
A voice that was both familiar and unfamiliar rang in Li Ruoli's mind again after eighteen years.

This call made the beautiful woman who had rushed out tremble. She slowly turned around and looked at the baby who was less than one year old calling her.

In an instant, Li Ruoli felt that the scene in front of her was changing rapidly, and she returned to reality in the blink of an eye.

But this time, Li Ruoli's beautiful face under her robe slowly raised her head and looked at the young man in front of her in disbelief, with a hint of trance.

"I" Li Ruoli's voice was pleasant to the ear, as soft as the water flowing through the mountains and forests. She looked at the handsome young man in front of her, and for some reason, there was a slight throbbing in her heart.

This is the resonance that comes from blood being thicker than water. Li Ruoli looked at Chu Tiannan, who had just regained consciousness, and said with some confusion: "You are."

Seeing that Li Ruoli's originally purple eyes had regained their brilliance, Chu Tiannan knew that his method of using the soul to awaken the other party's consciousness was successful, and he immediately suppressed the urge to cry and shouted.


This shout brought out Chu Tiannan's loneliness and heart for eighteen years. He originally thought that he had lost his parents, but found his mother. How could Chu Tiannan not be excited?

Hearing the call after eighteen years, and it was the voice she had longed for, Li Ruoli suddenly regained her memory in the next second. She covered her mouth with her small hands, her face full of disbelief, and finally couldn't help but shed tears.

She stretched out her soft, boneless hands and touched the young man's face, her voice trembling.

"Are you Tian Nan?"

"It's me! Mom." Chu Tiannan nodded excitedly. Seeing that his mother still remembered him, there was nothing happier than this.

"It's really you, Tian Nan!" Li Ruoli looked at the young man who was taller and more handsome than herself. She didn't have the strength of a soul master at this moment, so she hugged him directly and refused to let him go.

"I'm sorry, kid. It was your mother's fault that made you suffer."

Recalling the eighteen years that she had been controlled, like a walking zombie, and now being awakened by her own son, Li Ruoli was filled with guilt.

Because in the past eighteen years, she couldn't imagine how the other party came here.

"Mom, everything is over, it's not your fault!" Chu Tiannan shook his head, his voice calm.

He really didn't mean to blame his relatives. After all, the situation at that time was too urgent, and Chu Tiannan also understood in Li Ruoli's memory why he was left behind.

It's not that they were left behind, but that they loved themselves too much, so they protected themselves by being suspected.

How could Chu Tiannan be blamed for this parental love, even after eighteen years?

Now that he has become a human being, filial piety comes first and filial piety is the rule. When his parents brought him into this world, Chu Tiannan only felt grateful and thankful.

"Child, let mom take a good look at you!" Li Ruoli pulled it out, her beautiful eyes constantly looking at the handsome young man in front of her who was somewhat similar to herself, and her heart was filled with pride.

"Well done, I look a lot like your mother, hee hee. I didn't expect you to reach the level of Speaker. It seems you have suffered a lot these years."

"Mom will never leave you again!"

One sentence moved Chu Tiannan to the point of tears. However, this was not the time to reminisce about the past. He was just about to speak when he felt a powerful force carrying the power of heaven and earth. The moment purple light emerged, it locked the mother and son in mid-air.

The giant hammer of purple light slammed down from the sky, trying to shatter the void!

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