Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 347 Chu Tianbei’s Awakening


This was the sound of a burst of sniper fire. Chu Tianbei ignored the buzzing in his head. With each bombardment, he could kill the monsters trying to rush into the gap in the Great Wall.

"Baili, you have a rest, you can't go on like this." The Rock Martial God was also slightly or seriously injured, but to a defensive Martial God, his injuries were nothing.

"No, the Great Wall is short of manpower now. No one weaker than me has retreated. I am a member of the Chu family, and there are no cowards in the Chu family!" Chu Tianbei no longer had his usual playful smile at this time. He seemed to be finished. Transformed, his eyes are like sharp bullets, trying to penetrate all enemies.

Too weak, I am too weak now, I want to become stronger, become stronger!

Ever since Chu Tiannan returned to the Chu family, Chu Tianbei had felt the pressure. Although he was the youngest of the four brothers, he was also the weakest. Only the high-ranking Martial God, he finally understood the cruelty of the battlefield.

He originally thought that his high-level martial arts god was already very strong, but today he found out that he was wrong. He was so wrong.

Because of the comfort of the world, his progress has also slowed down, because this time the outbreak of monster beasts made him know that if he can survive this war.

You must improve your strength!

"Kill you!" Chu Tianbei gritted his teeth at this time. The sniper cannon in his hand trembled painfully due to the high heat, but it still kept firing bullets to prevent and kill the attacking monsters.

As long as I am still alive, I will never step foot onto the Great Wall!

This is the sentiment of Chu Tianbei, and probably also the sentiment of more Great Wall guards. After all, behind them are billions of ordinary people.


Seeing the purple-robed young man working so hard, Panshi Martial God secretly sighed in his heart. He saw him forming seals with both hands, and a huge shield perfectly protected the opponent, allowing Chu Tianbei to be fully protected and still achieve the goal at the same time. Perfect shot.

"You're spending a lot of money doing this, and these beasts haven't affected me yet!" Chu Tianbei couldn't help but shouted: "This is a war, not a child's play house!"

"I know!" Hearing this, Panshi smiled honestly, with undoubted meaning in his smile. He looked at the overwhelming group of monster beasts and muttered: "I am the God of Defense. I will not protect you like this. I Who are you protecting?"

Chu Tianbei shuddered when he heard this, and immediately raised the hot sniper cannon, kept loading bullets, and continued designing.

"Don't expect me to thank you."

"Hey hey hey"

"No, there are too many monsters, and our formation has been disrupted!" With the desperate killing of monsters, the defense formation jointly formed by the human army and warriors was opened, and the monsters were seen like ferocious beasts. Like a flood, it began to pour in.

Their goal is the shocking gap in the East Great Wall. According to their leader's instructions, as long as this gap is breached, the entire human defense system will collapse.

"Damn beasts!" The guards on the Great Wall saw the black monsters rushing towards them. Including Chu Tianbei, they all had scarlet eyes. A famous gunner didn't care about anything at this time and took out his weapon. All special skills.

Boom boom boom.

I saw a large number of small missiles automatically scanning and tracking, bombing indiscriminately like a carpet, and combined with the tactical mines on the ground, setting off a large number of gorgeous fireworks.


However, there were too many monsters, and their so-called massive casualties were not worth mentioning at all.


At this moment, the extremely large group of monster beasts suddenly stopped. They all looked at the gap in the Great Wall in astonishment.

A young man in black cloak stands in the sky!

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