Super Healer

Chapter 961

At the top of Mengtuo mountain, the sky and the earth are killing each other. The cold wind is more violent than that at the bottom of the mountain. At the edge of the isolated Pavilion, there is a faint air of frost. The ice hanging down makes people feel so unreal. We should know that the snow has dissipated, and it has been a long time.

But at the moment, the top of the mountain is full of frost, as if just received a light snow.

A charming figure across the air, driving a little snowflakes to fall, across a distance of 30 meters, fell on the edge of the pavilion, a pair of eyes can dazzle thousands of men, at this time flooding with boundless cold, staring at the three old people walking in front.

One of them once appeared, old man with white beard!

What's different tonight is that there are two more people, an old man with a black beard, and a dwarf who is less than one meter tall but with amazing momentum. They walk towards Murong Bing from three directions and stand 15 meters in front of her.

The old man with white beard sighed: "Princess nine, there are only a few people who know your identity at our level, but it doesn't mean that no one knows. We just know your real identity. So I'm sorry tonight. We don't want to be enemies with you, as long as you can leave the world and go back to the place where you should go."

"We three brothers, 90 degrees bow, to ensure your absolute safety, three doors and four families, can not hurt you!"

Murong Bing coughed gently, and her white, smooth and tender hand was scratched by her mouth with a touch of blood. She was chased by three people for several hours. After fighting for many times, Murong Bing has left some internal injuries.

If it is in the total victory, Murong Bing can absolutely crush the three old white bearded men. But now is a fatal period for her, and she can only play 30% of her peak strength, which is doomed that she can not compete with the three people in front of her tonight.

But Murong Bing did not choose to compromise because of this. When he raised his hand, a sword with a red color appeared in Murong Bing's hand. The whole body was red, even the handle of the sword was red.

Seeing Murong Bing take out his weapons, the faces of the three elders all showed dignified color. As the absolute Guardian God of the holy Dynasty, they knew what the sword was in front of them.

Yan Hong!

No one knows who was the caster of a sword that once drank thousands of blood. However, according to limited historical documents, there was a woman named yaochi, a god like woman!

At the moment, Yan Hong appears, and Murong Bing's current strength is almost equal to that of a strong man in the early stage of the demigod realm. The three old people still have some dignity.

Murong Bing's Yan Hong pointed to the three people and said coldly: "every hundred years, I will have the weakest three days, so these three days I will let myself hide, in order not to be killed, did not expect that in my most lethal period, you actually started, it seems that my research is very thorough!"

"Not only do I know where I come from, but I also seem to know my final identity!"

In the dignified look of the white bearded old man, Murong Bing gave a cold smile: "it's just so what? Although you've given me pressure now, if I hold on to the mentality of killing the dead, you should have at least two people to bury with me tonight, otherwise, where is my life so easy to take?"

When the old man with white beard wants to speak, the dwarf raises his hand. The former is stunned, and then steps back with a little respect. It can be seen that the dwarf is the highest among the three.

Slowly walking forward a few steps, the dwarf old man said quietly: "Princess nine, everyone has a place he should go. You have come to the secular world for many years because of the gratitude and agreement. You have been born countless times before. Each time brings waves, death and even disaster to the peaceful holy court."

"Although today you have changed a lot, but full of too many uncertainties, you should not continue to stay in this place, how about leaving?"

"No way!" Murong Bing shook his head and refused without hesitation!

She didn't know why she was so firm at this time. When she recalled her past self, she also came up with a light sneer. The elegant and free figure crossed her mind. Murong Bing's eyes softened a little, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously showed a smile.

Because of this, Murong Bing's tone is more firm: "chufeng is my man. I once promised overlord heaven and his parents that if they don't cultivate chufeng and let him stand tall, I will never leave. In this life, I only live for chufeng. Whoever blocks me, who wants me to leave, I will die!"

Firm and non-negotiable tone, so that the three look more than a cold kill.

The irreconcilable atmosphere added thousands of Xiaosha on the top of the mountain, and the snow began to fall slowly in the air. When it fell on the blood red Yan Hong, it was like touching the burning hot iron, and there was a general illusion of steam.

The cold wind is rolling around the whole mountain, which is different from the cold and breath at the bottom of the mountain, making the four people standing on the top of the mountain fall into absolute peace.

The dwarf old man pondered for a moment and whispered, "Princess nine, we really don't want to be enemies with you and break the balance between us. We are also willing to open a temporary channel for you to go back to the place you should go back to. If you fight like this, it's just painful for your relatives and quick for enemies, isn't itThe white beard old and the black beard old people nodded slightly. They appeared in the imperial city to Murong ice. The most fundamental reason is only one. Murong ice comes from five forbidden areas, which is more dangerous than three doors and four families!

Only they don't want to kill Murong ice, because from Murong ice to now, they are just with Chu wind, and they have not done anything too exciting. They can't find the reason to kill Murong ice!

