Super Healer

Chapter 986

Under the guidance of the terminal, a private plane from the capital of Lanxi slowly landed on the spacious runway of the airport, taxied out for a long distance, and finally stopped at the VIP passage of the airport.

The cabin door also slowly opened, a car carrying a suspended ladder drove past and steadily stopped at the door position of the aircraft.

After a while, an old man with silver hair and beard appeared at the inner part of the cabin door with a black wooden crutch. Following him, a lot of men in black appeared on both sides of the cabin door. They quickly walked down the stairs and stood at the position of the plane leading to the VIP passageway and divided into a road.

80 people!

The silver haired old man, with a pair of dirty eyes, occasionally glanced at the silver light. He raised his head and looked at the sky in the night. He opened his mouth and said faintly, "I haven't been to Shuidong for 23 years. I've almost forgotten what it was like at the beginning. My child, do you hate that I took you and didn't take your mother away?"

Looking into the night sky like the old man, he opened his lips and said, "at the beginning, you wanted to be a godfather, but the mother's birth meant that she couldn't be the woman around you. You can take me away. I believe that my mother has been satisfied in another world.

And for the sake of me, for the sake of me, you haven't found any other women, and have always defended me in front of my brothers and sisters. How can I hate you

What the brown haired woman said was very serious, but listening to the silver haired old man's ears, there was not too much fluctuation. She walked under the ladder and said faintly, "hate me or not, only your heart knows, but it doesn't matter. I'm 70 years old, and many things have already opened their eyes."

The old man below looked back at his youngest, but also the most valued and beloved daughter. His eyes did not fluctuate: "so you hate me, you are my daughter, you do not hate me, I am your father, this is the fact that can not be changed, quickly become stronger, I can never stand behind you."

Slowly turning back to walk out of the passage, the words also floated to the brown haired woman's ear: "after all, people are dying when they are old, but your brother and sister, they think about the position of householder and Godfather."

"Family affection has been weak in the years I raised you, I know it."

The old man is old, but his body has been straight, every step out with a stiff and indomitable momentum, standing on both sides of the black man, facing the old man walking in front of them, all bowed his head and looked respectful.

The brown haired woman walked slowly with her, and no one knew what was on her mind.

Outside the airport, on the highway in the middle of the night, 20 cars stopped by the side of the road. In the middle of it was a long Rolls Royce. In front of the car, there was a woman with a holy face and a faint smile on her face. There was also a special play. Of course, this fun was given to the brown haired woman who followed the old man with silver hair.

The old man, who had no fluctuation or even showed a look since he got off the plane, saw the man standing in front of the car, and his eyes twitched. He soon recovered naturally and went up, holding out his hand: "thank you for coming to meet me."

The pilgrim woman chuckled and naturally revealed a kind of amorous feelings: "jokingly, you have not left Lanxi for 18 years. It is my fault to let you come to Shuidong this time. It is normal to greet you. If you want to say thank you, then I will really be ashamed."

When the pilgrim woman talked to the old man, the brown haired woman kept looking at her. She was curious how her old father suddenly came to Shuidong, where he once said he would not step any further. Hearing this, she felt a little more curious.

Is it the woman in front of her that made her father come here?

Before she could come up with a reason, the silver haired old man had already got on the bus at the invitation of the pilgrim woman. When the brown haired woman wanted to follow her, the old man waved: "go to the car in the back."

The brown haired woman stopped, took a deep look at the pilgrim woman, and walked to a car behind her, not knowing what she was thinking.

Everyone has already got on the bus, and the motorcade left the airport slowly. Because it was late at night, it didn't attract too many people's attention. It was very low-key.

In the Rolls Royce in the middle of the motorcade, the saint Korean woman picked up a document and handed it to the old man. She pointed to the button in front of the seat. The space in the car was completely separated from the front. The driver couldn't hear anything at all.

The silver haired old man took the information, put on a pair of glasses, looked at it carefully, sighed, and opened his mouth with appreciation: "once the old master let me sit in today's position, and then directly left, just left me with some simple contact methods, told me that at most 25 years, someone would come to me."

"And he is the new little Lord. I thought I couldn't wait for him, but now it seems that God is looking after me."

