Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3746: Look down on you

Wang Fan was slaughtering wildly outside, and fierce fighting was also going on in Wu Palace.

The eight immortal emperors of Wugong are fighting the ten immortal emperors of the five forces.

At the same time, dozens of Immortal Venerable Peaks are also engaged in crazy battles.

Originally, Wu Palace had nine immortal emperors, which was also the foundation of Wu Palace's foothold in the Eastern Region.

However, after Nangong Dai brought the five immortal emperors into Guishan, there were only four immortal emperors left in Wu Palace.

Ten immortal emperors sent by the five major forces can be described as full of confidence.

In their view, ten to four, there is no suspense at all.

As for the cultivator at the peak of the Immortal Venerable, the five powers are even more numerous than the Wugong, and they are naturally fearless.

The fact is as they expected, the ten great immortal emperors shot at the same time and fought against the four immortal emperors of Wugong.

In a short time, one immortal emperor was killed, and only three immortal emperors were still struggling to support it.

If it weren't for the great strength of Wu Gongren, the master of Wu Gong, he would have dragged the four immortal emperors with one person.

In addition, the other two people saw the death of the immortal emperor on their side, and they were not afraid of death, and they put on a desperate posture, making the ten great immortal emperors fearful.

I am afraid that the three immortal emperors of Wu Gong have already fallen.

However, no one thought that in this case, Nangong Dai returned with the other four people.

The return of the five Nangong Dai people immediately gave Wu Gong hope and put great pressure on the Ten Great Immortal Emperors.

Although ten to eight, they still had the advantage, but it was somewhat impossible to destroy the martial arts palace.

What's more, the five powers are not completely united, nor do they have the mentality of being undaunted by death.

Therefore, facing the madness of the Eight Immortal Emperors of Wugong, they also increased their pressure, and even under the fear of the head and tail, there were still two immortal emperors who were hit hard.

"You beasts, you should join forces to attack my martial arts palace. Is my martial arts palace really bullying? Today, even if you die, my martial arts palace will leave you behind."

"My people in the martial arts palace are not afraid of death, even if the whole army is annihilated and the martial arts palace is destroyed, you will be left behind as bastards."

The Master of the Martial Palace, Wu Madman, laughed madly, and Xian Yuan ran wildly inside his body, and his fists blasted out sonic booms in mid-air, fighting against three immortal emperors of the same order.

Although one-on-three, and Wu Madman looked quite embarrassed, but he did not fall into a disadvantage.

Not only did he not fall under the wind, but he also defeated the three of them.

People in the martial arts palace are all lunatics, this is not empty talk.

These people are really crazy!

Dai Nangong also fought two immortal emperors of the same rank. Although there were already wounds on her body and dripping with blood, she also grinned and said,

"A group of old people who have lived for so many years are so afraid of a younger generation."

"It is enough to send countless immortal monks to besieged and killed, and the immortal emperor's action is really shameful. My martial arts palace is as famous as these miscellaneous hairs, it is simply an insult to my martial arts palace,"

Nangong Dai's long sword tore a terrifying sword light, as if she had emptied the sword power of the surrounding heaven and earth sword, and it was also a powerful force that shook the sky.

"Haha, what is there to talk about with these dogs. My martial arts palace must not be deceived. If you dare to violate my martial arts palace, you must make them pay the price."

The other Immortal Emperor Wu Gong laughed too. Although some people had already created the audience, they didn't care at all and were still fighting back desperately.

The momentum is like a rainbow.

The immortal emperors of the five major forces were all suffocated, and they were suffocated to the extreme.

They didn't even think that things would develop to this point.

"Everyone, things have developed so far. If we don't unite and work hard, I'm afraid the whole army will be wiped out."

"Furthermore, for today's matter, we have also made a complete feud with Wu Gong. If Wu Gong is not destroyed, we will have big troubles in the future."

The ancient family immortal emperor had a sullen face, and said to other people while fighting against Martial Madman.

The faces of the other nine immortal emperors were also very gloomy.

The immortal emperors of the three families of Gu Huangning were better, after all, they had long been dead enemies with Wang Fan, and they were also the main force this time.

But San Xiumen and Tiansha Sect were a little depressed and aggrieved.

Knowing this a long time ago, they would never be deceived to commit a crime against Wugong.

"Assholes, you really hurt you."

An immortal emperor of the Sanxiu Clan was cursing, and he could only put on a desperate posture.

At this moment, with a swish, a stream of light rushed from the outside, and in the next second, it rushed to the battlefield of the peak of the Immortal Venerable.

"Farmer Wu Gongxianzun all retreat, leave these miscellaneous hairs to me."

Along with a roar, before everyone could react, a fiery red divine sword fell from the sky. In an instant, the body of one of the immortal emperors who had been slashed exploded and was severely injured.

This sudden scene made both sides very confused.

But soon, those immortal monks in Wu Gong had already recovered.


One of them shouted angrily, immediately gave up his opponent and began to retreat.

The other cultivators of Wu Gongxianzun all followed suit.

Those Immortal Venerables of the five major forces were all angry.

"Where's the hairy boy, looking for death!"

"On the fifth floor of Immortal Venerable, I dare to speak so boldly and kill!"

"The deity knows him, he is Wang Fan!"

An angry voice came from the mouths of those immortals, and in the next moment, almost all the cultivators of the immortals slew towards Wang Fan.

These Immortal Venerables are no better than the Immortal Venerables outside, and most of them are the ninth-floor peak powers of the Immortal Venerable.

So many people came to kill Wang Fan together, even if it was Wang Fan, his scalp numb.

The corner of Murongxian's mouth couldn't help but twitched, secretly cursing that this kid deserved it, without the strength, even dared to be so rampant.

But at this time, Wang Fan left without saying a word.

"Trash, fortunately, you are all the ninth-floor peak geniuses of Xianzun. You actually beat me on the fifth-floor of Xianzun. I look down on you.

"Come on, come and kill me if there is a kind, I want to see if you can kill me."

Wang Fan was extremely arrogant, extremely arrogant, and at the same time he spoke, people had already left.

What's a joke? How could he ever fight against the peak of dozens of immortals.

The reason why he shouted so loudly is because he wanted to distinguish the enemy from us, for fear of killing one's own people by mistake.

After all, it hasn't been long since he came to Wugong, and he didn't know many Wugong children at all.

Everyone was stunned when Wang Fan ran.

Before, he was bullish and arrogant, and a sword severely injured Wang Fan, who was at the pinnacle of the Immortal Venerable, so he ran away like this?

If you agree to go together, and if you agree to fight with dozens of Immortal Venerable Peaks alone?

But soon, those immortal monks recovered.

They didn't hesitate, one by one, they rose into the air, and they all killed Wang Fan.

Speaking of it, the reason for this incident is because of Wang Fan.

Now that Wang Fan, the righteous master, appeared, they were naturally going to kill Wang Fan.

When Wang Fan saw this scene, his scalp was numb, and he quickly roared, "Senior brothers and sisters, don't watch them all, hurry up and help me stop some."

Those monks looked black: "······"

On the battlefield of Emperor Immortal, Madman Wu, Nangong Dai and others were also a little dazed.

At this moment, the two immortal emperors who were severely injured suddenly retreated, away from the battlefield, and said in unison, "You continue, this emperor will kill Wang Fan."

After all, Yukong left.

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