Stormwind City, as the most powerful teleportation point city in the Eastern Blue Continent, is large enough to accommodate millions of geniuses. However, due to the rigid regulations of the Virtual World Group, it can only allow 250,000 geniuses. Genius moves in.

To put it bluntly, from the moment the genius war in Dongcang Continent started, it has been shown that this continent has 250 million geniuses, and only 200,000 geniuses are allowed to finally pass the first stage. Such an elimination rate is a bit... too big.

Although Stormwind City can only allow 250,000 geniuses to enter Stormwind City and participate in the second stage of the Genius Station, the vast majority of geniuses still fight for their scalps to break into this place, but they may have the intention, but they are powerless.

Because not everyone can enter Stormwind City casually, and it does not mean that whoever comes to the Stormwind City territory first can enter Stormwind City first, because outside Stormwind City, there is a storm formed by a rotating light blade at the speed of light, and this storm The field is set by the Virtual World Group.

This storm is not intended to block, but to screen. The meaning of this screening is to successfully invite geniuses who have a chance of becoming truly powerful to enter Stormwind City. This does not depend on the level of strength, but on the level of strength. Talent is strong or weak.

It doesn't mean that just being strong in the early stage means he will definitely be able to be admitted to Stormwind City. Even if he is a second-level master of the law, his talent is strong enough. He may need a lot of time to practice in the future, but he will eventually become a strong one. or's.

But if it is a person with average talent, even if he has cultivated to the fourth level of the law through strong methods, he may be very strong, but his talent has reached its peak, which proves that this genius may be at the fourth level in this life. Such a genius is a waste resources, so he will not be admitted to Stormwind City.

Therefore, outside of Stormwind City, there are tens of millions of remaining geniuses who have not been eliminated. They want to enter the city, but there is no chance at all. Their talent competition this year is destined to be matched by green leaves.

Stormwind City is now firmly protected by the silver storm. In front of the empty city gate, there will be no talented young people guarding the city like in Donglong City to collect rough stones as bridge tolls.

There is no city lord in Stormwind City. Just kidding. The most elite 250,000 geniuses in the Eastern Blue Continent are gathered here. It can be said that they are all very arrogant. Who can conquer whom? If someone dares to dominate here, unless it is absolute strength, otherwise it will be... It's just humiliating yourself.

Even though the gate of Stormwind City was empty, there was a graceful figure in blue meditating quietly. The faint aqua blue ripples rippled like ripples on the lake surface, making the girl look as beautiful as a water fairy.

"This girl has been sitting here since a few days ago, and she is practicing unscrupulously in front of the city gate? Is she seeking death?"

"Looking for death? Are you kidding me, brother? Are you new here?"

"Yeah, how do you know? Which universe country are you from? Just call you big brother and I can protect you!"

"Forget it, you'd better protect yourself. Even the Queen of the Ocean doesn't know about it. It's really pitiful."

At this moment, the smart girl who was meditating on the spot suddenly opened her beautiful and smart eyes. She looked forward, and the faint water ripples converged back into her body. A faint but powerful pressure filled the air, scaring the people behind her. The people watching hurried away.

At that time, a handsome young man in black stood on the opposite side of the city gate in astonishment, looking at the smart girl with beautiful eyes looking at him, and said in surprise.

"Xian'er? Why are you here?"

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