Super Healer

Chapter 909

When Chu Feng and ye Zixuan arrived at the seaside villa, the building was empty and no one could be seen around.

As soon as Chu Feng was ready to go in, he stepped out and took it back. Looking at the road that had always been before, he projected a cold and murderous opportunity. Ye Zixuan felt something and turned back: "you go in and have a look. Give it to me here."

"Be careful."

Believing ye Zixuan's strength, Chu Feng patted her on the shoulder and walked into the villa. At a glance, she saw the situation in the hall. Du Yaming was tied and sitting on a chair, wearing clothes made of a bomb. The words on it were jumping happily.

Only five minutes left!

In front of her, Lei song crouched there in sweat, holding a glass tube in his hand. There was a small ball rolling there, and a line connected to the bomb on Du Yaming.

Just look at that, Chu Feng can know what Lei song is holding and the balance control thing. Once the ball inside touches the two ends of the side, the bomb will explode immediately. In addition, when the time comes, the bomb will also explode.

His fist clenched and walked past, Chu Feng didn't make much noise. Huangfu's move in the literary world was too cruel!

At the moment, more than 100 elite donghongmen armed with machetes were surrounded outside the villa. They swore that Chu Feng had hurt Du Yaming and wanted to kill him. Hearing these voices, Chu Feng had to admire Huangfu's literary career.

If you don't show up here, then everything is easy to say, but if you are here now, plus the gratitude and resentment with donghongmen in Jiaoyu before, it is useless to explain it. The other party will not believe what he said.

Chu Feng didn't worry too much about the impending fighting outside. Huang Fu Junyi, the super master, had killed hundreds of people in Weisi. Ye Zixuan, who lived in the seven levels of Tianyuan, dealt with more than 100 people. It's a pity.

Looking at Lei song, who was afraid to say anything, Chu Feng asked faintly, "how are you here?"

Lei song was afraid that he would lose his balance if he spoke carelessly. There was nothing left with a bang. At the same time, there was endless resentment in his heart. He knew that Huangfu had never regarded him as a human being.

After the collapse of Huangfu group, Lei song thought that he would die, but if he could make up for it, he would not lose too badly. However, he did not expect that Huangfu literary world would give up Huangfu group directly and would rather have him die.

If he could, Lei song would not have believed that Huangfu Wenren had gone to Huangfu group.

It's just that in this world, many things have no if.

Lei song didn't answer. Seeing Chu Feng come here regardless of the danger, Du Yaming was moved and said: "he is just a ghost in the dark. He was accepted by Huangfu Wenren and sent to Huangfu group. It is because of him that Huangfu's literary world has the confidence to fight against the wind."

"But what he didn't expect was that you found the rose fairy, the hand of God

At the beginning, the hacker looks at Chu, but he doesn't have a good impression.

For Lei song, who was abandoned by Huangfu's literary world, Chu Feng did not have a chance to kill him, or he didn't care about it at all.

Du Yaming looked at Chu Feng as if he was going to dismantle the bomb. He shook his head and said, "you'd better go. This bomb will explode as soon as the time comes. In addition, if there is any problem with the test tube in his hand, it will explode. Three lines, yellow, red and blue, you can't relieve the crisis."

Lei song looked tight and controlled the things in his hand to avoid accidents. He also said in a low voice: "Chu Feng, you'd better stay here and save me. Otherwise, if you dare to take a step, I'll throw away this thing and drag you to die together. In addition, Huangfu's literary circles say that this bomb explodes, within 20 meters in diameter, no grass can live."

Chufeng squints his eyes and looks at leisong lightly. He can't stop passing by the killing machine. At the moment, he still says such words here. Chu Feng can't find an excuse not to kill Lei song.

But looking at the test tube in his hand, Chu Feng didn't tit for tat, otherwise Lei Songxin would die with a horizontal embrace, even if he ran away, he would lose a layer of skin.

Moreover, Chu Feng didn't want to help Du Yaming die at last, because it would thoroughly intensify the relationship between him and Du family. This is not what Chu Feng wants to see. After all, people are dead. It is better to believe in Huangfu literary world than to believe in himself.

See Chu Feng do not speak, just looking at the bomb there, Du Yaming also do not know is moved or what, tears in his eyes wet.

Du Yaming is very clear about the bomb clothes she is wearing. If it is not for the test tube in Lei song's hand, you should be careful to take it off. However, with Lei song, the villain here, Du Yaming can take it off and dare not take it off. It will only be Lei song's pulling and dying together.

For two minutes, the time is getting closer and closer. The sweat on Lei song's face is already flowing happily. He said in a vague tone, "can you do it or not? It's only more than one minute."

