Super Healer

Chapter 853

I want you!

A word makes Chu Feng cry and laugh. Originally, she knew that Jinyan was a real woman, and she was so beautiful. It was a good thing to ask for such a request. Chu Feng didn't mind making a scene, as long as she could leave safely.

But what should not have happened is that Jin Yan was the first person in the underground world of Thailand, and also the princess of the Thai royal family. Chu Feng did not believe that Jin Yan was a woman with a hot head.

A rational person, however, does something unreasonable, which makes people uneasy, let alone Jin Yan.

Fingers on the table, Chu Feng looked at Jin Yan's face. When Fu Dina secretly said good things, Chu Feng gave a warm smile: "no!"

When the atmosphere was stagnant, Fu Dina rolled her eyes. She absolutely felt that if she was a man, she would not hesitate to agree, but Chu Feng refused directly. If Jin Yan was not still sitting there, Fu Dina would like to reach out to see if Chu Feng had a fever today.

Otherwise, such a good thing, can also leave safely, why not agree.

Jin Yan seems to have anticipated Chu Feng's reply. She is not angry, even less annoyed: "I'm so attracted to Feng Shao at first sight. I don't want you to treat me like garbage. It's really sad. However, fengshao doesn't want to do this kind of thing. I'll say another condition."

Chu Feng secretly said: "say it!"

Fu Dina also realized that Jin Yangang was just a kind of trial. Maybe he didn't really want Chu Feng to be played by her once. She looked at the woman with the most charming princess's address in her eyes and wondered what she wanted to do.

Jinyan gently put down her shaking glass and her eyes calmed down. The whole person was also charming: "according to the information I control, fengshao has become the highest authority of the FUBU family. In other words, today's FUBU family is fengshao, and Miss Fu Dina is your spokesperson at most."

Chu Feng held down Fu Dina, who was surprised to get up. She was a little more dignified. After meeting with fulbrus, she was informed by the person in charge of the holy pilgrimage. Now Jin Yan also knows that Chu Feng knows, and there are many people who know about this matter.

Seeing Chu Feng still calm, Jin Yan appreciated it a little more and continued: "so, my request is very simple. The FUBU family has provided the Thai army with five years of advanced weapon support and technical support unconditionally. You can leave tonight. I will send you on the plane in person. What's the matter?"

What a big appetite!

Chu Feng and Fu Dina said in their hearts that the military expenditure of hundreds of thousands of Thai troops in a year is calculated in the unit of 100 million Chi. Although it is not as terrible as that of a big country like Shengchao Tianchi, it is definitely not a simple astronomical number.

To ask the FUBU family to provide them unconditionally for five years is equivalent to saving countless money for Thailand. This is definitely not good news for the rest of the neighboring kingdoms.

Because Jinyan's requirements include not only absolute support for weapons, but also technical support. This is to rise!

Just for a short time, Chu Feng has already seen Jin Yan's mind, or the mind of Tai's responsible person, the secret way of FUBU family and other things. It's time to clean up. I believe that even if you leave safely this time, there will be no less trouble in finding yourself, and it will be more difficult and dangerous.

Jinyan has already said the conditions, so she is no longer in a hurry. She slowly drinks a little wine and eats something. It seems that Chu Feng doesn't care what kind of answer Chu Feng gives her.

As time went on for an hour, everyone didn't say a word. Chu Feng was also thinking while eating. Fu Dina was lazy to use her brain. Anyway, Chu Feng is the real controller of the FUBU family. She is too lazy to worry about these things.

Chu Feng pursed his lower lip and said, "no!"

Jinyan giggled and giggled. She looked at Chu Feng angrily and said, "fengshao, if you want to play for me once, you don't agree. Now you don't agree. Even if I want to let you go like this, I can't find a suitable reason. You are really embarrassing me!"

This time, Fu Dina did not say anything. Seeing Chu Feng's calm appearance, I believe he will definitely have countermeasures. He is more confident than Fu Dina.

Chu Feng took the red wine to pour himself a cup, picked up all Gulu to drink down, stood up: "go to your room!"

"To my room?" Jin Yan was stunned and made a sound.

Chu Feng didn't know what to ask: "are you playing with me? I didn't say I wanted to play with you

Jinyan was stunned and giggled. She stood up and went to Chu Feng. Fu Dina blinked her eyes and left the banquet hall. Jin Yan and Chu Feng were less than ten centimeters apart. They could feel each other's breathing and heartbeat.

Jinyan's charming simple approach Chu Feng, hands natural ring Chu Feng's body: "then why go to the room, here, I can play you as well!"

The body pressed up, Jin Yan looked at Chu Feng and asked softly, "the wind is little, I don't know how many women I am?"

Jin Yan's eyes were a little more clear: "there is a car behind you. Someone will take you to the airport directly, but it's not the 11 o'clock flight. It's a river and sea flight. You can change planes by yourself then."Chu Feng stood up and looked at a Golden Swallow for a while and asked, "why?"

In Chu Feng's cognition, no matter what the reason is good, Jin Yan must be here to extract benefits before giving up, again can not get anything, also want to leave his own life to explain to the people behind, now seems to want to let them go, Chu Feng feel a little inconceivable meaning.

Jin Yan turned her head and looked at Chu Feng and asked softly, "do you believe in love at first sight? Do you believe in moth to fire? "

Chu Feng looks sluggish, looking at the different Jinyan at the moment, and wants to say that those are just the plot of the novel, but that serious look makes Chu Feng take back what he wants to say, and goes forward to look at the serious looking Jinyan. Chu Feng hugs her and kisses deeply the mouth watering delicate red lips.

Twenty minutes later, a car left the headquarters quietly and headed for the slow Valley Airport. Jinyan went back to her room on the third floor. Looking at the car slowly leaving in the night, she touched her lips with the smell of a man: "maybe, I'm just like my mother, I'm a kind of silly girl!"

Mumble a, Jin Yan dials a phone, charming face hidden charm, kill cutting overflowing mouth: "no matter Chu Feng offends anyone, he is the man I believe, kill those people!" Without hesitation, she hung up the phone and looked at the car: "I hope we can see you again, the man who makes my heart beat."

Half an hour later, a flight to the river and sea took off, and the four people of Chu Feng boarded the plane safely. At the same time, at the side yard of the Royal Palace of Thailand, countless elite members of the Royal Palace launched an endless battle against the people who lived here. In 10 minutes, the palace elite lost more than 70 people, and several other people's bodies were also on the ground.

In the main palace, a gray haired old man looked at the direction of the fight and sighed: "my dear daughter, I hope you are right, otherwise I would rather seek skin with a tiger!"

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