Super Healer

Chapter 975

The next morning, nine o'clock!

Chu Feng and the graceful woman went through several places. At this time, she stepped into the imperial city. At the moment of entering the east gate, Chu Feng felt that the imperial city was a little more boring than before, but it didn't make people feel upset. It was a little more peaceful.

At least when you look at it, some of the young men and women with brain disability that can be seen in the past have disappeared, or learned to keep a low profile.

Although he has not contacted anyone, Chu Feng has already guessed the cause of all this. In the mouth of the graceful woman, he knows that after the night of mengtuoshan, Fengmen and Huangfu family had a thorough war, and under the iron blood of Huangfu ruodie, they disintegrated the Huangfu family which had been precipitated for thousands of years.

Of course, there are also official and various forces, intentionally or unintentionally, to add fuel to the flames, and the real wall is pushed by all.

However, Chu Feng is not interested in these things now. He just glances over the graceful woman walking beside her occasionally. I don't know why. The latter always gives him a familiar feeling and seems familiar.

But her left eye could not penetrate the mask on the graceful woman's face, coupled with the sunglasses she was wearing and a lace cap. Chu Feng did not know who she was.

The only thing for sure is that the latter won't hurt him.

Walking beside Chu Feng, the graceful woman seems to have a general feeling of the side of the head, just and Chu Feng's eyes collide together, micro frown: "see what?"

"Look at the beauty!"

Chu Feng didn't know why he lost his mind when facing the latter. He didn't care too much when he was caught. He shrugged his shoulders and threw out a sentence at will. After walking a few steps, he saw that the graceful woman had not yet followed him. He looked back curiously: "no more?"

The graceful woman did not speak, but looked to the other direction, where there was a long line of milk tea shops, although at this time 30 meters away, still can smell that light smell of milk tea.

Chu Feng followed her eyes and walked forward with a smile. The graceful woman was stunned and said, "what are you doing?"

Chu Feng Yang raised his hand: "your saliva is coming out, what do you say I want to do, you save me, please drink a cup of milk tea or OK."

After hearing the speech, the graceful woman stood there, and then followed her up to the place where Chu Feng queued up and asked, "do you have any money?"

After nearly a day's journey, they just ate a little something. At this time, Chu Feng was also a little thirsty and wanted to drink something.

But when he was asked, Chu Feng's expression was stiff and there was indescribable embarrassment. After that night's dream of Camel Mountain, he forgot everything. When he woke up, he had already been far away from the imperial city. He didn't know where the cash and cards had gone.

A little embarrassed to look back, ha ha smile: "no!"

The graceful woman knew Chu Feng had no money, so she shook her head and took it out of her body and handed it a hundred yuan bill. When Chu Feng received it, she could feel the scorn of the people around her. Obviously, they all misunderstood that Chu Feng was a white faced person.

However, today's Chu Feng never cared about other people's opinions. He took over Qian and stood there in peace of mind, as if he were thick skinned and could not be attacked by guns and guns.

Chu Feng's eyes under the graceful women's sunglasses are more than one eye. She shakes her head slightly and follows. There are dozens of people in the front of the team. It is estimated that it will take a long time.

It has to be said that the business of this milk tea shop is really good. Chu Fenggang queued for less than 10 minutes, and there were dozens of people behind him, more than at the beginning. Moreover, there was a common phenomenon: most of the people in the queue were men, and a group of women were standing in the distance.

Although the team was long, few people showed displeasure. Chu Feng felt his stomach and smelled the faint smell of milk. He even felt hungry. He thought about going to Guanghan garden to have a good meal.

When only ten people were left to arrive at chufeng, the sound of car horns blaring wildly came from behind. Nearly a hundred people lined up behind Chu Feng looked back in unison. The faces of the people at the back changed dramatically, and they ran to both sides subconsciously. What line up and what kind of milk tea were floating clouds at this moment.

Because the speed seems to be over 80 yards, and in the Imperial City, the speed limit is 40!

The people in the back came crazy because of this car. They didn't care about the queue. They all began to dodge to both sides. The car didn't seem to stop, and it was racing all the way there.

You can also hear the heavy metal music from the car.

Chu Feng looks back and sees the car coming. A Lamborghini can also hear the man's crazy laughter in addition to heavy metal music. He says something about his father's goods. Chu Feng doesn't have a tiger's body and sends out Wang BA's Qi. Naturally, he pulls the graceful woman out of his position.

