Hearing the sound, Luo'er's bright eyes were as calm as ancient wells. She nodded slightly without the slightest contempt. She carried a giant sword of divine light about her height behind her, and her aura was sharp.

"Fifth level invincible, hehe, very good, very challenging, I like it!" Long Sha felt the cosmic energy fluctuations coming from Luo'er's body, and his eyes immediately lit up. He took out a wooden stick directly, and this The wooden stick looked like ordinary wood, except that there was a shiny inscription in the center of the wooden stick. It seemed that this was not a simple weapon.

Because it can be seen from the savage holding it in the hand that this wooden stick emits circles of faint light patterns from time to time. The light patterns spread like cyclone waves, disturbing everything around them, as if they are intimidating. Looking at something, it wasn't until the cyclone wave spread to Luo'er that it was cut off by the invisible sword energy.

Chu Tiannan looked at the secret confrontation between the two, feeling slightly ashamed in his heart. He couldn't help but murmured: "Has she already mastered the sword so well?"

He had never discovered it before. It turns out that Luo'er's sword energy can be used without the giant sword behind her. As long as the cosmic energy is enough and Luo'er is willing, it will be impossible for anyone weaker than her to get up close. possible.

"Hey, cool, I'm going to take action!" As he said that, Long Sha didn't hesitate at all. He stamped his feet suddenly and waved the wooden stick in his hand. With the violent wind and the height of three meters, Luo'er was like a porcelain in front of him. Baby, the ground started shaking.

Luo'er saw the wooden stick hammering down with ferocity, the divine light surged in his bright eyes, and the invisible sword energy formed a giant sword. Unknowingly, he blocked the move under the gaze of countless stunned eyes. A wooden stick inlaid with special inscriptions.


The moment the two attacked and confronted, the entire arena was filled with a large amount of cosmic energy shock waves. Fortunately, each battle was isolated, otherwise, just the first confrontation between the two would have been enough to knock out the surrounding people. The fighting area was cleared.

Seeing that one of his heavy attacks had no effect, Long Sha turned over and returned to the original place. A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. In the previous genius battle, no one had ever been able to directly resist his attack so calmly, and in his opinion, Come on, Luo'er's resistance is too casual. He is also a fifth-level peak existence. Although there is a gap between him and the fifth-level invincible, he can't even get up close, right?

Luo'er has been keeping a low profile since the beginning of the genius battle. From this scene just now, her edge has begun to emerge.

While Long Sha was puzzled, many people on the field were stunned by Luo'er's move. No one thought that Luo'er could use the sword energy invisibly, and combined with the fifth-level invincible strength, I'm afraid she really has no rival.


The most shocking thing was the group of Eternal Star Gods in the stands. Bai Qiu stood up directly when he saw this, with a shocked expression on his face.

Not only Bai Qiu, but also Gao Qiong and many Eternal Star Gods were extremely shocked. As a powerful person in the universe, coupled with their own status in the virtual world group, everyone understood that what Luo'er had just done meant What are you wearing?

"The intangible is better than the tangible, the virtual and the real are replaced. This is the secret. This girl has actually understood the secret of the law!" All the Eternal Star Gods all focused their attention on the extraditer of the Luoshen Universe Country, who also scratched his head in embarrassment. He scratched his face and smiled bitterly.

"I didn't know that there would be such a strong person in this generation, and that she is the princess of our Luoshen Universe Kingdom. I don't know anything else."

"Princess of the Kingdom of God? Luo'er?" Bai Qiu's face changed drastically when he heard this. He looked at the beautiful figure on the field. He felt a little familiar before and couldn't help but muttered.

"Isn't someone like her recommended by the Virtual World Group? Why waste time by participating in the genius battle?"

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