Super Healer

Chapter 92

More than 50 people are gathered on the board of the cruise ship. These are all the blue cell people on the cruise ship. Chu Feng takes Huangfu ruobi for a stroll. It seems that they don't care about anything.

"How do you release her hand?"

Tatar was still reprimanding the people around him. He didn't even know that someone was sneaking up. But when he turned around, he saw Huangfu ruodie standing behind Chu Feng with both hands free. He immediately became angry: "don't you worry about any change?"

"Isn't it happening now?" Chu Feng shrugged his shoulders, stepped back and put his arms around Huangfu ruodie's waist without any weight: "and this woman is mine tonight. I'm going to let her go and have a good impression. It seems that it's good to let her serve me hard."

"No more noise!"

Seeing that Tatar seemed to be entangled with Chu Feng, Wen Zhuzi cheered, and then said, "now there are enemies hidden in the dark on this cruise ship. At present, we suspect that they are officials of the Chinese government. Three of our brothers have died!"

Chu Feng's face showed a different color: "no, this is in the vast sea, and this cruise ship has already stopped in the high seas, we are directly up, when we come to bring the enemy up?"

A word to wake up the dream, wenzhuzi look a change, look at the people around: "give me your headgear off!"

At first, I didn't expect that the enemy had been hidden for a long time, but now Chu Feng said that the cruise ship had been on the high seas, and there was no way to hide it in advance. The only possibility was that there were undercover agents among them. With the help of the reason that everyone was wearing headgear, he was involved in it.

At the command of Wen Zhuzi, all the people around him took off their headgear one after another. All of them could call out their names. There was no strange face. He was relieved to see Wen Zhuzi, but immediately ordered: "search, the enemy must be hiding on the cruise ship now. No matter what kind of measures, we must find out the people."


More than 50 people said in a loud voice and headed for all directions of the cruise ship. No one put on the headgear any more, in order to prevent the enemy from taking advantage of it. At this time, Wen Zhuzi looked at Huangfu ruobi and thought of something: "what about master Huangfu?"

Tatal looked around and said, "it's still locked in the original room. Both hands and feet are bound. Don't worry."

Wenzhuzi nodded. Although Tatar often held a little bad thoughts on her, she still had this ability. She looked at Chu Feng: "brother Xiaofeng, the enemy doesn't know where the enemy is now. You'd better go back to your room and stay in it for a while. We'll inform you when it's safe."

"Manganese Ba, take them back to the room!"

Chu Feng didn't say anything. He knew that Wen Zhuzi was worried about something happening to him. Seeing mang Ba pointing at him with a submachine gun, Chu Feng went back with Huangfu ruodie in his arms. He looked at the corner of one side with his eyes and a funny smile in the corner of his mouth. Blue cell seemed to be in bad luck.

Manganese Ba sent Chu Feng back to the room and did not leave, but directly stood at the door of the room. Although wenzhuzi didn't say it directly, it was very clear that he should watch Chu Feng. At this time, there could be no more changes.

"Don't let go of your hooves yet?"

Huangfu ruodie opened her mouth coldly at the moment when the door was closed, and her eyes twinkled with anger. Although Chu Feng was honest with her hand on her waist, she still felt very uncomfortable when a man was so close to her.

Don't you know that it's not good for a woman to resist ugliness in addition to her self-confidence?

Chu Feng thought so in his heart, but he was too lazy to say too much to Huangfu ruodie. The name was very nice, but his character and appearance were not good. Chu Feng did not want to find himself bored. He went to stand on the bed. There was a vent, 70 cm long and wide, and the sea was out there.

Chu Feng stretched out his head and looked at it. Then he jumped out of bed and went to the door. He locked the door and said to Huangfu Ruo die, "I don't care what you think now, but if you want to have a fresh breakfast tomorrow morning, listen to me now."

Ten minutes later, he heard a slight sound coming from the room and leaned over to listen. It was not very clear because of the sound insulation effect and the sea wind, but he could also hear what it was.

Huang Fu Ruo die is sitting on the bed, her hands and feet are directly tied by Chu Feng, and a gold needle is inserted into her abdomen. Her voice at the moment is totally involuntary, and her eyes are full of resentment. She vows that as long as she gets out of trouble, she will give this boy a severe lesson. She is simply abnormal.

Perhaps Chu Feng directly on her is not so angry, but now Chu wind is not know what means to let her hum in there let people reverie voice, how can not be angry?

Chu Feng looked at the door and was listening to it, but now he went to the side. It seemed that he was worried about hearing such a sound. He jumped into bed with a sneer. Half of his body went out of the window, and the next moment his whole body followed him out. Below was the vast sea.Huang Fu Ruo die's eyes were full of hatred and humiliation. Seeing Chu Feng jump out directly, he snorted, but he was surprised in his eyes. What did this bastard do? Was he afraid of my revenge in the future, so he jumped out to seek his own death?

Chu Feng didn't know what Huang Fu Ruo die was thinking at the moment. He just pulled the window and lifted his body up to two meters. Then he pulled a protruding ring, which seemed to be used to fix the hook when the cruise ship came ashore. Chu Feng took it to look at it, took a deep breath, and stepped on the ring with his strength, leaping more than three meters high!

The body fell steadily on the top of the cruise ship. Chu Feng suddenly rolled and hid in the dark. Two people passed by, but they didn't find Chu Feng's figure at all. Chufeng's eyes flashed a faint light, and his body leaped out. His lightning like hand hit the neck of two people who passed by, and they suddenly fainted.

Chu Feng held their bodies on the ground without any sound. Then he took out one of the men's sabres and held them in his hand. He didn't get into the dark and didn't worry about them waking up. Chu Feng was confident of his technique and could not wake up without two or three hours.

"And they?"

At the moment, as the people are also searching for wenzhuzi, Chu Feng's room door asked, manganese Ba looked at the direction of the door, showing a look of admiration: "this guy cow, such an environment, horrible women have that kind of mood, at least for me is not so bold."

Wenzhuzi passed by strangely, without knocking at the door. She just leaned over to listen to the news just like mang PA, and then stood up straight with a playful look on her face: "it's really not a common person, but I'm relieved. If he infringes on Huangfu Ruo die, he can't go back even if he's lying on the bottom."

She was in a good mood. Wenzhuzi didn't knock on the door. She continued to walk to one side. Although the cruise ship was not a big one, there were more than 20 rooms, canteens and other places. Besides, it was a little difficult to find a person to come on such a night.


At this time, Chu Feng had knocked out ten people and reached the bottom of the first floor. He saw Tatar with five people looking for him. A light flashed through his left eye. The people who sneaked in are now on the top. These fools are still looking here. Even if there is any use in the gun, it is not a direct blow.

Chu Feng has a simple look just now, including the people who have knocked out. At the moment, there are only more than 20 people who can take action. If there is no accident in 15 minutes, Chu Feng is confident that he can win all the people.

"On deck!" Chu Feng was about to wait for Tatar to search for the dark place around the corner. Tatar said, and turned to the top: "there's something on the top!"

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