Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 711 Top five on the list

"Stop being so pretentious and tell me quickly, I'm almost dying of curiosity!" The man glared and said quickly.

I saw the armored man pointing at the young man in black cloak standing in the sky in the picture, and said in surprise: "This kid comes from a feudal universe country. That country, I seem to have punished him before, is from the Galaxy Kingdom."

"Galaxy Country?" Hearing this, the reckless man was also confused, because he knew that his friend's strongest country was only those countries. This Galaxy Country had never been mentioned by him before, so he couldn't help but ask: "Dark Horse?"

"And a very dark dark horse!" Hearing this, this armored man with a high status in the universe smiled bitterly and said: "The previous Galaxy Kingdom was also considered a feudal kingdom, but in recent years, I was demoted due to my unsatisfactory performance, and now a genius has emerged. It’s really surprising.”

The armored man pondered for a few seconds, then saw it stand up, and the man beside him said: "I want to go back to reality, I want to go to the Kingdom of God myself!"

With that said, he disappeared directly from his original seat. Even though everyone's thrones were ten feet high and ten feet wide, it was still difficult to spot one person missing among the tens of thousands of figures.

"It is indeed the golden age in history. Super geniuses can emerge from even the feudal-level cosmic countries. It seems that I have to pay close attention to it." While tasting the wine, the man began to widen his eyes and began to stare carefully. Looking inside the war zone of his own country, he was afraid of missing any detail.

Dragon King Star City is known as the area where the strongest geniuses of the Tiandou Universe Kingdom gather. Here, only the strong have the real right to speak, while the weak can only linger on, not daring to make any move at all.

However, in the very center of Dragon King Star City, this place was originally the most prosperous technological field, but in the end it was inexplicably changed into a temporary arena. The arena has a radius of hundreds of miles, which is enough to be used as a battle territory.

The makeshift arena was surrounded by young corpses. Some of their faces were filled with fear, some were unwilling, and some were full of doubts. It could be said that they had various expressions of death.

And right in the center of the arena, there are four figures standing with their hands behind their backs. Their foreheads all have flickering marks. However, they are only two-corner patterns, but the aura fluctuations they release are enough to make people irresistible, because These people are all the top five super beings on the hundred list.


And just in front of the four young men and women standing with their hands behind their hands, a calm and handsome figure was sitting cross-legged and meditating. His long black hair was swaying in the wind, and a faint silver light continued to slowly fluctuate and release from around the young man's body, as if he was receiving Soldiers in review, waiting for the general's orders.

The handsome young man was spotless, especially the silver uniform on his body. It seemed that this man had a history of mysophobia. Even though the surroundings became muddy, only the ring was spotless. From time to time, there were strong and sharp auras that fluctuated like autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, sweeping him away. Clean up.

The face of the handsome young man, who could charm countless girls to death, was as still as water, as if there were no emotions in this world that could make him ripple. There was also a sign placed at the entrance of the ring, it reads.

If you want military merit, as long as you resist three shots, you can unconditionally advance to the top 10,000.

This sentence is written on the sign. No wonder there are corpses all around. It turns out that those people are geniuses who are out of the ordinary. Knowing that the time is coming, they want to challenge. If they win, they will qualify. If they lose, of course they will get nothing.

This is very similar to a gambling war!


The aperture slowly fell on the handsome young man's body. The closed eyes slowly opened at this moment, looking into the distance, and said with a faint smile: "It seems that someone is coming."

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