"Oh, your teacher took advantage of our Luo Shen clan, and now you are taking advantage of our clan too. You two, master and disciple, are really proud!"

"Hehe, isn't it because your Luo Shen tribe is rich in beauties? There's nothing you can do about it!"

"Hey, are all the Chaos clan so sweet-mouthed?"

Luo'er was suddenly confused as she listened to the conversation between Chu Tiannan and Lord Fengtian. The latter was actually from her Luo Shen clan? Why did his father never say that there was a lord-level strongman in the Luo Shen Clan?

"Your name is Luo'er, right? The princess of this generation of the Luo God Clan." After the fun was over, Lord Fengtian turned to look at the beautiful girl and said with a smile: "I am your aunt!"

"Aunt?" Luo'er's pretty face was startled when she heard this. She was obviously caught off guard, but then she said in surprise: "Aren't you the princess of the previous generation of the Kingdom of God? My father's sister?"

"That's right, it's me. There was something wrong with the clan before, and I left the clan, so it's normal for you not to know. I'm your father's biological sister and your biological aunt." Lord Fengtian looked at Luo'er, He said with a smile.

"Then I know you, aunt, but what my father said to you seems to be wrong." Luo Er looked at Lord Fengtian in surprise, with some embarrassment in his voice.

"But it doesn't matter. I know my brother definitely didn't say anything nice. I'm used to it." Lord Fengtian was still smiling and didn't care at all.

"My father said that aunty, you had a rare disease since you were a child, and you died in the end." Luo'er's voice gradually became smaller, and finally it was even inaudible, while Lord Fengtian's eyes widened when he heard this. , the pretty faces became extremely embarrassed, and the other members of the Thunder team couldn't help but snicker, especially the three-series lord, who couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, you're teasing me to death, Fengtian, I didn't expect your brother to talk about you to death."

Lord Fengtian's facial muscles were slightly moved when she heard this. At this moment, she still showed a sunny smile. She looked at Luo'er and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that my brother actually made up this reason for me. He is really my brother. ."

Lord Fengtian deliberately said the word "brother" very harshly, but when Chu Tiannan saw this, he felt that things were not as simple as he imagined. He was afraid that he, the master's wife, would cause trouble in the palace again when he returned.

Luo'er looked at her aunt, Lord Fengtian, and she found that the other party seemed to be stronger than her father, Lord Luotian, in terms of aura fluctuations and cosmic pressure.

"Dad, is it really okay for you to offend my aunt like this?"

"Haha, are you all out?" At the same time, a gentle and calm voice came from behind. Everyone heard the voice and turned around. They saw a man in blood robe and a man in green robe flying over. Everyone saluted.

"I've seen the Huangtian Seat, I've seen the Wind Emperor Seat!"

Everyone in the human race knows that the Wind Emperor Seat is the Five Emperor Seat, but this secret must be kept strictly confidential when going out, so everyone knows this rule.

"Who is the Chaos God?"

Without speaking to the Wind Emperor, the low voice of the Wild Sky was like an explosion, resounding in everyone's hearts. As the overlords of the universe, Alita and others could not bear such pressure, and finally had to After retreating some distance, Chu Tiannan was also shocked by this sound. He was indeed a powerful person at the throne of the universe. Just one word could affect his heart.

"Junior Chaos, I have seen the Desolate Sky Seat!" Facing such a great god, Chu Tiannan did not dare to slack off at all, and saluted.

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