Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 1,155 Desire for Power

"A high-ranking star god broke through the first floor of Babel Tower on the first day?" Luo Shenghuang frowned slightly when he saw the message of concern. He didn't expect that this native named Chu Tiannan could successfully pass through the first floor. On the first floor, I thought that I had failed several times before I got through.

"It's just a lucky guy. Your luck will stop here. Maybe you will die in the mission tens of thousands of years later." For this Chu Tiannan, Luo Shenghuang didn't have any worries in his heart. Years are enough for any genius to grow up, and it can also make any genius fall sadly.

The reality here is cruel and far more intense than imagined.

"Huang Jihuang!"

"Cousin, are you looking for me?"

During the virtual network communication, Luo Shenghuang pondered for a few seconds, and then said: "Please help me keep an eye on this guy named Chu Tiannan. I will be in seclusion for a while. If this guy dares to be disrespectful to Her Royal Highness, I will grant you You can kill him with your hands."

The other side of the virtual network communication was silent for a few seconds, and then a decisive voice came out.

"Don't worry, cousin. The worst I can do is to give up this clone. I will protect Her Royal Highness the Princess. Anyone who dares to disrespect her will risk being blackmailed by the Five Emperors City. I also want to preserve the royal lineage of the clan."

"The tribe will never forget your righteousness!"

After the communication ended, everything that needed to be explained was explained, and Luo Shenghuang finally settled a matter on his mind. He always felt that this matter was not as simple as it seemed, but as for how complicated it was, it was like seeing flowers in a fog. , blurry.

Luo Shenghuang didn't think much and used teleportation to disappear into this space.

"It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that cannot be avoided. I hope everything develops in a good direction."

On the first floor of Babel Tower, Chu Tiannan looked at the man in black whose lower body had been destroyed by him, bowed slightly, and was about to walk up the stairs to the second floor.


At the same time, a message appeared in the upper right corner of Chu Tiannan. He opened it subconsciously. This was a message sent to him by Xian'er. When he saw the words Luo Shenghuang, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Brother Tiannan, Sister Luoer is looking for you. She is outside the Tower of Babel. I found an open note in her room, which said"

"What did you write? Tell me!"

"It says that you have been targeted by people from the Luo Shen Clan. You should be careful. I am not allowed to tell you!"


When Chu Tiannan heard the words Luo Shen Clan, his whole aura suddenly became terrifying. He knew that things were no longer simple. The matter between him and Luo Er was very likely to have been known to the other tribe. With time, he understood that the power he needed to improve was already imminent.

"Your luck will stop here. If you go up any higher, you won't be able to pass." Seeing that the other party was about to go to the second floor, the lower body of the tower guard was knocked off by Chu Tiannan's "Daitian Rasengan". said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Chu Tiannan paused in his steps. He did not look back, but looked towards the direction to the second floor, shaking his head slightly.

"I won't, because time doesn't allow me to delay any longer. I want to be stronger, more powerful!"

"This idea of ​​yours is very dangerous. You are already close to becoming possessed!"

"Are you possessed?" Chu Tiannan smiled softly and slashed back with the chaos sword in his right hand. The chaos sword blade instantly cut the opponent in half, and the tower defender suddenly turned into the source of the system and disappeared.

"Even if I am possessed by a demon, I will still go there!"

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