Above the silent battlefield, three old law enforcement men stood with their hands behind their backs. They looked around at all the talented young men looking up below. The white-haired old man in the lead took a step forward, his voice low and hoarse.

"Yes, the quality of this generation of geniuses is far better than before. We are the external law enforcers of the Virtual World Group. You don't have to bow. Logically speaking, your status will be nobler than ours in the future, but now, you have to listen to us. Yes." The white-haired old man clenched his right fist in front of his mouth and coughed lightly before continuing.

"My name is Bai Qiu. Originally we would not have met. However, due to the special circumstances of the admitted geniuses this year, the ranking of geniuses will be very tricky. After research by the upper management, new ranking rules have been temporarily issued to you."

Hearing this, many geniuses immediately sat up straight and listened. A considerable number of people here felt that they were inexplicably admitted before they even tried their best. Moreover, once they were admitted, it proved that their ranking could not be changed. This For many geniuses who still work hard enough to show their talents in the final stage, it is undoubtedly despair.

"Because this genius battle is the most special one in the history of the universe's genius battle. I believe there are many little guys who still have some trump cards that they haven't used yet, right?" Bai Qiu's eyebrows were thick, and he moved as he spoke. Yes, many geniuses nodded silently, and even looked at other geniuses with strong fighting intentions. Obviously, everyone did not use all the tricks.

"For those geniuses who are powerful but dissatisfied with their rankings, here is your good news." Bai Qiu said continuously with a faint smile on his gentle face.

"The new rules are as follows. All geniuses will engage in a one-on-one battle in a lottery style. The winner will move on, and the loser will enter the loser group. The winner of the loser group will continue to fight with the loser of the winner group, and the cycle continues! "

"The battle between the winners group can only go forward. In the end, the top 10,000 geniuses will compete to enter the Sky Universe, which is the virtual world group's best cosmic resource training field, and the 20,000 to 50,000 at the bottom will be The geniuses will enter the Earth Universe, 60,000 to 100,000 will enter the Mysterious Universe, and all the remaining geniuses will enter the Yellow Universe. You don’t have to worry about unnatural force majeure factors such as conflicting laws. The virtual world system is absolutely fair. Yes, your opponents can only be stronger than you or weaker than you!"

"As I said before, if you want the best training resources, defeat your competitors. Here, there will be no brothers and sisters, only winners and losers!"

When the rules of the white ball were established, the 170,000 geniuses in the entire battle square held their breaths. Everyone felt an unspeakable sense of tension. Faintly, the sound of gearing up could even be heard. Xian'er and others couldn't wait because they felt they could still take a step forward.

"Oh my god, what kind of lineup is this virtual world group?" What shocked Chu Tiannan was not the rules of the competition, but the strong strength of this virtual world group.

"The universe is so difficult to open up, but this virtual world group actually opened up four of them?"

"What's all the fuss about this? In the Eastern Universe, this Virtual World Group is the boss. It's like the Pope's Palace in the Western Universe, the Cosmic Knights Alliance in the Southern Universe, the Cosmic Galaxy Bank in the Northern Universe, and the Death Arena in the Middle Universe. Each The giants all have their own universe, just like the secret cultivation realm opened by the Lord of Tiandou Kingdom. It is the same principle, but the cultivation resources of the universe are better than the secret realm." Devouring Dog rolled his eyes at the other party in annoyance.

Hearing this, Chu Tiannan swallowed his throat, his starry eyes twinkling slightly. He suppressed the shock in his heart, but more of it was anticipation. He looked forward to whether he could reach that point among this behemoth.

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