Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 655: Furious Luo Tianzheng

In one of the big spaceships at the Douhuang Star viewing site, Lot was still drinking and not talking.

Just now, Xian'er, Xian Yue and Liu Ben were all arrested because of Luo Zhongtian's betrayal. What made Luo Te most angry was that Luo Zhongtian, as the eldest prince of the Galaxy Kingdom, actually wanted to get out of the sea. During the election campaign, now I have to be someone's follower, or to put it worse, a lackey. Isn't this infuriating?

Even the young princes from other countries who were sitting around Lot and who had good relations with each other sighed slightly when they saw this scene.


In the royal family of the Galaxy Kingdom, a powerful and tyrannical force was seen that devastated the palace. The red-robed man Luo Tianzheng was furious. When he got the first line of the eldest prince to qualify for the audition, he finally couldn't help but please the hostile Yuling Kingdom. How ironic!

"Your Majesty, please calm down. The eldest prince is also considering the overall situation!" Some generals who were also Star Gods came out, and they all put in good words for Luo Zhongtian.

"After all, our galactic country doesn't have many geniuses now. The eldest prince just doesn't want our feudal country to look too ugly."

After all, everyone here understands that as a cosmic country with a title, you can usually enter the qualification competition for the first time. The audition is just like playing. But now the Galaxy Kingdom has lost its original glory, so even the audition Whether anyone can qualify for the tournament is a question.

"I would rather fail in the audition than see our people licking other people's feet!" Luo Tianzheng seemed to be able to see the sneer from the Emperor of Yuling Kingdom at this moment. Thinking of this made him furious. !

"Pass my order. When the audition is over, if this Luo Zhongtian fails, he will be deposed as the eldest prince and heir apparent. Along with his clan, he will be sent to the border areas and will never come back!"

"His Majesty."

"My words are not going to work, are they?" Faced with Luo Tianzheng's roar, the generals who were also at the Star God level were frightened one by one, so they directly agreed. However, the expressions of the three generals who had said good things before suddenly changed and they hurriedly knelt down. Fu shouted: "Your Majesty, please spare my life!"

"Spare your life? If I don't kill you, I will be sparing your life. Take it with you!" Luo Tianzheng waved his sleeves and disappeared, leaving three generals who were from the same clan as Luo Zhongtian and kowtowed frantically, but to no avail.

Fighting Emperor Star Watching Planet

The Blue King was holding a glass of fine wine and shaking it with the help of the light. He smiled lightly at Lot and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect your people to be so weak this time. It seems that we, the Feather Spirit Kingdom, are in the lead again."

"That is, this galactic country is too weak, and it has reached the point of relying on others to protect itself."

"Don't talk nonsense, no matter what people say, it is a cosmic kingdom with noble titles, but it is much higher than our high-level kingdoms, and we can't reach it."

Lot turned a blind eye to the sarcastic comments. He stared at the screen, praying for a miracle in his heart. His best princes from neighboring countries also secretly comforted him. After all, in their eyes, the knights were At the end of the day, the galactic kingdom is much stronger than the advanced kingdoms and so on.

This is not the qualifying rate of geniuses, but the number of strong ones. After all, no matter how talented a genius is, facing a star god level powerhouse, they will be wiped out in a flash. There are more than fifteen galaxy level powerhouses in the Galaxy Kingdom.

This is the true strength of a powerful country!

"King Blue, it seems that your Feather Spirit Kingdom is stable, right?" Just as someone else was flatteringly praising him, a golden light flashed on the screen, and Lan Yu, who was still standing firmly, appeared in full view of King Lan, Lott and others. under.

Falling down suddenly, the virtual body immediately shattered, proving that Lan Yu had died in the virtual world.

Death means elimination!

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