Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 851 Stormwind City 3

"It turns out that this is Stormwind City. This storm is really strong enough. It is estimated that you must be at least a genius at the third level of the law to avoid being injured."

The young man in black looked at the silver storm in front of him like a savage beast, and as he was born with a strong soul and will, he could naturally feel that the so-called storm in the silver storm was not what the geniuses saw. So simple.

Hiss sssssssssssssssssss

It turns out that the so-called wind in those silver storms is not the strong wind seen by the naked eye, but the illusion of wind caused by the high-speed rotation of a silver light blade. In the storm that everyone broke into, the silver light blade rotated at the speed of light, so It's impossible to see its true face in Mount Lu, so everyone always thought that this fierce storm power was just the power of wind.

"I see, it seems that this storm is not going to be easy, with so many people watching?" The young man in black is none other than Chu Tiannan, who has been rushing here in the past few days. When he looked at Stormwind City, he looked back He looked at the crowd behind him and was really shocked.

There are very few people standing on the edge of the storm at this moment, and more decadent geniuses are sitting helplessly on the mountainside behind. Many of us have chosen to give up. They may have real geniuses. , but they couldn’t reach the standard in terms of strength, so they couldn’t enter Stormwind City at all.

Many geniuses also secretly sneered at Chu Tiannan. After all, the latter was new here. They all wanted to see if this anxious guy could break through into Stormwind City.

"Do you think this guy can enter Stormwind City by falling from the sky regardless of the consumption of cosmic energy?"

"Who among the confident people would bother like this? He must be a waste!"

"Don't worry, we have peanuts, beer, water and drinks here, take your time and take a look!"

Many people were whispering. It was not so much that no one was optimistic about Chu Tiannan, but that no one was optimistic about him. After all, everyone had experienced the power of this silver storm. Otherwise, otherwise He won't sit outside in despair and wait to die.

"There is still one day left, don't rush!" Chu Tiannan looked at the bracelet, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and sat directly on the ground to meditate. A faint realm of chaos slowly rose around him to protect his own safety and at the same time be alert to the surroundings. After all, everyone They are all geniuses, and they are also opponents. If they are not protected, there will be sneak attacks.

Previously, because of his crazy rush, he consumed too much of his cosmic energy. Fortunately, he already had the strength of a quasi-fourth-order law. Otherwise, he would not be able to bear the consumption rate at a geometric multiple.

"Look, this guy was so scared that he just sat on the ground without even trying, and he was still so close. How eager he is. This scene is so comfortable."

"Haha, I told him he was a loser, but no one believed him. It's shameless for such a guy to sit down in such a conspicuous place."

"Not necessarily. What if someone wants to recover and try again because of excessive consumption, and then humiliate themselves?"

"Ha ha."

Faced with a lot of cynicism, Chu Tiannan simply chose to ignore it. Now he only needed to steadily restore the cosmic energy in his body to its peak, and there was no need to strengthen anything else.


Just as Chu Tiannan resumed his practice, he saw three red figures cutting through the sky. Like raging fire, they rushed into the silver storm without any hindrance, and immediately unfolded in front of everyone's eyes. With his super breakthrough power, he had already broken through more than half in the blink of an eye.

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