Super Healer

Chapter 926

The night breeze is cool, but not as good as Du Yaming's heart!

Du's courtyard is not far from the place where the incident happened. In addition, it was late at night, and it was soon arrived. There was blood everywhere and the body was all over. Du Yaming didn't know how to support without a little tears.

Knowing that dushaofu died, she could not cry. When Chu Feng broke Du family, she felt that when all her relatives died, she didn't cry, but it was a kind of extreme quiet.

But now, seeing that all the people who could not die were all in the blood, dozens of relatives and the guards of Du family. Du Yaming had a slight sadness in her heart. Since this moment, only her own person was left in the world, and all the relatives had died.

Chu Feng looked around the scene and walked to gently hug Du Yaming, and his relatives died in two days. The world in the future only went alone. Chu Feng could understand that loneliness.

Du Yaming reluctantly scattered the sadness on his face: "I'm ok!"

The words seem to be firm. Chu Feng can still feel a sad feeling in it, sighing: "if you want to cry, you will not be laughed at!"

Du Yaming shook his head, she still did not cry out, slowly walked by, looking at the Duchang, who had died for many times, can feel his pain and reluctant to die before his death, not died under the butcher of Chu Feng, but died on the way to retreat, who was replaced, I think it would be unwilling.

Seeing Du Yaming still remains calm at this time, Chu Feng has appreciation and sympathy. How strong is it to support such a bad news?

Qian Bang came from one side, whispered: "I have checked, no living, all deadly, the enemy of attack did not even use any weapons!"

Chu Feng just arrived here, only looking at duyaming's mood, but did not observe these things. At this time, Wen Yan also came to the spirit, walked to a body of Du family guard and squatted down, and there seemed to be no wound, but the eyes were closed, which made people feel the existence of fear.

Chu wind frowned, left eye penetration, face no fluctuation, but the heart has been widespread disaster.

Because the dead Du family guard, all the viscera and six Fu organs were broken, but there were no scars on him. Chu Feng stood up and looked at the rest of the corpses in the left eye. All of them were crushed and died. I think how great pain it was when I died.

The thick blood on the ground can also see the helplessness of the enemy when they were fighting.

Most importantly, Chu wind in the smell of the martial arts, only use the real yuan to reach a certain level of people, can use that Qiaojin to let people just spit blood and die, all the organs are broken!

Although Chu Feng himself can do so, but killing so many people, the power can not be followed after all, and the people who die here are all such a situation.

Chu Feng did not speak, and Qian bang, standing next to him, understood what he was thinking.

That is, tonight's attack, is a person!

After more than ten minutes, Du's body was separated and placed aside. Duyaming stood in front of them, calm and terrible. Chu Feng understood that everyone needed a process of growth and suffered a huge twists and turns.

If you can't get past, you will be abandoned and get past. Then it will be a new life.

The body of Du family escort has been cleaned up and boarded. The crematorium will be directly pulled. The people sent by Qian Bang have been in place. However, Du Yaming is still standing there, and everyone has no voice. Everyone can feel her inner sadness.

Chu Feng looked at the time, exhaled and walked up and held up duyaming's hand: "they are dead, and I!"

Du Yaming took back the eyes fixed on Du Laozi and Duchang, and then looked at Chu wind, and finally snuggled gently in the bosom of Chu wind. How powerful a woman would need a hug. At this time, Chu wind is the hug duyaming needs.

Chu Feng patted the woman's back gently, gave Qian bang a look to clean up the scene, turned to get on the car and said: "deal with the later things of Du family well!"

The car left directly. Chu Feng did not have to stay. Yuan family has been controlled by Lin Jiaying and will not have any problems. Li Huo and his two are their own people, and they will not bring about the wind wave of Xiangjiang. After tonight, Du family is completely defeated, only one duyaming is left.

Chu Feng drives the car, looking at the silent woman, also do not know whether she can support the declining Du family in the future!

At this time, Du Yaming opened his red lips and looked at a street without any one: "I want to blow the wind!"

"OK!" Although it was late, Chu Feng did not refuse, nodding back to the road, turning the car head ignore the reverse, and drove directly into the side street and went to the seaside.

Xiangjiang night, there are prosperous places, but also a cold place, night of the sea, is such a place not lively.

Du Yaming got off to the railing and looked at the sea under the night. When Chu wind came, he shouted at the sea under the night, which made the Chu wind come to bear the heartache.That kind of hysteria, that kind of madness, let people feel that Du Yaming's heart is dripping blood.

Have been shouting, voice has been hoarse, enough to last for five minutes to stop, Chu Feng also light mouth: "people die can not be reborn, the living people want to think about the future, your grandfather and father they are dead, but you are still alive, you can do a lot of things."

"Find out who killed tonight and avenge them!"

Du Yaming hands on the railing, a pair of apricot eyes in the emergence of a towering opportunity, if the hand is a piece of tofu, must have been rotten.

Turning back to look at Xiang Chu Feng, Du Yaming no longer conceals his inner killing: "I want to revenge for me. I will use myself, Du family, Du's group and everything I have to exchange with you. I must kill the murderer, I must!"

Looking at the woman's hysteria, regardless of Chu Feng did not refuse, slightly nodded.

Du Yaming relaxed a little, and regained a little calmness in the shouting just now. He asked in a low voice, "things happened suddenly and quickly tonight. Even my brother's death may also be for tonight. It's good that you are killed, and it's good that Du's family is ruined."

"It's just a pity that duhuada is dead, or I'll know who's behind it!"

Chu Feng just wanted to talk, his eyes a congealed to see what, his left eye twinkled, suddenly turned back, frown a light said: "it doesn't matter whether he died or not. If you don't guess wrong, the enemy wants me to die, Miss Du's family, my family is defeated, and my family is destroyed!"

Du Yaming also felt something general. She looked at the direction of Chu Feng. In the darkness 50 meters away, a figure was walking slowly. The speed was very slow, but it was oppressive beyond words.

It's as if it was a tank, stretching out its tusks, a devastating blow to people in its range.

Chu Feng's left eye has seen the appearance of the comer, a middle-aged man, making a gesture of indifference, so that they don't come out for the time being. Chu Feng's whole body is tense and his blood is boiling. He is eager for a war!

A voice also came from that dark place: "Chu abandoned son, Overlord day apprentice, good, good!"

Chufeng eyebrows stir, know that he is a lot of Chu family, but know that he is a bawangtian disciple, according to Murong Bing said, then only one of the Chu family, and the voice of the middle-aged people in the dark seems to be certain, let Chu Feng a little more dignified.

This is a person who may know his own identity, and even some unknown things.

His fist clenched unconsciously. Chu Feng had already made up his mind that he would leave this man at all costs tonight. At least, he should make sure that he knew that he was a disciple of overlord heaven, and how many people there were.

But the middle-aged man was not far away, and his voice came again: "originally, I didn't want to kill you, and whether you are a disciple of overlord heaven, but I can't bear to see your successor killed by you. Let's see the world again!"

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