Du Yaming bit his lips and wanted to ask Chu Feng to leave, but when he touched Lei song, he gave up the idea. Knowing that once Chu Feng meant to leave, Lei song would not hesitate to throw away the test tube and die with everyone.Try to calm down a little, Du Yaming's voice is soft, just like the first time I met Chu Feng: "you do it, it's a big deal to die with you."

"I'm young, and I don't want to die!"

Chufeng laughs with astonishment. His left eye twinkles and predicts the possible crisis of cutting off one of the three lines. He cuts off the yellow line and explodes directly. Chu Feng looks at the red line again, which is similar to the explosion. His expression is a little more relaxed.

He picked up a pair of scissors on the ground, which was probably left by Huangfu's literary circle. Chu Feng was going to cut the blue thread.

But just at the moment of touching, when both Lei song and Du Yaming closed their eyes, Chu Feng's left eye appeared with more dignified pictures, because the picture showed that cutting off the blue line was also an explosion, and all three people died.

Time is only 40 seconds, but Chu Feng does not know what to do, three lines cut down will explode, is this a bomb how can explode?

"What are you doing?" Rayson said

Chu Feng took a deep breath and looked at Du Yaming, who opened his eyes and was also curious. He said solemnly, "I seem to have seen this bomb somewhere. If a line is cut off, the bomb will explode."

Lei song suddenly yelled and shook his hand. Fortunately, he was quick to respond to playing computer and quickly balanced it. The time to look at it was only 20 seconds. His face was covered with sweat: "don't be kidding. There are no bombs that can't be dismantled in the world, just as there are no defenses that can't be broken."

A word awakens the dreamer, Chu Feng's aura flashes, Lei song is right, there is no bomb in the world that can't be dismantled.

Left eye full range of looking at Du Yaming and Lei song body, infinitely enlarge some things, Chu Feng look more a smile: "so it is!"

With only five seconds left, Chu Feng's scissors flashed out like lightning, cutting three lines at the same time, and the jumping numbers stopped at four seconds, and everyone's breath stopped.

Then leisong sat on the ground paralyzed: "Damn it, I don't have to die at last."

Du Yaming is also heavily relieved, although she will not be afraid to die, but if you can not die, no one is willing to die like this.

When Chu Feng untied the rope for her and slowly helped her to take off her clothes, Du Yaming directly threw herself into chufeng's arms, with a little unknown cry: "you son of a bitch, do you often do such stupid things to move little girls, life does not want, are you really stupid?"

Chu Feng patted Du Yaming's back and felt the anger of the woman after the disaster. Wen Run said, "go, if you don't go out, all the people in donghongmen will be beaten into the hospital by my little wife."

Du Yaming shyly let go of Chu Feng, nodded his head cleverly and walked toward the outside, but his hand had never let go of Chu Feng's hand. What did he think of and asked, "where is Huangfu's literary world?"

When Chu Feng just arrived, he had received news that Huangfu literary circles had boarded the Imperial City flight. Although he was a little sorry that he had not been left, Du Yaming's situation at that time did not allow Chu Feng to do other things.

Pat Du Yaming on the shoulder: "the damned people will die sooner or later. You should be glad that the Du family can no longer be under the control of the Huangfu family. What should be given and what should be returned should be given back!"

Du Yaming en nodded and went out to see hundreds of elite red men who were fighting with Ye Zixuan. She saw that dozens of people had fallen down on the ground. The women who knew Chu Feng were still not human beings and said, "stop! Fengshao doesn't want to kill me, but to save me. The one who really wants to kill me is Huangfu literary world."

With Du Yaming's announcement, all the people who are still in the fierce battle all stop their hands. They feel more relaxed and fight ye Zixuan. What they feel is pressure.

In the villa, Lei song, who had relaxed his breath, looked at the test tube in his hand and angrily hit the ground and swore: "Damn it, Huangfu literary world. If Chu Feng doesn't kill Huangfu group, I'll kill it too!"

When the glass tube was broken, there was a sound of dripping. Lei song looked at it from the side of his head. His eyes were frozen and he quickly stood up. He just ran out of two steps. The bomb that had stopped before exploded with a sound. There was no body left.

Chu Feng and Du Yaming outside the villa didn't expect sudden changes. They were blown away by the sudden explosion. At the moment when ye Zixuan was quick to catch the faint, Chu Feng's heart flashed a bitter smile.

I'm also glad that neither Du Yaming nor himself is impulsive, because his left eye has seen some of the things leisong has done in the past time.

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