two kilometers around the track in the fastest time is regarded as the victory.

The second round is a gun competition, whose shooting level is better than, and the third is a personal military confrontation.

People present looked at Chu Feng and Abu. Many people thought that Chu Feng was from Jidao and could not compete with Abu, who had joined the Shajia army at the age of 13. Perhaps this was the best result. Chu Feng left the Shajia army.

Shayan's new residence in the distance, even if it was another place, Sha Yan still chose a residence that could take a panoramic view of the entire training ground. He knew that only military strength was the basis of his foothold, and that was what the shajiajun needed. Therefore, he used to watch the soldiers' training every day.

At this time, seeing the situation on the training ground and the report of the middle-aged woman, Sha Yan raised a smile: "the wolf killing team is too comfortable, it's good to let them suffer for a while."

Hearing the speech, the middle-aged woman looked at the distance and said, "commander, Abu has been settling for more than ten years, but Chu Feng has only been on the road for less than a year. How can we compete with Abu?"

There is also a word in my heart, that is, Chu Feng is not sure to grab it!

The middle-aged woman had been with her for more than 20 years. Sha Yan naturally knew what she was thinking. He looked at the training ground with a smile and said, "if Chu Feng can't win, then it's not the second Mr. Du. He can't live to the present under the pressure of Huangfu family and tianwangmen."

"Look, the final victory must be Chu Feng, but I don't know how he decides the life and death of Abu!"

Middle aged women have blind trust and worship for sandstone. Wen Yan has a new look at the training ground. Maybe Chu Feng can really deter the three armies!

On the training ground, no one knew that all of this was looked at by Shayan. They were just looking at the two main characters, the famous Chu Feng, and the most elite of Shajia army, Abu, the leader of wolf killing team. The individual combat ability once wiped out a legendary figure in a platoon.

Sha Zhi's face was a little embarrassed and went up. Originally, he just wanted to let the wolf killing team give Chu Feng a strong hand and ask for a battle to deal with Chen Dongyan.

But in the end, Sha Zhi has no way to control it. Chu Feng is currently the supreme commander of the Shajia army, and he has already agreed to it. So it is certain that it will be carried out to the end. And Abu is also a stubborn person. No one can change his decision, even if the sand rock comes out, it is estimated that the result will be the same.

Look at the two people are ready to go, sand weaving red lips light open: "this time you are clear about the rules, just before the beginning of what to say?"

She wanted one of them to say it, but Chu Feng and Abu just said nothing, Sha Zhi frowned, picked up a gun and went to the front. When they were ready, they closed their eyes and pulled the trigger directly.

With a bang, a figure shot out like a sharp arrow. In an instant, he went more than ten meters away. It was Abu.

But Chu Feng was standing in the same place, looking at Abu who had already gone out, as if he didn't care about such a thing at all. He twisted his neck and moved his hands and feet. When everyone was surprised that Chu Feng would not be stupefied by Abu's speed, he moved.

But now Abu has been out for more than 200 meters. Can Chu Feng catch up with him?

But as soon as such an idea came into being, people began to have an idea. It seemed that it was really possible to see the wind of Chu almost passing by Sha Zhi's side, and a gust of wind made the Shazhi's hair flutter.

By the time Sha Zhi turned back, Chu Feng had already gone tens of meters away.

On the runway, Abu is in front and Chu Feng is in the back, but everyone can see that Chu Feng is constantly narrowing the distance between him and Abramovich. All the wolf killing team members have clenched their fists, but there is nothing shouting for refueling. They firmly believe that their captain can win the last victory.

For ordinary people, it takes about 10 minutes, which is a relatively fast person, but for Chu Feng and Abu, the 2000 meters is just a simple warm-up.

But what's more attractive to them on the runway at the moment is that Chu Feng suddenly slows down when he is only 10 meters away from Abu, and then waits for Abu to go out for dozens of meters to catch up with him, and then pull back.

In less than seven minutes, Abu and chufeng successively leaped over the end of 2000 meters. Although Abu won the victory, he did not get any cheers.

The situation just now is not a fool can see, if Chu Feng wants to win, he will throw off Abu early.

