Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 1,657 Three Divine Ancestors

Chu Tiannan looked at the remaining 20,000 steps above, feeling that the pressure of the constant current of the universe on the next step immediately doubled, and secretly sneered in his heart.

"I guess these last 20,000 steps are the real highlight, right?"

Because starting from the next step, Chu Tiannan clearly felt that the constant flow of the universe already had the power of at least a second-turn universe lord level powerhouse.

Although this does not put any pressure on me at the moment, I have already climbed 80,000 steps and consumed a lot of law power. It is definitely impossible to retreat now.

"In that case, let's see who can't bear it first!" Seeing this, Chu Tiannan sneered secretly, and he stepped onto the eighty-thousandth step again.

Facing unknown enemies and pressure, no matter who is blocking him, he is an enemy to Chu Tiannan.

Bang. Bang.

At this time, Chu Tiannan's steps were already a little heavy, and it seemed that he was really spending a lot of money. But even so, he was still stubbornly walking upwards, and would never give up until he reached the 100,000th step!

While Chu Tiannan was climbing the steps without giving up, in the palace of the gods located at the top of the 100,000 steps, there were three figures in golden robes looking at them through something similar to a mirror.

"I knew that this kid could climb 80,000 steps with no problem. If he were an ordinary peak-level lord, he would definitely not be in this state." One of the men in gold robes wearing a phoenix crown on his head let out a light sigh and said in surprise.

Not only is he conspicuous by the Fengtian crown on his head, but the four characters of Sun God Ancestor on the cloak behind him are very eye-catching and conspicuous.

"This kid is the person named by the supreme will of the universe. Isn't it a bit too much for us to do this?" The man in gold robe standing at the edge said with some uncertainty.

He is different from the man who wears the Phoenix Crown. He wears a golden cloak with the four characters Taiwu Divine Ancestor printed on it.

"These last 20,000 steps are to increase the power and pressure in an incremental manner. The cosmic constant current suppressing power of the supreme will of the universe, but in the end, even the three of us may not be able to get through." Taiwu Divine Ancestor Company vocal channel.

"No, you are your own rubbish. Don't bring us two brothers with you." The Sun God Ancestor rolled his eyes at the other party with disgust, and immediately turned his gaze to the man in gold robe who had been looking at the mirror of divine light intently, and said.

"Really? My third supreme brother?"

Hearing these words, the man in the golden robe with the Supreme Divine Ancestor behind him was quietly looking at the young figure climbing up in the picture, lost in thought.

"Third brother, what are you thinking about?" Sun God Ancestor and Taiwu God Ancestor both turned their gazes over and asked in confusion.

I saw that the Supreme Divine Ancestor still did not turn his eyes to them, but pointed at Chu Tiannan in the picture, and said in surprise: "You said that this person is the person named by the supreme will of the universe, but I can't see where he is. He seems to have transcended his will. Could it be that the Supreme Will has chosen the wrong person?"

Hearing this, the Sun God Ancestor and the Taiwu God Ancestor hurriedly covered each other's mouths with their hands. The Taishang God Ancestor looked at the two of them in confusion, but could not speak, and his mouth was tightly covered.

"You brat, if you want to die, don't get involved with us brothers. Can you figure out the thoughts of the Supreme Will?" The Sun God Ancestor glared at the other party and said in a deep voice.

The Taiwu Divine Ancestor covered the Taishang Divine Ancestor's mouth while looking at the mirror space, and wondered for a second.

"What is this kid doing?"

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