Super Healer

Chapter 843

After all, the members of the alliance can't resist the wind even if they can't resist the wind.

Sha Zhi didn't say anything all the way. Chu Feng knew that she was in a bad mood. She arranged for Bingqing to send her back first, so as not to affect her plan here.

All the masters of the Yihe family also retreated from this area. According to Chu Feng's account, Chen Dongyan was ready to leave the corner area first. Chen Dongyan is now dead. The Yihe master can't play a very important role here. Even if there is a fierce battle, it will only be a contest between hot weapons and troops.

Yihe Mingzi knew that her task of following Chu Feng was over. Next, she would sneak into Weiss directly. When she left, she was a little reluctant to give up. But when she saw Chu Feng, she just gave her the back of her head. She glared at Chu Feng bitterly, and disappeared in the jungle with Yihe master.

With Yujie came to a tank next to the top of the cover opened, Chu wind let Yujie wait outside, turned over into one.

Inside money can't help but Su Mo north and Li Ji are all here. Seeing Chu Feng coming in, he asks others to go out and all thumbs up: "beautiful!"

This evening's action can be written into the world's military textbooks, but they also understand that Chu Feng can't show the truth tonight, otherwise it will be hated by the whole Sha family army. After all, the destruction of the wolf killing team is the situation created by Chu Feng's efforts to add fuel to the flames.

Chu Feng, without any pride on his face, sat down and leaned on it: "there is nothing beautiful or not. The real war starts in the daytime. This time, there are more than 100000 people. It's a headache to think about it!"

Li Ji's three people have a knot in their hearts. Naturally, they all know the three conditions left by Chu Feng to the Alliance forces. When they hear Chu Feng's words, they all have a dignified look in their eyes. Li Ji says in a low voice, "you're not going to kill more than 100000 people, are you?"

"It depends on how they choose!"

Chu Feng touched his head and said, "but some people can't hold it up, but they may not be able to put it down. The people who grew up in the corner area leave here just like fish leave the water. They won't choose the three conditions I give, they will only choose the fourth way!"

They all frowned. They felt that Chu Feng's three conditions, except for the war, must have been chosen by some people. But now, judging from the meaning of Chu Feng, those people did not seem to choose.

Li Ji's communication device is also ringing at this moment, and a voice comes from pressing down: "Alliance forces are gathering, and the vanguard team of 500 people is heading to the East, where is the position of the peace army!"

Li Ji already knew what chufeng said the fourth way was. After saying it clearly, the tank fell silent.

Seeing the three men's faces, Chu Feng knew that he was waiting for his next arrangement. He waved his finger: "go down and let the 20000 guards launch a devastating attack in an hour. How many of these people died? The angle is very large, and there are many people. Without them, there is no impact."

Even though the three people had already made psychological preparations, when Chu Feng really said these words, he was still shocked. It was more than 100000 people. Could you kill all of them?

Chu Feng didn't answer them. He took his mobile phone and called out. After connecting, Fu Dina's voice came. Chu Feng said faintly: "send orders in my name. Before Sha Zhi goes back, let the preparation personnel in several major defense areas move to the direction of the peace army. Once the Alliance forces appear, destroy them!"

Without saying any reason, Chu Feng cut off the phone and edited a text message to Mamba. Under the encirclement of the three forces, more than 100000 people will soon become corpses.

As time went by, Li Ji had received the news that the target had entered the target. He took a deep breath: "kill!"

With the spread of this command, four people also came out of the tanks. Several tanks moved and headed forward. Twenty thousand guards had already left for the past just now. Two bombers disappeared in the air also moved, whistling in the direction of the Alliance forces. The attack officially began.

More than 100000 people from the Alliance forces went to the peace army. The length of the team reached more than ten miles. However, when there was a roar in the sky, Qi Qi changed color.

Almost no command was needed. As expected, they began to disperse. However, under the dense crowd and in the forest with many trees, it was difficult for them to escape effectively.

This time, the bombers are not just deterrence. Many shells are constantly projected down. The rumbling explosion sound of the peaceful jungle rings out completely. The dozens of generals of the alliance force are regretful at the moment.

I thought Chu Feng would wait for five hours to talk about it. I didn't expect that they just gathered people to go to the peace army, and they directly started to kill. It can be said that their intestines are all regretful.

In the face of the bombers' air attack, they can hardly make an effective counterattack. They can only find a place to hide in the jungle, only the shells fall down. Even if they are not killed, the trees will kill them all.

With the bombers' indiscriminate air attack, when the shells poured out, five tanks were already in place one kilometer away and fired shells one after another. A new round of shelling began again.Dazzling sparks burn the whole night, light up half of the sky, people leave the world every moment.

Chu Feng and others stood at the back, watching all this going on slowly. Li jitut shook his head: "no wonder Su Lao often said that whoever controls the absolute weapons will control the victory. There are bombers and tanks in the corner area, or there is no air defense system. There are dead bodies everywhere."

Su Mo Bei and qian can't help but nod his head gently. After this time, although Jiao Yu's vitality is greatly damaged, it also goes up to a higher level.

In the past, there were hundreds of forces crisscross each other. After this time, only individual forces will be left, and their discourse power will be more important than before. However, they don't know how Chu Feng can make Jiaoyu not be the only one.

As they watched, the shelling of the five tanks was over. The forest was in a mess for more than ten kilometers. The trees broke and burned, and the smell of blood and gunsmoke floating with the wind could be smelled.

At this time, the front also remembered the deafening sound of guns. We all know that the guard army officially entered the battlefield, and at the same time, the peace army at the front suddenly appeared and began to mercilessly kill the Alliance forces.

But all this did not stop. The 100000 troops of the Sha family had already arrived here, and now they were also involved in the battlefield.

Three forces, more than 200000 people, have begun to bloodwash the Allied forces which have been ravaged by bombers and tanks. The fighting in the jungle shows the cruelty of war. The red half of the sky is full of the charm of war, but it needs countless lives to render it.

A war involving 400000 people broke out without warning in the quiet corner area, which spread to the whole world in half an hour.

This is the biggest war in the corner region for many years, but the news that followed made the leaders of all countries in a daze. Because the Alliance forces were hit, bombers and tanks were sent out. Chen Dongyan has also died. We don't need to think about it. We all know that the Alliance forces will disappear in the future.

At the same time, the Kingdom headed by Tianchi in the western regions also began a series of layout. Only when they were about to take some actions to enter the corner region under the guise of maintaining peace, a message reached the head of Tianchi's desk.

In a very simple word, which kingdom is involved in the corner region should be prepared to move the people in the capital.

There is only one sentence, and there is no indication of who wrote it. However, the meeting of responsible persons temporarily convened by chief Tianchi agreed that it was Chu Feng who caused the war in Jiaoyu.

Although they think of this, Tianchi has no way. Weiss's lesson is there. They don't want the five-star building in Tianchi to be taken away.

Similarly, the Three Kingdoms coalition forces, which wanted to take advantage of the war, also suffered a strong attack from the already hidden lion mercenary regiment. After three hours of fighting, the lion left behind two hundred people, and the Three Kingdoms coalition army lost 5000 people. Under domestic pressure, they began to retreat.

Because of the death of several soldiers in the Tianchi war, several soldiers marched. If the Three Kingdoms coalition forces died by tens of thousands, it is estimated that the power center will be submerged by the people.

Chufeng wiped out the unstable factors in Jiaoyu, deterred the conspiracy of the kingdom of the western regions, and even made the three kingdoms' allied forces unwilling to fight again. For a time, the name of chufeng swept through the whole world and left an immortal legend in Jiaoyu.

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