Lamborghini kept flying, more than 100 people in line were scared to leave, the car stopped in front of the window of the milk tea shop with a sharp brake and stalled 50 cm.

With a click, the door opened, and a young man with an estimated height of 1.8 meters came out, took out a cigarette, ignored the eyes of the people around him, lit it with a slap, and slowly blew out a mouthful of smoke.Exhale a breath, only the corner of the mouth a tip of the mouth to open: "a group of silly comparison, still queuing, sad!"

When the young man talks, the other side walks down a girl, which looks like about 20 years old. White dress is wrapped on the perfect body. The unshakable green and astringency adds a pure breath of two points. Only that looks at the eyes of the young man with too much worship.

Obviously, it's a green tea!

Young man raised his hand, she naturally walked to him to hold his slender waist, the former also very windy with the cigarette to look at the milk tea shop staff face a cold drink: "Ma, give me two of your best milk tea, do not know the time of this young master precious, minutes of millions of up and down ah?"

"No, you don't have to open this shop!"

The barbarian and unreasonable roared, it seems that the people around him are transparent in his eyes. They kissed the pure girl's face with a bad smile: "don't queue for milk tea next time. It's a waste of time, driving around. These people in the first ten cars see the sports car, dare to speak?"

When speaking, the young man has a proud face, and he has always enjoyed privileges. In other people's eyes, the dandy idiot has become a high-grade behavior in the atmosphere.

Pure girl, uh, nodded, looked infinitely delicate.

Chu Feng has been looking at both people, and they listen to their words. It is basically certain that the young man is absolutely an upstart, shaking his head slightly, and has no thoughts of their concern.

And look around, as the young man said, there were angry and discontented people on their faces. After seeing the limited edition Lamborghini, no one was interested in speaking.

Such things seem very far from the mark, but it is real happening at this time, but what they never know is that it only increases the inch of young men.

The latter saw no one talking, and smiled proudly. He saw the shop assistant still busy there, and said, "Mom, hurry up, I wasted my time. Can you afford it?"

The shop assistant is a short haired girl. When she sees people around, they dare not say young men. She dare not say anything. There are two cups of milk tea. They are roared by young men. The born cowardly people fall on the ground with two ready milk tea in their hands.

"Damn it, waste!"

The young man saw a drink and scold, politeness did not have to say, short hair girl anxious to add: "sorry, I have made it for you from the new!"

"No more!" The young man has a laugh, and pulls the pure girl with one hand directly covering the pride. His eyes look down on the short haired girl. Although he seems to be young, he has developed well. His mouth is raised and smiled: "come out and show me, this is even the case."

The pure girl in her arms hears the words, and takes a young man with a rebuke: "the less, you are good or bad, and want to treat others like I do, it is a big radish!"

Wang Wen Yan laugh more joyful, big hand rub a few times, see short hair woman has not come out, face a cold drink: "out!"

There are four people in the teahouse. They don't know what to do at a time. An older woman looks at the short haired girl, and takes the courage to go a few steps before opening the door of the teahouse, and bows to her mouth: "sorry, this is new. Please apologize for any shortage. For the other two cups of milk tea, we can not charge for it."

Wang Yue laughed, pointed to his nose and Lamborghini: "I am Wang Yue, the successor of the king of Dian Lan group. Do you think I can afford two cups of milk tea? Do I need your cheap compensation? "

No one around us stands out to preside over what is called justice. Only sympathy looks at the short haired girl, and knows that Wang Yue is deliberately seeking things to show the superiority, but they do have status and can not help!

The older woman looks stiff, knowing that Wang Yue is looking at short hair girl, but facing Wang's barbarism and identity, even if the boss can not press down, what's more, she is just a storekeeper?

Wang Yue saw that he spoke, and they were indifferent. He let go of the pure girl and walked up in her adoring eyes, and lifted one hand and fell on the face of the older woman without any sign.

The eyes show a light greed, a hand to extend, mouth also revealed indecent words: "look so young, will not be false?"

It's a snap!

The difference is less than five centimeters, Wang Yue face smile gradually exuberant, a loud noise came.

Not only let Wang stop the movement, but also attract the eyes of the masses around, all of them are a daze

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