Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3695: Temper tactics

"Excessive?" The silver armored woman sneered disdainfully, "What can you do if this emperor is too much? Have the ability to kill this emperor? Come on!"

The old immortal emperor was almost furious. He is also a strong immortal emperor, although he is not the strongest batch in the Eastern Region, he is not weak, okay?

Now it was so provoked by a woman, it was totally unreasonable.

Just when he was going to desperately to tear his face and start his hands, suddenly he saw the silver armored woman take out something.

Although the thing only disappeared in a flash, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Not only him, but the other powerful immortal emperors, their pupils have shrunk to the tips of needles, and their complexions have changed dramatically.

For a while, the atmosphere here became dull, and the silver armored woman didn't say much.

Secret territory.

Not long after Wang Fan left, the three monks stopped in front of him with a swish.

The three monks glanced at Wang Fan, their eyes suddenly brightened.

"Wang Fan, you finally showed up. Killing my Ning family, you still dared to show up, go--"

One of them stared at Wang Fan and laughed, his eyes full of crazy killing intent.

However, he didn't finish his words at all. Wang Fan had already flashed his figure and quickly killed him.

The cultivation bases of these three people are on the fourth floor of the Immortal Venerable, and there is no threat to Wang Fan at all.

He didn't even bother to use the Primordial Excalibur, and even disdain to use the Heavenly Slash.

Such an opponent is suitable to temper his refining tactics, and he will naturally not give up.

Wang Fan did not use the immortal essence, his physical strength surged wildly, and his body exuded a ray of light golden light.

In an instant, he rushed in front of the three of them, **** like a dragon, and slammed into one of them in the chest.

Pure physical power!

The monk's complexion changed drastically, the immortal essence in his body surged instantly, his hands formed into palms, and he pushed forward.


The fists collided, making a popping sound.

In the next second, with a click, one of the man's hand bones was broken, and the whole person flew out.

Wang Fan didn't give him a chance to breathe. His body was like electricity, he immediately caught up, his right leg swept out, and his toes slammed into the opponent's throat.


With a sound, the monk's throat was penetrated and he fell directly to the ground, completely losing his breath.

The other two monks were a little dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Is this the battle of the strong immortal?

How can it be like a child's play?

Also, that companion who was comparable in strength to them just died like this?


Wang Fan didn't care about them. Instead, he roared and killed them directly.

He still didn't use Xian Yuan, just urging his physical strength, and at the same time, every move and every style was a big deal.

When the two monks saw Wang Fan killing, they didn't dare to be careless, they roared, their bodies surged, and they rushed to kill them.

The surging Immortal Yuan was surging, one of them slammed into Wang Fan's chest with an iron fist, while the other slashed at Wang Fan's head with a long sword in his hand.

As Wang Fan felt this scene, his pupils couldn't help shrinking.

He didn't care about the fist that hit his chest, but his head shifted. While avoiding the long knife, he swept his right leg toward the opponent.

You know, Wang Fan's doing this is very dangerous.

If he doesn't use Xian Yuan, he will be greatly reduced whether it is speed or momentum.

But he had no choice, he wanted to temper his flesh, and he wanted to practice divine art.

If you use Xianyuan, it is meaningless.

Bang bang!

With two violent noises, Wang Fan kicked the man in the chest, and the man was directly shot out, and his defense began to vibrate.

At the same time, the other person's fist had already settled firmly on Wang Fan's chest.

Wang Fan was numbed by the shock of the fist and began to back down continuously.

He stepped back several tens of meters to stabilize his figure, and a long trace appeared on the ground on the sole of his foot.

However, Wang Fan was very excited.

Because he discovered that his bones hadn't been cracked.

Not only that, but with that punch on the body, his physical body seemed to be a little stronger.

"Come again!"

Feeling this scene, Wang Fan was very excited, and then quickly killed the monk who hit him.

Bang bang bang!

Wang Fan frantically operated the refining tactics, blasting out dozens of punches in a row.

Rao was the cultivator who reacted extremely quickly, and he was still hit by Wang Fan.

At a certain moment, with a clicking sound, his heart was exploded and was directly shattered by force.

Another four-story immortal, falling!

Finally, the monk looked at this scene, his face finally changed.

Did not use Xian Yuan, did not use weapons, did not even use martial arts, how can it be so strong? Is that human being?

You know, even a body-refining cultivator in the same realm would definitely not be so powerful!

Body-refining cultivators, of course their physical bodies are powerful, but compared with non-body-refining cultivators in the same realm, the gap is still very large.

After all, non-physical cultivators can mobilize immortal auras, perform martial arts, and use magic weapons. This blessing is great.

But now, Wang Fan has subverted their cognition.


When he was desperate, there was a loud bang, and Wang Fan had already stepped on the ground and rushed in front of him, his right leg was like a whip, and he slammed over.

His face changed drastically, and he began to dodge frantically, but he, who was already fearful in his heart, was not Wang Fan's opponent at all.

After just dodge a few times, he was hit by Wang Fan and fell completely.

Three Ning Family's Immortal Venerables on the fourth floor died in Wang Fan's hands.

It can be described as extremely aggrieved.

"God refining technique is really powerful! If I cultivate the divine refining technique to great success, I am afraid that it would be difficult for ordinary cultivators to hurt me, right?"

"Cooperate with the Xian Yuan in my body and various methods, when the time comes, in the same realm, oh no, under the Emperor Xian, how many people are my opponents?"

Wang Fan's heart was surging, and his arrogance was dry.

It's just that, soon his face has changed.

"Wang Fan is over there!"

"Asshole, dare to kill my Ning family, today is your death date."

Listening to these voices, Wang Fan looked at the distance again, and saw more than twenty monks madly slaying towards this side.

Watching this scene, Wang Fan's face turned green.

He shook his right hand, the Primordial Divine Sword appeared in his hand, and then shouted angrily, "A bunch of waste, have the ability to single out!"


The cultivators behind all laughed angrily, without talking nonsense, they killed them like crazy.

They were too lazy to fight Wang Fan alone.

Seeing that these people didn't mean to stand alone, Wang Fan turned his head and ran away.

However, while he was running, he was observing the opponent's strength.

Eleven immortal statues on the fourth floor, eight immortal statues on the fifth floor, and five immortal statues on the sixth floor.

This strength seems a bit strong.

If he didn't use Xianyuan and the Primordial Sword, he would really be no match.

If it had been a month ago, Wang Fan would definitely kill them without hesitation and directly use his hole cards to kill these people.

But now, he didn't want to do that, he wanted to temper his own magic skills.

This is an opportunity!

Wang Fan deliberately slowed down and gave those people hope that they could catch up with him.

In his mind, he was calculating the distance and the timing of his shot.

"The barbarians from the savage land are so bold to kill my ancient family! If you have the ability, stop!"

A monk cursed, but as soon as his voice fell, the toes of Wang Fan in front of him suddenly hit a huge boulder.


The boulder burst in an instant, and then Wang Fan rushed in front of him like a cannonball.

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