"Why do you want to do that? Do you look down on me?" he said

Chu Feng nodded seriously, raised his head to look at Abu's unconvinced look and said with a smile: "because in my eyes, you are rubbish, or you are all rubbish and scum. Just a little achievement is lightning bolt. I want you to understand that if you win, you can win. If I want you to lose, you can't win."Turning to no longer look at Abu clenched fist angry eyes, Chu Feng raised his hand and said: "next scene!"

Abramovich has lost the absolute self-confidence at the beginning. Although he has won, it seems that Chu Feng gave him alms. This kind of win is more painful than losing. His face is ugly and he follows Chu Feng's steps to the shooting range.

A gun and 20 bullets were placed in front of the two men. Thirty meters away, 40 glass bottles were placed on both sides. Sha Zhi stood up and looked at Chu Feng and Abu. He said, "the rule of this game is that whoever gets the most shots in the shortest time will win!"

Abramovich looked at the 20 bullets placed on the table, looked at Chu Feng's disapproval attitude, and told himself in his heart, this game, absolutely want to win beautiful.

Seeing that one of them was ready and the other was in a general attitude, Shazhi whispered, "start!"

After that, Abramovich moved quickly. His hand passed over the bullets. Twenty bullets arrived in his hand. All of them were loaded in two seconds. The glass bottle in the distance was constantly buckled. After that, the sound of broken glass bottle was heard!

Chu Feng watched Abramovich shoot. When he finished his first round of ten bullets, he slowly picked up ten bullets and loaded them into the gun. Looking at Abu who was also loading 10 bullets, chufeng said with a smile: "do you want to wash away the shame? But you are a waste, is a scum, I can easily defeat you with my eyes closed, understand? "

Abramovich clenched his fist, clenched his teeth, loaded the bullets, buckled at the last ten glass bottles, and heard the breaking sound one after another, but at the last shot, it was missed!

Abramovich's eyes were stagnant. He had always hit a hundred hits in the 30 meter shooting glass bottle, but he didn't hit it this time. At the moment, Chu Feng's voice came again: "waste is waste, miscellaneous is miscellaneous, 30 meters can't be finished, pathetic!"

Abu clenched his fist and turned around, but the next moment he looked shocked. Chu Feng didn't even look in front of him. He closed his eyes and didn't look at it. Did he want to break the glass bottles?

But at the next moment, not only Abu, but also the onlookers were shocked. A shot went out, and a glass bottle burst. Two pieces of debris flew to the side, smashing the other two bottles.

One shot, three!

Chu Feng's shot stopped the whole room breathing, but all of this had not stopped. Chu Feng still shot six shots in succession with his eyes closed, and then put down the gun. There was also the confident and calm words: "sometimes killing people needs a bullet, but when shooting dead things, why waste bullets?"

The sound of the broken glass bottle rings out one after another. When we look at it again, our throat doesn't move naturally.

Chu Feng fired only seven shots in total, but all the 20 bottles exploded. If there were not only 20 bottles, we would not doubt that Chu Feng could explode 21 bottles.

At the beginning, people who despised and disdained Chu Feng had deep awe in their eyes. Twenty bottles were blown out by seven guns, not to mention in shajiajun. It is estimated that even in the world, there is no need for anyone to announce that Chu Feng is already the absolute winner.

Abramovich looks ugly and stiff. He thinks he is tough, but after two games, he feels like a scum.

Chu Feng came to him, patted his stiff face and said contemptuously, "do you know what is scum?"

Abu eyes spurt fire, Chu Feng's words again irritated him, eyes slightly Ning at Chu Feng, wish to kill him in the eyes, hate voice: "there is still a game!"

People around him shook their heads. Abu was really angry. Everyone could see that if Chu Feng wanted him to lose, he would not have a chance to play in the third inning. However, they also wanted to see if Chu Feng was as tough as ever in the face of shajiajun's wolves.

At the moment, Chu Feng turned his head to Abramovich, pointed to the rest of the wolf killing team members, and said faintly, "in order to prove that you are all rubbish, you will only rely on the blood of your comrades to enjoy glory, and they are just like rags!"

"I'll fight all of you

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