Hold the information about a person in your hand, pick up the lighter next to you and light it. Roll down a window and stretch out your hand outside the car to burn. You can see a delicate face, a young man under 20 years old.

The burning curtain fell into the eyes of the brown haired woman behind the car, squinting to see what it was. But because of the darkness and the flashing lights, she could not see anything at all. She just had more doubts in her heart.Leslie's window has been closed, the silver haired old man said with a smile: "I knew he was the little master. When shawaqi, the woman, spread those bad news in Wenzhou, I should have given a severe blow. But now the result is good, and the little master has been easily resolved."

"Although shawaqi still likes to target at Shao Zhu, some things are not so sharp. Shao Zhu is really a strange person!"

Obviously, the two people sitting in the car, one is Zhang Hanyun, the other is the underground emperor of Wenzhou, the godfather of the underworld organization, Poulos!

Zhang Hanyun poured himself a glass of red wine, shook it gently and nodded with approval: "the little Lord is indeed a strange man. Before I knew that he was the little Lord, I admired his deeds very much. I also thought about whether he would become the enemy of the little Lord and whether to kill him."

"I've done something wrong about this, but it's all harmless. I hope the godfather doesn't make the same mistakes as me."

As a man grows old and becomes a fine man, a great part of which is the support of overlord at the beginning. Of course, he also has his own ability. After a person has been in a position for a long time, no matter how he has no head, he will be forced out.

Zhang Hanyun had something in his words, and Poulos naturally understood it and said directly: "she is my daughter Xi Xi, a child born to a woman I met in Shuidong 23 years ago. The reason why she disobeyed Miss Zhang's instructions and brought her here is because of one thing."

After all, some people doubt the identity of Chu Feng, but no one is sure.

Knowing that Zhang Hanyun was waiting for his own explanation, Poulos put the black wood crutch back on his knee and gently opened his mouth: "I am old. I will never forget the great kindness of the former young Lord to me in my life. Without his help, I can't avenge my dead parents, brothers and family members.

It is impossible to kill Sicily and kill my former Godfather and become a new godfather. In other words, he gave me everything I have today. Otherwise, I would have been killed by my former Godfather. How can I be called the world's first Godfather today

Zhang Hanyun nodded slightly. Although she was still young and had not personally experienced the original things, these things, for her, manna and Lin Huali, were not secrets.

After a pause, Poulos looked back at the car behind him. He looked a little soft. If someone who knew him appeared in front of him at the moment, he would be very surprised. Poulos, who is famous for his blood, also has such a gentle smile.

When Zhang Hanyun also looked back, Poulos continued: "therefore, I am grateful for the help and great kindness of the former little Lord, and I am willing to dedicate my strength for peace in his heart. Although I have many children, I am very clear about who is the only one I am most satisfied with."

"Maybe she is not a qualified successor, and she has some unrealistic ideas, but I believe that the little Lord can convince her!"

Zhang Hanyun gave a playful smile, took back her eyes, sat upright, and said with a slight smile: "godfather, in some of the materials I know, you are a cruel and ruthless person, but at this moment I have some changes for you, you have a good interpretation of a word."

The finger glides gently, a word and break: "no matter how fierce and cruel people, with his deepest tender heart, you are a good father, but at the same time, you are also a cold-blooded father, I admire you, but I admire more is that you have great love in your heart, you know how to choose."

"But as one of the secular masters of the verdict, I also put the scandal in front of me. If Miss heathy goes down the road set by you, everything will be fine. Otherwise, if the little Lord doesn't kill her, I will kill her myself."

Every corner of the car is filled with undisguised murders. For this, Poulos seems to have no feeling at all. He presses the button to separate the rear and front isolation slowly. He also says faintly: "of course, even if I don't care about the life and death of my family, I also care about the survival of the Mafia and millions of people."

With the fall of this sentence, twenty cars stopped. It was not that they heard what Mr. Poulos said, but in the front of the road, there was an obstacle, and the team could not move forward at all.

Poulos is still huge body, staggering upright, showing the oppressive feeling of the superior, issued a low command: "except the royal official, those who stand in the way, kill!"

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