Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 1,512 The Explosion of Alita

"We are here to guard, what are you going to do?" Abrodi felt that something was not right. Seeing Alita's unprecedented majestic momentum at this moment, even Cai Ling vaguely felt a clue.

"I'm here to stop this Tianzun, and I'll leave the rest to you. Don't let me get distracted!" After saying that, Alita seemed to have come into contact with some kind of seal at this moment, and a large amount of ice-blue soul flames passed through the angel. The girl's mecha body filled the air, and the angel wings that had appeared in the genius battle once again appeared in everyone's sight.

But at this moment, the number of angel wings condensed by the soul flame behind Alita has reached six. Among the angels, no matter what kind of angel it is, the more pairs of wings it has, the stronger its strength and identity are.

Alita is nearly halfway to the eight pairs of sixteen-winged angels.


When Alita adjusts her core power output to the maximum, her eyes and ears are all within a hundred miles. Even without opening her eyes, she can still feel the exact location of the enemy.

Alita's small hand tightly grasped the handle of the leather knife, and the blade became even sharper and unstoppable under the cover of ice-blue soul flame.

At this moment, everyone, including the strong men from the Nether Clan who rushed towards them, even faintly felt the powerful pressure. Even Tianzun Chiming felt it faintly.

This little girl, who looks like a human and is covered in mecha, actually has a tendency to compete with her.

"I'm going!"

But after all preparations were completed, Alita's big amber-clear eyes were filled with soul flames. She bit her gums and rushed out with a knife.

The speed is so fast that it is infinitely close to teleportation. It may be because of the bonus of angel wings that Alita's speed has reached the fastest level below the lord level.

Puff puff.

Alita turned into a purple stream of light, and with the impact of the ice-blue soul's will, she was so powerful that she killed dozens of Venerable-level underworld warriors along the way.

And this is by the way, her main target is Chiming Tianzun, and other strong men from the Nether Clan who are the dead souls under the sword cannot stop him at all.

call out!

When Alita broke out of the encirclement of many strong men from the Nether Tribe, she was invincible and directly slashed at Chiming Tianzun who looked surprised.

"This person" Chiming Tianzun felt the fluctuations of the other party's divine kingdom at the same level as himself at this moment, and he did not dare to be careless in his heart. He waved the Mingjian in his hand and attacked Alita's leather knife head-on.


This crisp sound of weapons clashing, there is no brilliant and more ferocious fighting skills, for Alita, there is only a normal attack.

But this kind of ordinary attack caused Chiming Tianzun, who faced Alita for the first time, to suffer a hidden loss.

tsk tsk

Chiming Tianzun looked at the angel girl who was standing in the air and flying in the air with horror. He himself also retreated in mid-air. He didn't stop until the devouring soul attack was offset.

"Soul Warrior?" Chi Ming Tianzun's voice became more and more gloomy after feeling Alita's power. He did not expect that this unknown human race echelon team was actually full of talents.

Cai Ling's strength had already made him feel threatened before, but now there was an angel girl, and Wu, who had extremely strong defense, combined with the two major flashpoints of Death and Shura.

This lineup is simply incomprehensible!

"Do you think you can stop me like this?" Chiming Tianzun shouted angrily, but Alita did not answer, and still attacked with the knife, as fast as thunder.

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