Super Healer

Chapter 994

Morning wind, cool and pleasant!

The church!

Chu Feng arrived here half an hour ago. The bodies killed last night have been cleaned up. All the members of the fierce lion mercenary regiment who began to enter must have died. Chu Feng is heartbroken and concerned about Lin Yulin's safety.

The left eye penetrates everything and looks to the ground. It can be judged that the explosion last night was from below. At that time, Lin Yulin was in the basement. Whether he ran away or the body that had been blasted is not alive. This is what Chu Feng is most concerned about at the moment.

The fighting last night also spread to the ears of the queen of Shuidong shortly after it happened. When such a thing happened on the land of Shuidong, sak was also sent to see Chu Feng, worried about what the madman would do after being put together.

After Sark came to clean up the ruins, they just couldn't tell the people to clean up the ruins.

At this time, a car came slowly and stopped at one side. The three Jiesi people who were wounded and had a rest last night appeared in front of Chu Feng. All three people's faces were hung with apologies, and Jiesi's face was full of murderous intent.

Last night, in order not to attract other people's attention, but also to make the action more quiet, Jesse only mobilized 50 lion mercenary regiments, 30 of them died in the explosion, and 20 died on the way to cover their escape.

But that's how it is. The three JAS were all slightly injured. Yan Luo's shoulder was directly pierced by a bullet. Fortunately, they didn't hurt the meridians.

Walking in front of Chu Feng, Jiesi just wanted to open her mouth. Chu Feng raised her hand: "needless to say, I know all about it." A trace of guilt and a sigh: "I underestimated Johnson and rockefellas. I need to bear the greatest responsibility for the failure last night."

"I will take out those who hurt my brother and give them a rest in peace."

Chu Feng implicated all the faults on himself. Jesse and others were moved, but they didn't say anything more. At the moment, things have happened, and it is obvious that Johnson and they put them together, so it is useless to say anything.

The only thing you can do is revenge!

Three hours later, Chu Feng, who had no rest for a night, had been standing in the same place all the time. The sun had already appeared on his head, and a slight sweat came out from Chu Feng's forehead. However, he did not know the general situation and was waiting for the final result.

Chu Feng didn't mean to leave, and sakak didn't dare to leave easily. Although Chu Feng is very calm now, he was set up with a heavy loss of Chu Feng last night. It is conceivable that there was a killing opportunity in his heart.

Jiesi three people are injured. Although they want to stay here with Chu Feng, they are all ordered by Chu Feng to go back to have a good rest. As for safety, Chu Feng is not worried at all. The royal guards are here. Unless they are ready to take him to death, they will certainly protect his safety.

As time went by, the ruins of the church were completely cleaned up until more than three o'clock in the afternoon. More than 30 fragmented corpses were moved out. Chu Feng asked people to separate out the lions and bury them. The rest were taken to feed the dogs.

This just walked to the front, but also can smell a touch of smoke and bloody smell.

The whole church that used to exist has disappeared, all the collapsed stones have been removed, and even the basement has been emptied out, but the original flat basement has been covered with desolation, which can not see what it used to be, the Loess flying, and the infiltration of flesh and blood on the broken walls.

Chu Feng didn't care about these things at all. He jumped down to seven meters deep. Looking at this small space, everything that could be cleaned up had been cleaned up, even a piece of clothes had been cleaned out.

But Lin Yulin's trace can not be caught at all.

Chu Feng clenched his fist, left eye overflowing with bloody color, clenched his lips and whispered, "Auntie, are you here?"

When he said these words, Chu Feng's heart seemed to be dripping blood. In order to facilitate his action, he deliberately tried to attract the attention of the royal family and the official. The reason is that he saw that Lin Yulin was indeed here, and he was confident that the three Jesse people with 50 people could complete the task.

But what Chu Feng didn't expect was that the other party seemed to have known for a long time that he would send someone to save people. He not only sacrificed dozens of people to deceive himself, but also buried enough explosives to destroy everything. Finally, there were more than 300 people hiding around.

Chu Feng doesn't have to think about it. The plot was against him last night. If he did come last night, the bomb was prepared for him.

But now, if you don't have a chance to fight with the warriors, you can't rely on Zuoju to kill them?

