Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 366: The Lin Family’s Difficulties

Hualeng Jingzhou Base City Dongwu Hall Headquarters

At this time, on the top floor of the East Martial Arts Hall, there were several powerful figures with auras that could affect the entire world. The man with the sword-browed eyebrows at the head scanned the crowd, his voice was calm and powerful.

"Everyone has heard, right? The Duan family has disappeared! There is a new order from the main martial arts hall to quickly control the Lin family. Are you clear about this joint operation with the northern martial arts hall?"

"Understood, Councilor Shen!"

"Set off!"

In the office on the top floor of the Tobu Hall, a young figure was looking outside the glass wall, looking at the several powerful figures that kept coming out. His eyes, which contained everything, were a little nervous.

I hope what I think is wrong, otherwise, this will be too heavy a blow to mankind.


When the Luoer surpassed the fighter jets and roared over the mountains of Qiongshan, it broke through directly after a wave of ripples and vibrations.

"This is the Lin family world. In a few minutes, we can reach my family." Luo Er's beautiful eyes fell on the plain below. When the fighter planes that did not belong to the Lin family were parked, her eyebrows frowned for a moment.

"Looks like we're a step too late!" Upon seeing this, Chu Tiannan realized that there was no way to delay, and quickly positioned his fighter jets as they roared past.

At the head of the Lin family's house, a large number of strong men from the Lin family gathered here. Each of their faces was filled with anger. Looking at the strong men in front of them, they felt the power of transcending heaven and earth that was even more powerful than their own. He was shocked and angry.

"Why did you break into my Lin family for no reason and hurt the people of my Lin family?"

At this time, Lin Changkong's face was a little pale. It was obvious that after a battle, coupled with the broken scenes around him, he immediately said angrily in a low voice. Like a lion, the speaker's tyrannical aura fluctuated, frightening many powerful members.

"Yes! If your East Martial Arts Hall and Bei Martial Arts Hall don't give you an explanation today, including several of you chairpersons from other districts, we won't be done with this matter!" As Lin Changkong's eldest son, Lin Chao shouted angrily, with the power of transcending heaven and earth in his body Released slowly, no one was allowed to intervene unless ordered by Lin Changkong.

He even wanted to fight to the death with the opponent.

Not only did he force his way into Lin's house, but he also wanted to arrest someone without any reason. I have never seen such a domineering deacon.

"Fifth Speaker, we have no choice but to follow us. Once the matter is found out, we will come to apologize. This is an order from the First Speaker and the Second Speaker, and we dare not disobey it."

Among the strongest people in the world, there are ten Speakers in total. Now, except for the betrayed Fourth Speaker, the Seventh Speaker, the Eighth Speaker, and all the way up to the Tenth Speaker, all act as a team because their strength is compared to the previous Speakers. , it’s too weak to fight alone.

If conditions permit, the first speaker can even instantly kill the tenth speaker.

This is the terror of absolute strength.

"We have done nothing. We are dedicated guardians of the human territory from invasion. Why do you want to arrest my Lin family?" Lin Changkong shouted, the sound wave was like an angry lion, causing several speakers to stand together and release barriers to resist.

If the matter hadn't been so involved, they would have even thought of joining forces to kill Lin Changkong.

After all, in the circle of the strongest human beings, there are naturally some factions, because everyone is not of the same race.

Despite the fact that the Chinese Alliance coexists with the European Union, the Hundred Alliance and the United States Alliance, in fact, the influence of Dongbukan and Beibuguan is the greatest.

"What if I don't go with you?" Lin Changkong's eyes were extremely terrifying, and he had a desperate tendency.

"That's offending!" Seeing this, the Seventh Speaker did not dare to delay at all. Knowing that Lin Changkong was injured, he moved forward directly. This power beyond the world despised everything, so that the children of the Lin family who wanted to stop him were shocked. Had to vomit blood and retreat.

"Ignorant of good and evil!" When the other Speakers saw Lin Changkong being so disrespectful, they were insulted. As Speakers, they were naturally a little embarrassed to get off the stage and immediately flew out.

The power was overwhelming for a moment!

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