Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 1443: Changing faces faster than turning the page of a book

In the chilling cosmic space, stars gather here and rivers of stars flow, but they cannot stop the powerful pressure fluctuations from the universe lord.

At this moment, Lord Fengtian and the Lord of the Three Elements were facing each other tit for tat, as if they were born this way. Neither of them would let the powerful and surging power of the Lord of the Universe completely interfere with the rhythm of the operation and development of the universe here.

"Captain, should we break up the fight?" Lord Tianxiong scratched his head and said with a helpless smile.

However, the other four members of the Thunder Ladder team shook their heads. One of them, a young man holding a long stick and looking a bit like an ape, laughed and said.

"It doesn't matter, let them fight as sisters. We haven't seen each other for six million years. A fight can enhance our relationship. This is what it should be."

This ape young man seems to be worried about the world being in chaos. His laughter also makes Lord Thunder secretly hold his forehead and pray for a safe journey, brother.


At the same time, just as the ape youth finished speaking, several light blades spread out instantly, and at the same time, there were a large number of sonic wind blades. Now the two directly surrounded each other, and the former was so scared that the former raised his hands high.

"Monkey, I found that after millions of epochs, you are skinnier than before?" Lord Fengtian looked at the ape young man with a smile, his voice was very kind, but anyone with a discerning eye knew that her Luo Tianhuang's smile was not something ordinary people could achieve. Resistant.

"Boss, I made a mistake. You still don't understand me?" The ape young man laughed dryly. Although he is also the lord of the universe, he is responsible for the strong attack of the entire team, so he can kill the opponent even at such a short distance. , but still carried out in a joking manner.

This is a brother, a brother who shares life and death. Only the one who harms you will have an unusual relationship with you.

"Okay then, Lord Fighting Buddha, I will give you a multiple-choice question. If you answer it satisfactorily, I will let you go!" At this moment, the Venerable Master of the Three Elements also had a slightly sharp look in his eyes, looking at the ape young man, and said calmly.

"Who is more beautiful, me or the old woman next to me?"


The wind blade instantly spread around the three-series venerable, but the scorching flame light blade also surrounded Lord Fengtian. The tit-for-tat confrontation between the two seemed to have been formed a long time ago.

"My two sisters, how is this a multiple-choice question?" Lord Doufo was sweating coldly at this moment, and said with a wry smile: "This is obviously a question, two ancestors!"

"Say! If you don't say it, you will be giving away the proposition!" At this moment, the two women said in unison. They looked at each other and still refused to give in to the other. In this serious atmosphere, just when everyone thought that the two sides would have to fight to solve the problem. , things took a turn.


At this moment, whether it was Lord Fengtian or the Lord of the Three Lines, the two women couldn't help but laugh out loud. One second they were fighting, but the next second they seemed to be making peace.

Lord Tianxiong scratched his head, looked at each other with Lord Thunder, and said in astonishment: "It's true, this woman turns against her faster than she can turn over a book."

The two women retracted the attacking light blades around them. The three-series lord looked deeply at Lord Fengtian, then opened his arms, his eyes glowing with crystal light.

"Welcome home? No one will argue with me without you!"

"Tch, I'm too lazy to argue with you!" Hearing this, Lord Fengtian still held his head stubbornly high, but the next second he threw himself into the other person's arms, hugging him fiercely, choking as if he had suffered all the grievances. With.

"Three series, he...he is no longer here!"

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