Five days passed quickly. At the junction of the canyon and the ruins, two figures passed quickly. They were like meteors chasing the moon, without a moment's rest.

"We still have about half a day to reach the safe zone." Chu Tiannan said while looking at the scenery of the canyon passing by below, pulling Shasha.

It can be said that I have been on the road for the past five days. After all, Miluan Planet is much larger than the earth, and the gravity here is very strong, so there is a certain resistance to flying. As for the safe zone, as expected, it really appeared in the center of the map. Once The remains of a star god level powerhouse.

"Well, I understand, Brother Chu." Shasha smiled innocently. She was like a happy little angel, always able to give people unexpected warmth.

Chu Tiannan smiled softly when he heard this, and was secretly surprised in his heart.

This girl can't see any cosmic level. There is no cosmic energy fluctuation in her body. Is she an ordinary person?

When he thought of this, Chu Tiannan couldn't help but ask Swallowing Dog. After all, he belonged to the universe's intelligent system life, so he was naturally more knowledgeable than himself in this regard.

However, what shocked Chu Tiannan was that the Devouring Dog actually said with some embarrassment that it didn't know, maybe it had seen it wrong, etc., leaving him speechless.

"Forget it, since you already have her with you, you can't leave her halfway. You should protect her as much as possible."


While Chu Tiannan was flying with Shasha, there were roaring sounds coming from below, like ferocious beasts, and the invisible aura fluctuations were frightening.

At the same time, there were several rather embarrassed figures in the canyon that were running away crazily, and behind them, a large number of dark species were chasing and killing them. They were extremely ferocious, as if they hated humans, and they would bite like crazy if they caught them.

No one left alive.

"Monster?" Chu Tiannan was surprised when he saw this. He did not expect that monsters would participate in the assessment in the Space Knights Alliance.

"Brother Chu, they are so ugly. They look dark and must not taste good." Shasha muttered, holding the dolls and rolling her big eyes, staring at the scene below.

"You girl." Chu Tiannan shook his head and smiled after hearing this. This girl has been hungry for five days, so naturally she wants to eat everything she sees.

"We got the place, Brother Chu will barbecue for you!"

"That's great, hehe." As soon as she heard that there was food, Shasha's watery eyes widened with only the desire to eat.

"Ah! Help!"

"Please, save us!"

The starry sky-level experts who were fleeing frantically below saw Chu Tiannan and both of them sent out distress signals. However, this is an assessment world where you and I are not the same. Chu Tiannan will naturally not have any sympathy for this. , speeding away directly.

As for the people below, under the desperate gaze, they were crazily overwhelmed by a large number of dark monsters, and even the assessment badges they held tightly in their hands were chewed to pieces.

This is the cruelty of the laws of the universe. The weak are destined to become the flesh of the weak.

On the sixth day, on a certain hill in the Star God ruins, clear white smoke drifted out. Chu Tiannan was roasting a snake meat, but this snake was at the eighth level of the Starry Sky Level. He also spent a lot of effort to kill it. It was a hundred feet long, but now it could only be put on the grill miserably.

"Come here and have a taste!" It seemed that it was almost done. Chu Tiannan used the Yantian Sword to cut off a piece of snake meat, tasted it, and then cut another piece and handed it to Shasha.

"Big Snake, you wanted to eat us first, so don't blame me for eating you." Shasha muttered and ate while holding the snake meat while Chu Tiannan watched dumbfounded.

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