
This is the sound of the Thousand Chance Umbrella whizzing past the wind!

"Andrena!" Luo Meng roared when he saw the situation. He didn't expect that at this most critical moment.

How could the Fire Dragon Team come with support in such a short time!

And the one who comes is the strongest!

Luo Meng instantly switched from offense to defense, with a pair of strong finger-tiger crosses in front of him, because in the narrow corridor.

It's too late to dodge!


The Thousand Planes Umbrella struck without any delay and hit the passively defensive Luo Meng, who immediately flew backwards.

Finally, it fell hard to the ground, making a dull sound.

"It's so cruel..." Chu Tiannan couldn't help but feel his throat twitch slightly when he saw An Liena beating Luo so hard that there was no suspense!

As expected of possessing the strength of a quasi-war god, even Luo Meng, who was as fierce as a tiger, was in front of Andrena.

They are not the same enemy!

At this time, Luo Meng stood up with clenched gums. He felt that his arms were about to fall apart. His eyes fell on Chu Tiannan, and his fierce light flickered.

"Andrena, you are an invincible martial artist, how can you bully me?" Luo Meng's eyes immediately fell on Andrena, a flash of fear flashed across his face, and he roared angrily.

"If you have the ability, go to our captain!"

Hearing this, Andrena held the Thousand Chances Umbrella, as if she were an unshakable god. Her beautiful eyes were indifferent, she pointed at the umbrella, and her voice was extremely cold.

"Who gave you the courage to call me by my name?"

As he said this, An Liena transformed into an afterimage. The speed was staggering, and she arrived in front of Luo Meng in an instant.

The Thousand Planes Umbrella thrust out a long thrust, and even the surrounding space was controlled by this thrust, and the violent cyclone was extremely cold.

"You!" Luo Meng was shocked. He didn't have the courage to confront the Quasi-Martial God head-on, so he dodged aside in embarrassment.

And where he was before, a frightening deep pit had appeared.

"How will you hide the second time?" Andrena shot the target in the air, her beautiful eyes were extremely cold, and she didn't care at all about the rules prohibiting fighting in the supply station.

As soon as he set off, he blasted away with great speed.

"No, no." Luo Meng could clearly feel Andrea's murderous intent. He was completely panicked at this moment, and his body had retreated to the point where he could no longer retreat.

If a quasi-war god wanted to kill him, it couldn't be easier!

At this time, Luo Meng felt extremely regretful. He did not expect that An Liena would care so much about Chu Tiannan. Instead of venting his previous grievances, Luo Meng did not expect her.

Instead, he provoked such a great god. It was obvious that the other party was not going to let him go.

It's really a loss of soldiers and a wife.

"Die!" The sharp spear tip of the Thousand Chance Umbrella pierced the air, and the explosive cyclone shredded all the picture frames on the wall. Andrea showed no mercy at all.

Chang Umbrella pierced Luo Meng's body before his eyes.


At this critical moment, the sound of metal collision came, and the explosive cyclone and the biting wind and waves were entangled at the same time.

Eventually they annihilated each other.

Sheathing the gun, Andrea knew who it was without even looking, and immediately turned around and left.

"Andrena" at that time, a man in white who arrived in time called out. At the same time, he took back the weapon that saved Luo Meng and said with a smile.

"What kind of anger is this? Why do you want to kill my team members for no reason?"

Even though the man in white was laughing, his laughter was quite calm.

Hearing this, An Liena ignored the other party and walked directly to Chu Tiannan and asked.

"Are you hurt?"

Chu Tiannan shook his head slightly, and just as he was about to speak, he was pulled away by Alena, whose voice was extremely dull.

"Robert saved him today. If this Luo Meng gets a chance, I will help you kill him!"

Having said that, Andrea paused, turned around and glanced at the burly man who was full of gloomy ashen hair, and sneered.

"This is what I, Andrea, said, and it's absolutely true!"

After saying that, regardless of Luo Meng's expression suddenly turning ugly, he pulled Chu Tiannan into the room.

"Captain, we can't just let them go." Luo Meng trembled when he heard the death threat and said urgently.

"Shut up, have you caused a small amount of trouble?" Robert scolded, and Luo Meng suddenly didn't dare to say anything.

If Luo Meng was afraid of the one in the Mad Tiger Team, it was the captain who was younger than him.

Robert is a talented warrior who is also a quasi-war god!

It's just that he is different from Andrea, the former only takes the path of a strength warrior.

"We're leaving today. You've already been missed. Don't cause any more trouble before I break through!" Robert looked calm, took a deep look at the room where Alena was, and said in a deep voice.

Back in the room, Chu Tiannan said nothing. Looking at the fiery girl who was silent on the side, he was suddenly moved.

"Boss, thank you!"

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