Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 1,396 Stronger Simulation

Looking at the seven opponents simulated by Asra, Chu Tiannan looked at the identical version of himself in the distance, his facial muscles twitching slightly.

"Everyone, I feel like this battle is a little more difficult than before."

As expected of an opponent simulated in the virtual world, Chu Tiannan clearly felt that the simulated self, whether in terms of aura fluctuations or powerful strength, was consistent with his real strength, which meant.

This simulated opponent not only simulated his own melee warrior aspect, but also simulated his soul and will to the fullest.

"I, let me tell you, before you asked me to enter the sea of ​​​​illusion, I have passed through it all." At this moment, Ming Dao's voice sounded from Chu Tiannan's heart. The latter looked slightly startled when he heard the words, and then looked into the distance and smiled. When he looked at his simulated opponent Chu Tiannan, he suddenly felt an ominous feeling in his heart.

Boo hoo hoo.

At this moment, all the members of the Miracle Echelon Team, who were simulated opponents, were launching a fierce attack. Led by the simulated opponents Chu Tiannan, Luo Er, and Alita, the finished characters came to attack. The spacing of their attacks is just right without any deviation, and they can support each other even in special circumstances.

Between complementing each other, some extremely powerful tacit understanding has been formed.

This alone made Chu Tiannan and others shocked.

"Is this a simulated opponent? Why does it feel like it's a real person?" Chu Tiannan and others looked at each other. He nodded slightly at Luo Er and Alita. The three of them also rushed out of the finished camp and entered the simulated battle venue. In , teleportation is prohibited, so no one can teleport to attack.

The purpose of doing this in the virtual world is to let everyone experience it. On the alien battlefield, sometimes teleportation cannot be used, and the enemy will either use treasures or fields to completely imprison it. Only by mastering Only the universe lords of one space and time will not be restricted by restricted areas.

This is the biggest gap in the Universe Lord class, and it is also the reason why there is almost no chance of winning in front of the Universe Lord.

Because in a space where teleportation cannot be performed, only the universe lord who controls one side of time and space is the real king.

Boom boom boom!

The battle was about to break out. Chu Tiannan naturally faced off against his simulated opponent Chu Tiannan, and the same was true for Luo'er and Alita. The six of them attacked each other forcefully. The swords in their hands were fierce and sharp, and with a large amount of sword energy and waves of swords sweeping and spreading, there was a faint feeling. It actually has the potential to destroy the world.

Bang bang

However, the good times did not last long. For the first time, Chu Tiannan was attacked head-on by the simulated version of himself. He was knocked back by a sword of chaos. Not only that, he found that the opponent was switching between the two laws of chaos and underworld with speed and proficiency. Degree, far beyond yourself.

Not only that, even Luo Er and Alita are like this!

"Am I so strong?" Chu Tiannan looked at the imitation Chu Tiannan who was smiling at him with some disbelief. His heart was full of doubts. Even Luo Er and Alita who had retreated were also confused at this moment. Incessantly.

"Holy shit, isn't it?" Abrodi and Wu's eyes widened. However, when they saw the figure on the opposite side that simulated themselves and used it as an entry point for the battle, their target was naturally Chu Tiannan and the other three in the front row. The two also quickly got up to intercept the attack.

For a moment, the battle between three people vs. three people turned into six people vs. six people.

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