Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 448 The golden light in the dawn

"Chairman Shen and Chairman Lei were defeated?"

After people all over the world fell into a brief panic, they began to fall into chaos. Even the millions of strong men in the Martial God Alliance fell into despair.

They naturally know that there is the so-called cosmic level above the Speaker, but even this strongest cosmic level cannot kill such monsters. All the warriors feel heavy in their hearts. They are really desperate now.

"Chaos. Is Master Chaos still there?"

"Who can still contact Lord Chaos?"

Among the higher-ups, some congressmen were even emotionally unstable and frantically asked Chu Tiandong and Chu Tianxi, who were both congressmen.

The two brothers looked at each other and shook their heads slightly. They really didn't know Chu Tiannan's whereabouts. He had not returned to the Chu family in the past five years.


Seeing that Shen Tianwu and Thunder Emperor, who were the greatest threat, both fell into a severe coma, the Monster Emperor let out an excited roar, as if celebrating that there was no longer any opponent for it in the world, and it began to move its body and start to attack each other. Sweep away.

"Don't protect the Speaker!"

"Protect Chairman Shen and Chairman Lei!"

When many members saw that the Monster Emperor was actually trying to devour Shen Tianwu and the Thunder Emperor, Speaker Lin Changkong took the lead, and hundreds of speakers and members rushed madly.

If Shen Tianwu and Thunder Emperor were devoured by the Monster Emperor, then humanity would really be doomed.


Facing ants that were not at the cosmic level, the Monster Emperor couldn't even muster any energy. It just flapped its dark flying wings, and the ultrasonic waves emitted between the wings caused pain to hundreds of powerful figures in the world. Covering his head, he could no longer move forward.

Some people even vomited blood and flew backwards. This kind of sonic attack was beyond the level of what a sixteenth-level bachelor could do.

If they advance one more point, Lin Changkong and the others can only watch their bodies being shattered.

Is there really no room for change in everything?

Lin Changkong seemed to have aged ten years at this time. His hair and temples suddenly became extremely pale. Looking at Shen Tianwu and Thunder Emperor who were about to be swallowed up, he felt extremely resentful in his heart.


Seeing that he was about to devour the body of the strongest person, this delicious taste made the Monster Emperor cheer, and he opened his huge mouth. The powerful adsorption force caused the bodies of Shen Tianwu and Thunder Emperor to slowly float towards him.


Many people did not even dare to look directly at the live broadcast screen, for fear of seeing the tragic death of Shen Tianwu and Lei Di.

On the top floor of the East Martial Arts Hall, Shen Cangsheng's hands were filled with blood, but he didn't know it. His eyes were filled with tears of resentment and his body was trembling.


In order to implement the final human migration plan, Shen Cangsheng was the first person in charge, so he had to stay behind. At this last moment, Shen Cangsheng also became painful.

The one who is about to be sacrificed is his father, the strongest man in mankind!

In South China Base City, Alai, Yang Li, Wu Hao, Zhao Dong, Li Dongjie and others looked at the big screen of the East Martial Arts Hall. Their faces were extremely pale. They knew that mankind might really lose.

"Look, Mom, there is a golden light!" Just as people all over the world were plunged into an atmosphere of sadness, a little girl held the hand of her crying mother and said with a milky voice.

This child's voice made the crowd around them quiet down. They looked at the sky at the dawn, and saw a particularly dazzling golden light.

call out!

The golden light streaked across the sky, its speed even exceeded ten times the speed of sound, it was staggeringly fast, the golden light was so fast that even the Monster Emperor did not react before it arrived.

The Monster Emperor felt the shock from his soul and wanted to avoid it, but found that he couldn't do it.

The golden light fell on the Monster Emperor's head at this moment and exploded.

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