Super Heavy Artillery

Vol 3 Chapter 79: The turtle runaway

The storm of Westbrook's 50-point lore game has not passed, and the Thunder players are about to start a new away trip.

The first stop is New Orleans.

An Luo reluctantly bid farewell to Tang Xiaoru. It just so happened that the two girls were going to take a look at other places in Oklahoma. These days, this state city has been visited by them.

The Pelicans have a very powerful star. There is no doubt that Anthony Davis is very strong. He can often hit very beautiful numbers! But the results in the past few years have not been ideal.

For the Thunder, whether it is the performance of the stars or the record of the team, the Pelicans are not a comparable opponent. Although Oladipo is still missing, they still play very easily.

After a 50 game, Westbrook seemed to have opened the gate for scoring.

In the opening game, Westbrook passed two goals, but his teammates didn't score. So he chose to do it himself.

Although the opponent Holiday was very tough defensively, he still played very resolutely. Westbrook's dribbling power is too strong, and the Pelicans can barely handle it.

When the game lasted more than 6 minutes, Westbrook pushed the ball through the center line. The opposing Holiday has retreated to the free throw line. Their strategy is similar to that of the Eagles in a game, which is to let Westbrook shoot. But Westbrook didn't believe it. "Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, I prefer to go to the mountains" has always been his favorite thing.

Westbrook crossed it twice, and then one lowered his head and rushed to his opponent in an instant. His speed was too fast, and Holiday thought he would shoot if he let go, so he was a little hasty in responding. Westbrook swayed past Holiday in a very rapid change, leaping up like a spring at his feet, and then glide to score.

Westbrook's physical fitness is really not comparable to that of an average guard.

After dunking the basket, this guy stepped on the eight-stroke step with a flaunting look. The fans at the New Orleans Arena were tickled. If boos can kill people, Westbrook's grave will be three feet tall!

This is not the most hated!

Looking back, Hildegan missed a three-pointer and Adams grabbed a rebound. Westbrook came over with the ball and faced Holiday again.

This time the Holiday star was very well prepared. After Westbrook moved, he quickly posted, his long arms wrapped around each other, not giving Westbrook room to start.

But this time Westbrook didn't force it, he squeezed a few steps inside against Holiday, and then split the ball out of the outside. An Luo has rushed to the right forty-five degrees around Adams under the basket.

After An Luo received the ball, he pulled it up and shot. He now spends less and less time touching the ball in each game, but he takes more shots. With Westbrook, there is no need for him to attack with the ball. What's more, there is another Oladipo who is also a good player.

In a team, someone has to sacrifice. Besides, An Luo is really not very good at playing by himself. Westbrook and Oladipo are responsible for the charge. He just shoots a three-pointer from the outside and then defends, which is enough for him to get a place in the Thunder.

As for more things, An Luo felt that he would not consider it for the time being this season. After the season is over and the points are settled, make plans.

There was no accident in the game. The Thunder easily defeated the Pelicans and Westbrook scored 40 again. Similarly, he did not get a triple-double.

But this does not seem to be any regrets for him. He played very happily. In the last quarter, Nong Mei scored two consecutive three-pointers, and it seems that the opponent has not given up. Westbrook dribbled the ball and faced the misplaced defense of the thick eyebrow brother. Straight back stepped a three-pointer and the ball hit a hollow, killing the game completely.

After the goal, Westbrook made a three-pointer gesture. Then he shook his shoulders and even hummed a little song. This funny scene was accurately captured by the camera lens and became the biggest highlight of the game.

An Luo is no longer as sluggish as the game against the Eagles. In this game, he scored 22 points in 28 minutes. The hit rate reached 60%! Still efficient.

Stayed in New Orleans for one night, the next day the Thunder took a special plane to Boston. More than ten days ago, the Celtics failed to visit Oklahoma. This time, the Thunder played away. They thought it would be a difficult game, but under Westbrook's crazy offense, they easily won.

Westbrook is completely in a state of rampage this week. He has scored 40 points in two consecutive games, one of which even scored 50 points!

In the North Shore Garden game, he continued his runaway state. But at the beginning of the game, Westbrook did not perform well.

In the first quarter, he missed all 5 shots and scored two points with only free throws. The Thunder once trailed their opponents by double digits by 10:21.

But then Westbrook adjusted his style of play. He began to focus on passing and organizing the team's offense. Create opportunities for teammates through their own breakthroughs.

Fortunately, the other players performed very well. One by one grasped the pass sent by Westbrook well. Especially Anluo, his three perimeter three-pointers in the first quarter is the key to the Thunder's lead.

In the second quarter, Westbrook went completely out! He did not continue the play in the second half of the first quarter, using his containment power to send assists to his teammates. But after Donovan changed the bench lineup, he began to enter the scoring mode.

As he hit the three-pointer at the top of the arc close to two meters away from the three-point he went into the runaway mode again.

An Luo was on the bench, shaking his head again and again! This guy's three-pointer may not be stable, but once it is accurate, it is really incredible!

Little Thomas found the feeling in the fourth quarter and started his "Mr. Fourth Quarter" performance, and the score was close to only 2 points! Donovan immediately changed to Westbrook.

I thought that Westbrook in the third quarter was strong enough, but in the last 8 minutes, everyone saw the ultimate form of the "turtle"!

5 of 7 shots, 8 of 10 free throws, 20 points! This is the answer sheet handed over by Westbrook. With his 21 at 2:50 before the final, the Thunder rewritten the score to 115:104. Subsequently, the Celtics were no longer able to close the score.

Although Anlo made two difficult three-pointers under Bradley's defense, he still had no sense of existence in this quarter.

After all, all the attention is focused on Westbrook! 40 in three consecutive games! The "God Turtle" runs wild, it is terrifying!

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