"No more, my heart is determined!"

Murong ice is still an indisputable appearance, shaking his head without hesitation, and the red still firmly: "I am not allowed to be God, no one can arrange my future, I want to do what I want to do, no one said, where I should go, the world is big, not beyond the rules of restrictions!"

Murong ice refused again, making the dwarfs and the old three some helpless.

If they can do nothing to Murong ice, but with the gradual display of the things that Chu Feng is the successor of the ruling, they have already raised the spirit of twelve points. If Murong ice is still with Chu Feng as always, who knows if there will be any change in the hands of Chu Feng where the final ruling is based.

For example, the ruling office and one of the five forbidden areas are united, and the stable holy pilgrimage can not afford to bet!

Only to say more, at this time, there is no effect, Murong ice stubborn and firm beyond their imagination, the three people began to move, in three directions, all-round lock Murong ice, the powerful as the air machine, that rolling momentum, let the snow falling in the void all rolled up and down, it seems that there are a pair of invisible big hands are holding up the general.


All that should be said, the dwarf knows that it is impossible for Murong ice to change his mind. He sighs and says, the short body less than a meter disappears in place and disappeared!

Murong ice remained as level and still, and there were light snowflakes around it. Suddenly, the dwarf appeared on the left side of Murong ice. A fire swept the sky, illuminating the whole dark sky. The snow floating in the air also disappeared and evaporated clean at this time.

Murong ice graceful body also by the sudden fire completely wrapped up, in an instant has been difficult to trace.

The old man with white beard and old black beard also moved. Between the thoughts and movements, the more fierce flame was burning, which was raging around the pavilion, completely submerged Murong ice in it, and the hot heat made the snow falling around them all instantly and even evaporated.

Those green grass, which is clear and quiet, slowly lose water because of these high temperatures, and gradually wither down, and finally become powder. On the whole mountain, except that pavilion is still there, bare, nothing!

"Ice moves!"

Suddenly, a cool tone was sent out in the exuberant high temperature. The cold wind and bald wind appeared on the whole mountain. The snow was originally scattered and scattered at this moment, it became heavy snow.

That can evaporate all the flame, suddenly frozen, only in the film can appear in a scene, now the real appears in reality.

The fire, even frozen by ice and snow!

The crisp sound of kowtow, the frozen flame began to burst, everything was so illusory. When Murong ice appeared again, the dwarfism and the old three suddenly appeared thousands of snow swords on top of their heads, and shot down!

The three men were quite dignified. They were shocked by the powerful fighting power after losing 70% of the strength of Murong ice. However, they were more determined to send Murong ice away. If there is no way, they can only kill them.

It seems that suddenly, three fire tongues suddenly rise around the three people. Facing the fierce snow sword, all melt into a layer of water vapor, but under the great power fluctuation, the three people spray blood together.

But all did not stop like this, three fire tongues of snow sword gathered together to form a fire dragon, and went towards Murong ice. The fire dragon formed by the fire gathered lit the whole mountain, sacred and dignified, and with the breath of death.

Murong ice looks dignified to lift up Yan Hong, around also emerged ice cold air, in a moment, Yan Hong pricked out, straight to the dragon!

A sword and a dragon collided together. The mountain seemed to be windy. The ground under its feet vibrated. Some cracks were also seen. The old dwarf three cheered and pressed on the huge force.

The strong man of the sky, the natural force of the heaven and earth, at this time, the ordinary people around the world are close, maybe just that air flow, enough to let them die countless times.

A loud bang, the huge dragon disappeared completely at this moment, Yan Hong also wiped out in Murong ice, as if it had not appeared at all.

Murong Bing, the attractive body, stepped back two steps, stood by the pavilion with one hand, and finally spewed out a breath of blood. In contrast, the three people combined with the three dwarfs and three people, there was not too much damage, at least a little internal injury!

The dwarf coughs softly and asks in a deep voice, "Princess nine, you may leave!""No!"

Suddenly, a voice came from the mountain road on one side, and a figure blown by the cold wind appeared in the sight of the people. Chu Feng walked along, and his whole body was stained with blood as if he had just climbed out of the sea of blood. The blood color in his left eye has faded, but the strong killing opportunity still exists!

Murong ice body trembled, see Chu wind came, surprised is not in the river, how the latter can appear here, immediately is full of moved: "husband!"

Chu Feng looked at Murong Bing's appearance. Although he felt powerless and pale, he was still alive. When his heart was relaxed, he looked at the three dwarfs and said coldly: "you really want to bully my woman. I can't stop you!"

A hand pointed to the sky, the sky also timely blew a thunder, that shining thunder light behind the Chu wind, set off like a god demon, the voice pierced nine days: "but I swear, if Murong Bing died in your hands today, I can't help you, but one day, I will raise all my strength to kill Jinan!"

"Destroy the Xuanyuan family, the ancestor of the holy Dynasty, which has been passed down for countless years!"

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