Looking in the ruins of the pit, Chu Feng's heart is particularly painful, can only hope that Lin Yulin's personality changes at the last moment to run away, which is the only thing Chu Feng can tell himself in his heart at the moment.Take a deep breath, try not to panic, jump back to the ground, let the members of the Royal Guard and the diggers smack their tongue. It's easy to jump down from seven meters high, but they don't need any help to jump up. They feel fantastic.

You know, it's about the height of two floors.

But Chu Feng didn't feel that he had done anything amazing. He walked outside. Seeing Chu Feng leaving, he quickly stepped forward, keeping a little distance from Chu Feng and said, "less wind!"

By the side of the car, Chu Feng stopped and looked back without saying a word.

At that time, there was no human emotion in his eyes, which made him feel like he was being watched by a poisonous snake in the jungle. He took a deep breath to make himself less nervous. He opened his mouth and said, "the queen asked me to tell you that such a thing happened to her. She is also very sad, but the wind is weak. You can't prove that your aunt is here. Please don't be too sad.

In addition, at the time of the incident, her majesty personally questioned Johnson. He patted his chest and said that he had no knowledge of everything last night. As for the kidnapping of your aunt, he declared that he had not done it

When he said these words, sack's heart was filled with bitterness. Chu Feng had no enemy except Johnson in Shuidong. He thought that Johnson had nothing to do with him, and sack had nothing to do with him, but he wanted to bring the Queen's words.

Try not to look at Chu Feng's eyes at the moment, Sark continued: "so, the queen means that you can't be sure that the people who died in the ruins have your aunt, and you can't be sure that the person who ambushed last night is Johnson's. she hopes that you two will not have any disputes."

"After all, it will be the Queen's 29th birthday in more than a week. The whole country is celebrating. She doesn't like too much bloodshed."

Chufeng glanced at sakak lightly. When he didn't hear his words, he opened the door and went up. When sakak was not sure what Chu Feng would do, the window fell down. Chu Feng looked at sakak and said, "tell the queen, I only kill the enemy, only the damned people, and will not implicate innocent people."

After a pause, Chu Feng gave a cold smile: "of course, if my little aunt is finally killed here, then the gate of the Palace should be closed for me!"

The serious threatening words made the air around him coagulate, the windows closed slowly, and the car left directly. Chu Feng used his iron blood to directly respond to the queen of Shuidong's warning. Unless Lin Yulin is not dead, if it is confirmed that Lin Yulin is dead, then the king's palace can not stop him from killing Chu Feng.

Sakak was excited and felt the chill. He quickly called the queen of Shuidong on the phone. He told the queen about the scene in brief and in detail. Then he asked, "Your Majesty, what are we going to do next? Chu Feng is a madman. If his little aunt really dies and Johnson doesn't leave the palace?"

The other end of the phone fell into silence. A moment later, the queen of Shuidong sighed: "let him go. I have my own arrangement." With that, he hung up the phone to let sack feel for a moment whether he had heard something wrong.

At this time, when he left the church and went back to the capital city, Chu Feng leaned back on his seat, looked at the countryside scenery passing by the window, and asked calmly, "I'm sure Johnson put us together, but it's not important. Have you found out what I want you to check? You can't kill Johnson, but you always have to charge a little interest first. "

I told the driver that she was wearing a hat and sunglasses, but I could tell from her figure that she was a woman. It was Zhang Hanyun who laughed bitterly: "things are under investigation, but soon there will be news. I feel funny that last night, both Poulos and qianbang have already pulled people out, but they go back like shopping."

"I'm afraid that it will attract the attention of the above. After all, they went back, just when you received the news of orphan life."

Chu Feng understood Zhang Hanyun's meaning, that is to expose the relationship between the red gate and the underworld organization and himself, pondered and shook his head: "no, both are the world's leading forces, no one will associate them together, so don't worry, but tonight, maybe they will not go shopping."

Just received the words, Zhang Hanyun mobile phone drip two, the woman looked down at a look, the face showed a happy color: "found it!"

Chu Feng hears the speech, the body sits straight, the whole person's body from the beginning has not disappeared the opportunity to spread again, more vigorous than at the beginning of the time, let the car of Zhang Hanyun all unnaturally hit a thrill, too cold!

When he rolled down the window to let the wind blow in, Chu Feng said coldly, "the lion might have been locked by the royal family and the official last night. It's not convenient to move again!"

"Contact the red ghost. It's time for her to move."

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