Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 38 Buying Secrets

During my stay at Hotel Green.

In addition to practicing sports in the room, Chu Tiannan unexpectedly discovered that martial arts training could also be conducted here.

The equipment is really complete and it is worthy of being a luxury hotel.

Of course there is a small episode.

That was when Luo Ji's father, Luo Meng, returned to the base city. He originally wanted to find Chu Tiannan, but found that no one could be found.

In desperation, he contacted Chu Tiannan through Wang Jinhai.

The latter deliberately didn't answer the phone and replied via message that he was preparing for the warrior examination.

Wang Jinhai naturally understood what was going on, and immediately rejected Luo Meng with a smile. Although the latter was angry, he did not dare to act wild in the Dongwu Hall.

I can only leave angrily.

"I'll leave him alone for a month and let Luo Ji suffer. If I hadn't been strong, I would have ended up in jail this time."

This was Chu Tiannan’s later private phone call with Wang Jinhai.

"Haha, with your strength, the warrior assessment is just a joke. This clearly makes Luo Meng unable to step down. You are so ruthless! I like it!" Wang Jinhai laughed wildly.

As time goes by, one month has passed by in an instant.

Chu Tiannan found that he liked this place more and more.

After all, the accommodation is comfortable, the food is luxurious, the entertainment is convenient, and the training is not delayed.

Chu Tiannan originally wanted to renew, but when he inquired about the price, he immediately gave up the idea.

"Why doesn't he go grab the money for one million a month?" Chu Tiannan murmured and walked out of the hotel, sighing helplessly.

This is the suite that Liu Qing opened for him before, plus the five million apology, the total is six million.

But even so, he did not dare to spend so extravagantly.

After all, the warrior shop had many things that Chu Tiannan needed. The reason why he accepted Liu Qing's apology was to solve an urgent need.

"First go to Dongbu Hall to report for the assessment, and then you can get a house for free. It's a pleasure."

With his plan in mind, Chu Tiannan took a car and left this expensive place.

In the taxi, when Chu Tiannan was bored, he visited the warrior store.

After all, I have five million Earth coins in my pocket, so I am confident!

"Martial Master Chu Tiannan, are you sure you want to purchase the sword skill "Flowing Shadow"?"

"The deduction was successful, and the balance is only 3.99 million Earth coins!"

"Shen Technique" Chu Tiannan glanced at the secret manuals of Shen Technique, but found that there were not many.

After a brief communication with the Devouring System, Chu Tiannan knew that the controller must have precise control of speed, so movement skills were essential.

After rummaging around, Chu Tiannan indeed found a secret book of body movements that was very suitable for him.

But I found out that the price was double that of "Liuying"!

"There is no way, practicing is just burning money." Even though Chu Tiannan felt distressed, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and click to buy!

"It's you!"

"Martial Master Chu Tiannan, you have successfully purchased the movement secret book "Stepping on the Snow". After deducting 2 million earth coins, the balance remains at 1.99 million earth coins."

"D-grade premium recovery agent, purchased ten pieces, successfully deducted, and the balance is 690,000 earth coins."

"This money is really worthless." Chu Tiannan looked at his pitiful balance, his heart bleeding.

The path of a warrior in love is too expensive.

This is just a warrior category store. Chu Tiannan doesn't even have the courage to order a controller category store.

In fact, Chu Tiannan hadn't realized that the combat uniform he was wearing was given to him by Luo Er, so he didn't pay attention to it.

Otherwise, these five million earth coins would not be enough!

As for the cheat information purchased before, it has been accepted through the smart bracelet. After all, it is all information.

In this era, most information rarely appears in books, but is presented through smart device projections.

This is convenient and safe, and can also prevent reselling.

All warriors who purchase cheat books must read the purchase manual beforehand, and one of them is about buying and selling.

Violators will be punished according to the rarity of the product, with a minimum of one million Earth coins!

The maximum death penalty! Execute now!

"I really want to know who created this warrior shop, it's so awesome." Chu Tiannan couldn't help but sigh at this.

The car soon arrived at the Tobu Hall area. Because taxis were not eligible to enter, they had to stop in the parking lot outside the hall.

After getting out of the car, Chu Tiannan simply stretched his body and glanced forward, feeling shocked in his heart.

The huge courtyard covers a large area in Base City, a place where land is at a premium. It is estimated to have several football fields.

And right in front of the gate is a high-rise building with three large characters of "Magnificent" written on it.


Chu Tiannan looked at the behemoth in front of him and murmured.

"Is this Tobu Hall?"

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