Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 1064 Virtual World Group

When Chu Tiannan opened his eyes again, what came into view was a huge square. There was only a reservoir in the middle of the square. However, it was estimated that this square could accommodate at least a million people.

"This is." Chu Tiannan followed his gaze and looked forward, only to see a towering building coming into view. In front of the building, there were a total of twenty huge thrones, but there were no people sitting on the thrones. There were various incomprehensible inscriptions. Chu Tiannan stared at one of the inscriptions carefully, but suddenly felt dizzy. He subconsciously took a step back and said in surprise.

"What a powerful soul impact. I just glanced at the statue and it was so powerful."

"This is the most powerful man at the peak of mankind. This is the throne of the universe! You are lucky if you can take a look and not fall unconscious." The Devouring Dog originally wanted to remind the other party of the coming person, but was a step too late and snorted.

"Is this the throne of the universe?" Chu Tiannan did not look at Mingwen this time, but looked at the high platform in front of the building, the magnificent throne high above, and his heart was filled with waves.

In the future, I will also become an existence like the Throne of the Universe!

Swish swish swish.

While Chu Tiannan was muttering, a large number of figures began to appear in the entire huge square, including the familiar Xian'er and others, and many other genius students entered here. They were obviously geniuses from other universe countries. Everyone At this moment, you connect to the virtual world from different universe realms and enter here.

"Is this the Virtual World Group?" Xian'er stared forward with bright eyes and said excitedly. Even Tian'er and Tianxing were equally delighted. Even though they had not completely traveled around their own universe, This is also known as one of the holy places of the human race. It is of course the dream of countless people to be able to walk into the headquarters of the Virtual World Group.

Hearing this, Chu Tiannan smiled and nodded. He looked around to see if he could find Luo'er. However, 170,000 people gathered in this square, trying to find one person was really like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Okay, little guys, calm down your curiosity, we are about to enter the gate of the Virtual World Group." At this moment, Gao Qiong came in front of everyone and said with a smile, while the extraditers from other universe countries also stopped him. Looking at the crowd of geniuses on his side, the originally noisy square suddenly became quiet.

"Old Gao, it looks like there are a lot of people in your generation. There are so many people." Another team of bald extraditers standing next to Tiandou Universe Kingdom saw this and laughed.

"It's okay, it's okay." Gao Qiong smiled and waved, but he was still very proud in his heart, because the extraditer who greeted him was the person in charge of an elementary universe god country, and their strongest talent was Principle. At the beginning of the fifth level, the number recognition is only a pitiful seven or eight digits.

It seems that among the one hundred thousand divine kingdoms, some are destined to have few people, or even none.

"It seems that Cangyuan Cosmos Kingdom and Dayuan Cosmos Kingdom have been eliminated." Gao Qiong looked at the somewhat empty land next to him and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This is the world. It seems like fair competition, but it's not fair at all. Because all the 10,000 geniuses participating in the war in the Universe Country were eliminated in the virtual battlefield, the Virtual World Group did not even need to arrange extradition from their own country, because there was no one, and it was embarrassing.


At the same time, the towering building slowly opened its hundred-foot-high door, obviously coming to welcome all the geniuses.

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